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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. Ding, I have always tried to like you but you make it difficult. Look at this shit nom, boring as fuck to be truthful. Why not put up a photo of your wife, without dentures, gamming the milkman with you clutching your todger in the background ? I can guarantee you lots of 'likes' and everybody on here will be your friend. Yes even Dexs !.
  2. Witheredscrote


    Was Harry Carpenter your dad ? Fuck off you boring cunt.
  3. Turncoat , snide, two faced cunt of magnitude. You are ripe for grassing. R.I.P. Detritus
  4. Christ Wiz, you're pathetic, kill yourself. You're the thickest cunt ever on CC, bark stripper for you. Drinking a litre of bleach should stop you gloating, you up yourself, yank tosspot. R.I.P Detritus
  5. Working mans club in Wales Edders. Surely you jest. There are none left, nobody works there anymore. Bibble's club was demolished 10 years ago and the resulting rubble was used to make a car park at the Welsh Assembly building. Poor old Bibble used the old rafters and scraps of roofing felt to make a hovel for his family, his fat missus pedalling away on a cycle generator to power his laptop.
  6. I am glad I went to bed early last night and missed this rambling shite. The last 17 posts are boring bollocks by 3 pissed up cunts whose wive's had the common sense to say ' not tonight'. Up your game you sloppy turds or fuck off. Disgraceful
  7. Witheredscrote


    It will be Brucie next with any luck.
  8. My daughter was down at Hastings seafront today and witnessed something horrible. Some drunken cunt threw his kid to the ground and then started to hit it and his wife with a stick. People just stood there looking and laughing. Then to top it all along comes a fucking great crocodile and scoffed all the sausages. There you are Scotty, I've done my bit for your crusade
  9. Fuck off, the only post regarding Eddie that I am interested in is the one he is tied to before being shot.
  10. roops and bubba, roops and bubba, roops and bubba,roops and bubba. Bring back Cuntmeister Decimus.
  11. Witheredscrote


    In his day he was slightly better than Judge at punching men around the ring, and for the last 20 years he could shake a mean martini cocktail.
  12. You will be o.k Slackers, you don't need any luck. You will fit in very well , Marseille is a shithole
  13. A fitting tribute for a absolute cunt , well composed by a complete cunt.
  14. Witheredscrote


    Make sure they serve you the premier sake, it is called ' Forfuks ' sake
  15. Witheredscrote


    Fucking hell Gypps, should you be working. Lay off the sauce girl.
  16. Are you saying that if I don't wash my knob for a week I am in with a chance ?
  17. No , just bordering on something.....
  18. Neither probably, upon reflection he was a bit of a stroppy cunt wasn't he. Sorry, I am 'all over the place' mentally. Bit of a shock
  19. I don't know and more importantly I don't give a fuck. I am in mourning for the loss of a dear friend.
  20. It is with a very heavy heart that I have to report the passing of a very dear friend and fellow cunt The Norfolk One. His widow has informed me that his death was due to his throwing up into his cupped hands, forgetting the webbed digits , and choking on his own bile after a heavy session on CC. He leaves behind a dead rat and a very happy Spar shop assistant. I am sure that Ding and Roops will be in need of our support at this difficult time. Farewell old friend. Sadly pissed by all.
  21. Next time try it sober , it might make sense
  22. Witheredscrote


    I would like to take a 80lb frozen tuna to your head you stupid, long overdue for slaughter , Welsh cunt.
  23. Witheredscrote


    Raw and fishy, lovely. Pissflaps and rice every time for me.
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