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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Fuck knows why this topic has been tenuously dragged out of 2014, but for what it's worth, I worked with over 30 Polish immigrants, all of them without exception were hardworking, honest to a fault and fucking good mates when you need one. I learnt a lot of their language and this gained me a respect from them. They have no love for the scum element which rarely includes polish nationals and is mainly comprised of Slovak Roma immigrants, it is these fuckers who fiddle the system, steal and whatever else. The Poles get wrongly tarred with their brush due to a similar accent and a partial crossover language. True Poles will rarely cause any grief for anyone.
  2. What rag? I haven't noticed. What's it for and why did Spike Milligan have one?
  3. This sticker comes as part of a twin pack, the other one says. "I AM A CONCEITED SHITCUNT. PLEASE SHOOT ME IN THE FACE
  4. Reported to agent 437, Langley Virginia.
  5. Car stickers give away a lot about the vehicles owner. For instance, if it says IMPREZA WRX, you can be fairly certain they are a crack dealer, and a wanker. Also, a 'baby on board' sticker indicates the driver is some cunt who believes the life of their kid is somehow more important than yours, your wife's or any of your kids regardless of age. Either that or they have a tiny cock and are proud that they managed to create life with it.
  6. Winstone silcott has a Blakelock head bonnet ornament on his Beemer.
  7. I bet you used to collect the alphabet letters on smarties tops, you did, didn't you?
  8. I think it was Billy Connolly who reckoned that selling nuclear weapons was the easiest job in the world, "it's not like they're going to take 'em out back to the car park and test 'em out.
  9. I think you're right, I know the Sikh chef at our favourite take away knocks up a lovely minced beef samosa.
  10. Precisely, which is why governments spend 100's of millions developing more efficient ways of killing people and bugger all on medical research, which is primarily funded by public donation. As for educators, those who can't do, teach, most of them who take part in quiz shows are a shower of shit.
  11. Certainly something dodgy about him, all that shifting weight from foot to foot and knee touching.
  12. If one of your neighbours has acquired a fancy new washing line, I reckon you've found the culprit.
  13. Yes. And some of them are transported to school in one of those fancy motor carriages! No sneaking a lift to t' pit on the back of a milkmans horse cart.
  14. You should treat yourself and pop down south for a visit. It's great. We have electricity, carpets, kids running round with shoes on their feet etc'.
  15. It is strange that Leigh Francis has never spoken or appeared as himself. Always in character.
  16. Leigh Francis' other character Avid Merrion was a lot funnier.
  17. Yep. I also chase cars, shit in front gardens and bury the bones after Sunday dinner.
  18. Population reduction is done in some very underhand ways. There have been some very viable discoveries in the field of cancer research and a couple of potentially universal cures. Treatment trials have been shut down and the researchers involved discredited. It's not in the interests of the governments or the pharmaceutical companies, who make billions from peddling limitedly life prolonging forms of chemotherapy to actually cure this fucking thing. Their profits disappear and the population soars. It's the same with the oil business. Someone came up with a viable hydrogen fuel cell in the late 70's, he went missing and so did all of his research material.
  19. Kardashians spoof on the Keith Lemon sketch show where the sisters are portrayed as transvestite Irish gypsies "Kim's doin a full frontal photo shoot, her vagoina looks loike a spilled feckin kebab".
  20. I didn't mind real celebrities, back when when the word meant that the described individual had some form of discernible talent, but now there has been an influx of semi-retarded baboons who are famous for no reason whatsoever, northern slappers from Geordie shore whose abilities end at getting pregnant behind a chip shop, and cunts from TOWIE like Joey Essex with single figure IQ's. All of these cunts are now millionaires and revered by hordes of other retards who seek to emulate them.
  21. Unfortunately they also named a stretch of water after him as well and this channel is a route often used to enter this country by the filthy sheep botherers who reside on its opposite shore. So it's not all good.
  22. She started harping on about how milk was bad for us and then presumably hopped off into the sunset with Maccas' millions. Oh hang on, she did strictly come dancing too, never watch that shit but I wonder how she would have competed with bipeds. Step step clonk. I think since the divorce she is known as. "Lucky Heather"
  23. I think that Decs is merely trying to plug the fissure created by the absence of Frank. He is however not succeeding as he is slightly more intelligent and vastly less of an unparalleled, vile curmudgeonly cuntbag.
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