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Everything posted by Frank

  1. It's not the first time the puffed-up poof has snookered himself. His next post will be so outrageously offensive, it forces an instant ban and preserves his superior self and 'top dog' status. It's what I'd do.
  2. This is not easy reading Bill. It appears that you've taken Eric on at his own game, and lost.
  3. I'm skiing in Tignes this week. Fuck off.
  4. Saps like you wishing fellow saps an almost genuinely heartfelt happy new year on here last night made me feel sick. Fucking idiot.
  5. You stupid fucking drunken whore.
  6. Frank


    Chaka Khan.. imagine the state of her fanny.
  7. Frank


    You stupid fucking drunken whore.
  8. Frank


    Nobody here wants to witness a bitty and diluted Bill Stickers bury himself. Go to work or fuck off.
  9. Jackie, I'm lying in bed watching Rick Stein in Lisbon on the BBC iplayer. Do you know how to turn off the cunt in the corner doing sign language for spackers?
  10. Frank

    Women Against Rape

    I saw that exclamation mark and thought that I no longer want to be part of this. Could he just be teasing?
  11. Frank

    Women Against Rape

    I love reading you're half-arsed attempts on semi-serious topics. Comedy gold.
  12. Withers you illiterate backward fucking joker, I'll be in la Garonne on Monday. Will you and mrs W be available if I do a quick pit stop to bang your arses?
  13. This is an excruciatingly long warm-up Bill. Will there be a main act before the weekend?
  14. I know Manky, it's been noted. We very rarely cross paths on here. Why do you think that is?
  15. The void period between Christmas and New Year has by far the highest suicide rate. Can you give me one good reason why you should put yourself through another year of this shit?
  16. I suffered the same deathly silence on my return.
  17. Two months and you give us 'the inexplicable hilarity of the christmas jumper'. You fucking cunt.
  18. I think this one's run its course, Jackie. I've given you a like anyway.
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