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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. Witheredscrote


    Actually when you think about it Wales does have more than its fair share of dopey cunts. Griff-Rhys Jones for starters
  2. I spent a weekend there a few years back, and I didn't laugh once.
  3. Thanks for the advice. I wouldn't take any notice what this Frank thing calls you. I have had 4 messages already advising me to ignore him as he is a fantasist and grade one cunt. Sorry but I don't need any of your ordinary heather that has been dried and bleached white.
  4. Shining wit?. I have been following this Bill character, but he seems more of a whining shit. I can't say that I am impressed. Top dog, the bar must be very low.
  5. Witheredscrote


    I notice you say fuck off quite a lot, a bit too much in fact. Did you have a poor education, or have you learning difficulties
  6. Please let me 'nip in the bud' your over familiarity. I do not appreciate you calling me Bedbuggers. To put you straight, I have never buggered anybody or anything in my life. The one thing that has drawn me to this site is that there seems to be little sexual deviancy. Even the Welsh members refrain from speaking about sheep shagging.
  7. I now see that I have posted this on the wrong forum. Does one get any credit for being a truly stupid cunt on here.
  8. Yesterday I had to endure 4 hours of shopping in a shitty shopping precinct. Whilst my partner looked around endless outlets I spent my time sitting outside on various benches surrounded by chewing gum blobs and dried phlegm. I spent this time wisely, counting people with tattoos, body piercings, shit blingy jewellery, and foul mouths, as they meandered by in their knuckle dragging fashion. I am now absolutely sure that the majority of people in the U.K are low life cunts. I want to emigrate, and Beirut looks tempting.
  9. Witheredscrote


    Thank you for the compliment, but I have no desire to fit in with anybody or anything on here. Fuck off.
  10. Witheredscrote


    As someone new to this forum, I hope you won't think me presumptuous when I say that after months of viewing as a guest I felt obliged to become a member purely to tell you what a boring turd you are.
  11. Up your game Bubba and fuck this boring cunt off. 258 posts of complete shite to date. His only achievement so far is to have bored Lady P. to death, and she used to think Ding funny.
  12. You are Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and I demand my 20€ Michael Winner was a cunt
  13. You've got no family have you. This is just pure envy. A picture of a Dickens novel, a street urchin clutching a dry crust tore from a gooses beak, peaking in a window at Mrs Gobbler carving off another slice of beef. That's you that is.
  14. and there is no better, or greater bore than you.
  15. Welsh girls marry Pakistanis to better themselves
  16. How is it possible to cheapen something that is worthless.
  17. I don't think this applies to us Punkers. Coutts don't really need to teach Her Majesty , you or me life skills, do they. Bubba banks with the Post Office.
  18. An excellent nom, the best in a very tedious week. Well done Ape
  19. If you ever gave them refuge they would wish they were dead.
  20. 4 posts and no mention of a hammer. You are getting better
  21. True Bubba, but at least we know where Bill's stupidity comes from now.
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