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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Nah definitely kurava. It's a weird one, has loads of meanings depending on gender and context.
  2. Those Latin cunts had a sense of humour.
  3. It's Polish for "what the fuck you doing" worked with 30 odd Polish people and the first things they teach you are insults, profanities etc, I usually just spell polish words phonetically for simplicity's sake, if you get into an argument with a pole try this"patsowie miniere vidupa,huyu ya banny" which means kiss my arse you fucking dick. Or if it's polite "Jin Dobry" is a general greeting, "Speer dalai" is fuck off and to upset a polish woman "stara kurava" means old whore, "kurava" means different things depending on gender, polish men use it to denote surprise, ie "fuckin hell, look at that!
  4. I fucking knew you were a gladiator.
  5. How shall we fuck off 'O lord? Now that's when he was funny.
  6. She is a reanimated zombie prostitute and I am sure gongs scrotum would turn on him for the comparison
  7. Is zal cleminson foreign for "gay parody of Cesar Romeros version of the joker"?
  8. According to your new avatar your name is quote and the only thing you say is members, top arrow east. Bottom arrow south might be better.
  9. If he had the entire thing would have been directed solely at the citizens of Maine and would have contained the word cockadoody at least once
  10. Bugger. Any idea who did write it?
  11. I actually just took the time to read Lady P's post of john Cleese' letter to America and it's fucking brilliant. Take the time to read it. As British citizens there is no part of it that will not ring true with you.
  12. No but what he tried to do to me with his extra leg when I was a 10 year old audience member on cartoon time is still under investigation by Scotland Yard. On an unrelated subject, I have been trying to imagine what you look like in the flesh Pen, and I keep coming up with Lesley Joseph. Am I close??
  13. And more to the point, how could you hit anyone when your ward attendants keep your arms strapped down to stop you masturbating and annoying the other patients?
  14. Kind of a pervy Grace Jones vibe with unnatural vocal abilities.
  15. Pscho. Remedial spaz teacher really needs to up his game. Do the other kids in your class get upset when you eat the sand that they are using to make castles with?
  16. Urethra was the fat henpecking cunt out of the blues brothers.
  17. I would smash the granny out of all the actresses who played cat woman, except Eartha Kitt coz she's weird.
  18. The bat mobile didn't go like the bat mobile. They bolted so much fibreglass on it it only managed about 40 and they just speeded up the film
  19. Yawn. Tedious. I eat horses and snails. Napoleon was great blah blah blah. Tete merde.
  20. The fucking smell should have given it away when you unscrewed the cap! Failing that open the bonnet and see if it has a soppy little turbocharger resembling a kids yoyo, which means its a diesel.
  21. Fabias are fucking great, I borrowed one for a couple of weeks and didn't want to give it back. Skoda is now owned by VW, still built in Czech Republic but with German engineering and supervision . Fabia is a VW polo chassis and drive train so reliable and good handling. I'm fuckin jealous now as I got rid of my 3.0 litre Laguna and now we have a diesel ford fiasco!!!
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