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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Eric Cuntman


    He does quite like watching that sort of thing, but prefers it when he can't see what's going on because they're directly behind him.
  2. With Punky, 'crack' and 'sex' are inextricably linked.
  3. Are you saying that Punkape has fucked Roadkill? @Roadkill what the fuck has transpired here?
  4. A superb way to get rid of doorstep god-botherers is ask them to pop back in an hour when you've finished communing with Beelzebub.
  5. Stop that. Ive got the 'orn
  6. I hate the 'followers' more than the followed, they give the cunts power by validating their tripe with attention. Much like the cunts who religiously watch puerile shite like love island, or whatever attention seeking bollocks Katie Price is in this month. Without the devoted sheep, none of this drivel would exist. Put 'em all in a big field and bomb the bastards. RIP Kenny Everett.
  7. Godammit Jim-Bob! Have you done put ya sister Ellie-May in the family way ag'in?
  8. I didn't have them, they were one of those things I coveted from the back few pages of comics, like X Ray Spex, to look through girls nickers with.
  9. Yes, the second type should all be euthanised, starting with Rylan Clark and that cunt out of Coronation Street who minces about, flapping his hands and saying, "oooh!"
  10. He looks like the type of cunt who would have string, a penknife and a catapult in his pockets, and a mini compass in the heel of his shoe.
  11. Yet another case of the "ME, ME, ME" facebook generation mistakenly believing that anyone with an IQ above 80, has any interest in their semi-literate 'take a break' magazine style witterings. I would assume that their followers are the same brand of shit thick, wannabe celebrity, brain dead skanks that write this shit in the first place.
  12. Eric Cuntman


    Songs of praise.
  13. Apologies on CC are for poofs. Now stop acting like a doe-eyed 12 year old girl who's just been blocked on Facebook by her BFF.
  14. Oh, okay. do you know where Frank lives? I'd quite like to cut his throat.
  15. I think that you're significantly more surreptitiously connected to Frank than you'd like every other cunt to believe. fuck off.
  16. I'm so happy to see you two getting along. The beginning of a joyful tear is forming at the corner of my eye. Im touched (not in a dirty way)
  17. The light which burns half as long.. ..burns twice as bright/shite.
  18. Penelope, but also not Penelope because Roops maintains that there aren't any multi IDs, even though it's definitely Penelope.
  19. Eric Cuntman


    Sadly, there aren't too many professional female pornstars left, they've been replaced by keen amateur skanks, who feel they have to look at the camera and lick their lips every 5 seconds. to anybody normal, they just look like cunts.
  20. I know exactly what you're thinking of.. 🎵there is only one river, only one sea🎵
  21. Fucking right, if this cunt starts encroaching on my shit, I'm taking all his Jew gold.
  22. Ooh, get you! Claiming not only to use public transport, but also to go into shops. If there's any truth to these grandiose tales of a life most can only dream of, keep it to yourself, lest you stir up too much resentment among the proletariat. Flash cunt.
  23. @southerncunt, he does have a point.
  24. Take note @Decimus. None of us are interested in hearing these outlandish fantasies of some, only to be dreamed of, playboy, jet-set lifestyle where you are living the high life, travelling on a commuter train full of annoying kids. Take your imaginary, billionaire renaissance man lifestyle and shove it up your pseudo bourgeoisie arse.
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