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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. my Aunty Vi use to say: "Rat, give me a Goblin Teasmade and a packet of Swan Vestas; I'll show the fuckers" Then I had to get the truss out
  2. you're not worthy of speaking his name, you sub-creature
  3. is that the James Dean 'I'm basically shit but my death will boost my career" plan? Also used by Elvis and Kurt Cobain?
  4. Frank started on here as a mildly amusing caricature. Then he became a caricature of that caricature. Finally, he became a cunt.
  5. give me Maria Schneider and that plate of butter and I'll show you a fuckin record
  6. top man CB! Work has been monstrously busy and Frau Rat has had her brakes relined. In addition to that, and don't laugh, I'm in training for a sporting challenge. good to see some of the old guard, but disappointed none of you have got rid of that Greek dog. He's about as useful as an over 60s club in Aberfan.
  7. can I had 6 million names to this list?
  8. ratcum

    Mental Health

    did you have a good Christmas Jewdy?
  9. that would explain all the herrings..
  10. this is about me sleeping with Eric isn't it?
  11. ratcum

    Mental Health

    you're more washed-up than a Chinese cockle picker Frank
  12. not again! Listen monkey butt, It's a matter of supreme indifference to me whether anyone thinks my posts are funny or not. Verbal replies, as opposed to those trite 'likes' are reward enough. So thank you for yours
  13. I see the Orimprics are going well but where fruck is Galee Rinekler?
  14. ratcum

    Mental Health

    it certainly seems that just about every fucker: a) was abused as a child b) is totally mental now As a result of the media saturation of this (and the holocaust of course), I feel like a minority.
  15. I understand that Johansson describes herself as jewish
  16. all this BLM shite has hit the sales of wetsuits Authoritah.
  17. I too have spurned this carnival of injury fakery and single figure IQs Stub. Participants and their pie gorging proselytes should be destroyed, like the unwanted dogs they are.
  18. that avatar Deco.. talk about stereotypes!
  19. it's a violation of all that we hold holy CB
  20. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    things used to be so simple Jewdy. Nowadays it's isn't always clear who the enemy is. I will however, always enjoy the cordial loathing we have for one another.
  21. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    at the syphilis clinic?
  22. An israeli and an American walk into a bar. The israeli shoots the Palestinian barman. As he lies dying, the barman says to the Israeli, "you'll pay for that". Smiling and turning to the American, the israeli says, "No I won't, but he will"
  23. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    Come on then you old git, where have you been?
  24. ratcum

    Prince Harry

    and the rival footie fans
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