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Everything posted by ratcum

  1. ratcum

    Ronnie O'Sullivan

    He was a thick cunt. Fancy identifying a chimpanzee as a cheetah! I could have forgiven him calling the thing a bonobo, or George Floyd.
  2. ratcum

    Qatar 2022

    Fuck I didn't know that. He looked a bit YMCA I guess
  3. ratcum

    Qatar 2022

    I stopped watching them after 'Katie' from the OXO adds was replaced by that skank Linda Bellingham. What a fucking dog she was eh?
  4. a black pudding themed answer eh? Good one Authoritah
  5. ratcum


    I would have expected jewdy @judgetwi to have paid his respects by now. 🙄
  6. ratcum


    I did look for you in the small ads during my incarceration Splotto. This caught my eye in Nazi Camping and Caravan magazine: "Cunt requires similar to get stuck into some Qataris"
  7. ratcum


    you're no nearer catching me now than four years ago when I started
  8. I taught his sorry arse everything it knows
  9. ratcum


    rejoice in your simplicity old friend. Binary fission instead of actual sex is a bit of a fucker though.
  10. You've got a good thing going here Deco. Arbeit Macht Fries in fact. Well done. Rat
  11. ratcum


    get the fuck off my thread
  12. ratcum


    those Ukrainian orphanages don't blow themselves up Authoritah.
  13. ratcum


    Does he still believe in the holocaust Deco? The daft cunt.
  14. ratcum


    curses! Are you still selling black puddings as George Floyd action figures to unsuspecting tourists?
  15. ratcum


    I've been working as a chicken sexer. What have you been up to Grotto?
  16. ratcum


    of all the cunts on here, to be greeted by a sub-creature such as you CB!
  17. ratcum


    I, Ratcum, will destroy all who stand in my way
  18. ratcum


    I wish I'd said that Oscar
  19. don't be such a pufter Killer. I've had budgies harder than you.
  20. an enchanting tale OCR ❤️ I'd still gas the fuckers mind, every last one of them,
  21. you're a fuckin cancer on here Evangelos. Whether it's your twatty videos or bizarre fantasies, you're basically a busted flush.
  22. Geordie chappies have a habit of popping up in the most unexpected places Killer. I find this somewhat disconcerting when holidaying with Frau Rat. Why don't they simply stay in their traditional hunting grounds and shout words like 'toon' and 'Bobby Robson'?
  23. Even by French standards, De Gaulle was a cunt of epic proportions Deco. But I'm on here tonight because of a programme on Channel 5 about gypsies. My wallet jumped out of my pocket and ran off when these sub-beings appeared on the screen.
  24. hang on to them Scrotals. I'm watching "Here Come The Gypsies" and fuck me they're vermin
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