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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Of course there were black people in Britain back then. All those Danish Jarls were black. Jarl Guthrum, who presided over your neck of the woods in the 9th century, was a promising footballer and a talented rapper. And he stabbed a lot of people.
  2. Yes, and after Bwussels spwouts, she weleases the kwaken.
  3. Biggus Dickus's wife was called Incontinentia Buttocks.
  4. I'm having a centuwion thwow him to the gwound, vewy woughly!
  5. You're fucking steaming!
  6. God knows what persuaded those cunts at comic relief to send those wobbly fat cunts to Ethiopia to demonstrate what 11 thousand calories a day actually looks like. The poor cunts must've thought he was Gulliver.
  7. Lenny Henry, likes to spout off about racial stereotyping, probably from the office in the huge house, payed for by portraying a wannabe London Gangsta, a Rastafarian with a big wobbly hat, and an African called Joshua Yarlog. Oh yeah, let's not forget Theopolis P Wildebeest. no racial stereotyping going on in Lenny's repertoire.
  8. Just going by the testimony of someone who was actually there. A grandparent born in India 1908. When I was a kid, the word came up on fawlty towers or some shit, and they told me that was its origin. We could argue about it forever but neither of us lived in turn of the century Asia, so no way of proving it one way or another. If it makes you happy, I shall refrain from further usage of the term. Ffs.
  9. Tetchy today. Get your arse handed to you again last night? Lol.
  10. If you should happen to bump into Adolf Hitler, you might want to point him in the direction of the Sandler and Yentob families.
  11. If you found out he was your dad, you might try and get him to share the secret of time travel, that allowed him to travel back to the 1930s and create you. And then go to next Saturday for the Euromillions numbers.
  12. I think Mrs Roops and myself can handle this one. No need for lesser members to make themselves busy.
  13. Yes it fucking is. it may not be accepted as such by many, but was certainly used by British colonists in a non derogatory fashion. Cue a Wikipedia link that says the etymology is unsound.
  14. Having briefly looked over the figures, it appears that Wiz has spent 46 days more than you on the leaderboard. It's great that you still plug away, when you're clearly struggling with the basics.
  15. I can't believe he thought he could dissect me with that blunt little tool.
  16. Racists. Supporting ethnic stereotypes that black people are violent.. ..Oh yeah, they are the 'stabby' ones aren't they.
  17. It's about time that John Hurt was punished for the hate crimes of playing John Merrick whilst not actually having a head that looks like a fossilised stegosaurus turd, and the racist manner he accepted the part in alien, denying the chance of the role being given to an actor who actually was host to a parasitic extra terrestrial killing machine.
  18. I noticed in the film 'Titanic', that the cunt driving the boat was Yosser Hughes. It's no wonder it hit an iceberg, not when they allow a scouse psychopath to do the steering and clutch.
  19. Did you inherit Extremecunt's photo album when Roops executed him?
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