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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Potatoes are a bit of a sore point for the micks. Half their ancestors died because they forgot where they buried them.
  2. I doubt we'll even win this one. Who gives a fuck anyway, it's not like a proper England team with names like Bobby, Geoff and Gordon. This multi-coloured bunch of cunts will probably be back here by Tuesday and continuing with the usual habits of the overpaid modern footballer... 3 lines off a mirror.
  3. Eric Cuntman


    Do you want my Bentley? Nothing wrong with it, the ashtray's full and I can't be arsed to empty it so I'm going to buy a new one. Its free if you collect it and it will look the bollocks parked next to your 300 grand trawler at Deganwy.
  4. Eric Cuntman

    Alf Garnett

    "Where's da white women at?" The only English phrase known by the majority of Africans arriving at Heathrow.
  5. Chopper wouldn't have stood for that shit.
  6. Not a lot fucking better.
  7. I bet you are the type of snivelling little cowardly bastard who would go out poisoning animals. I hope you get caught and end up in jail, being viciously gang raped by a pack of crackhead bred'ren, I can picture your contorted little Flid face straining as the 15th dose of negro spunk gets injected into your colon. kill yourself before it happens. wanker
  8. You should act on those feelings. Pop out and strangle a few dogs, German shepherds, Rottweilers and Bull terriers particularly enjoy being strangled and never put up any resistance. Let us know how you get on.
  9. How do you break Stevie Wonder's neck? Speed up the music.
  10. Sounds like an alcohol rant.
  11. I missed that. What did he say?
  12. No, nothing like that, I might just give up all this, walk the earth, get in adventures an shit. get me some of that Royale with cheese.
  13. You should be under no illusions, since the reintroduction of a leader board, the clique has become a trinity, they can't afford to spread the 'like' allotment too thinly. I can't compete as a lone operator, the Cartel doesn't really exist, I invented it to get on Penelope's tits. Once I'm gone, the top 3 slots will only ever be occupied by Decs, Bill and Bubba. You're a Ronin now Luke.
  14. You sound like the wing officer for c-category at brixton nick.
  15. Eric Cuntman

    Alf Garnett

    Think about it Luke, if a person considers their fellow contributors to be lucid 1% of the the time, and that person is, as you say only lucid themselves 5% of the time, then surely, by their own admission, their fellow contributors must be actually lucid 20% of the time. numbers don't lie.
  16. You've completely missed my point by reiterating it verbatim. Both extremes are as bad as each other, demonstrated perfectly by Antifa, an organisation which seeks to right the wrongs of fascism by essentially becoming fascists, i.e. Bashing in the skulls of those who disagree with them. i like you Luke, but you would do well to take into account the capacity of others to utilise irony in the same way as you yourself do.
  17. Odd isn't it that when left wingers are criticising right wingers for using stock phraseology and cliched right wing ideology, they all use stock phraseology and cliched left wing ideology in the process.
  18. To be honest, I find the slow, over accentuated way he speaks and his shifty eye movements, more than a little bit creepy. 'Look at me, aren't I eccentric?' ugly fucking ginger cunt. His country life butter adverts made me bilious.
  19. Afua Hirsch will probably be in the running. Unless my prayers are answered and the racist, man hating cunt gets raped and set on fire by a pack of crack n***az.
  20. My mates girlfriend confided in me that she suspects he may be a pervert. I told her straight, ''what the fuck do you know? You're only 9"
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