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Penny Farthing

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Everything posted by Penny Farthing

  1. Good morning "Doctor" .. are you really a doctor? .. we do already have several "doctors" here on site.
  2. https://www.rte.ie/news/courts/2019/1114/1090892-harassment-case/ This cunt who is from Crumlin in Oireland has just been sentenced to three years in prison for a internet campaign of harassment against six women journalists and writers, leaving some of them in fear for their lives. During his trial it turned out that he managed to do thins in spite of only having left his house twice in 17 years. I am just wondering whether there any other cunts living in Oiland who managed to vex other cunts using the internet in spite of never leaving their home?
  3. What are your thoughts on cunts who set Jack Russell Terriers on rats?
  4. Is this the same "Amos" who was in Emmerdale?
  5. Here's one for @PANZER MURPHY Maria Bailey TD. fell off an indoor swing in a hotel. Made a compensation claim in which she claimed that she was unable to run for three months after the fall but ran six miles in less than an hour 8 days after the fall.
  6. Here is a picture of @Ape as a young lad with his mum .. its Stubby on the bike.
  7. He is going to buy some value spaghetti hoops and then he is going to meet Wolfie at Toys R Us to show him his chopper..
  8. What were you doing in 1961 Juggles?
  9. Its is more in the past tense now .. the catholic church in Ireland is buggared and so is Stubby(see what I said there).
  10. As regards to neil, I agree with the first four words of your sentence.
  11. It might also impact upon the current very profitable racket of cycling Polish beef through Ireland to to re-labelled as Irish before passing into the UK market. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/23/horsemeat-food-scandal-meat-trade
  12. Donald Tusk says that BREXIT can still be stopped. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2019-50413638
  13. I told you that I was going to post an amusing comment .. none of you are laughing now.
  14. I understand that some ISIS cows explode regardless of whether or not they have been milked.
  15. Why don't you wear a muffler.. preferably tightly enough to suffocate your miserable self.
  16. Having read the background to this tale I want all skateboarders (including Stubby and Panzer) to be killed.
  17. It would be best for all concerned (including yourself) if you fucked off and took a walk across the Grand Canal.
  18. I have just watched a 1961 film entitled Johnny Nobody. A tale about someone shouting down a blasphemer and then claiming that he did so because god told him to do so. What a load of god fearing clowns the Irish were.
  19. There was an anti German rhyme from the early 1900s that my father used to quote it went something like "The carpet on the stairs, the sofa and the chairs are all made in Germany".
  20. It is a more of a psuedo-intellectual thing where you have not really got an answer and are too thick to realise what the problem is but would like people to think that you do have an answer. Another wonderful thing is the word "whitesplaining", where you are whitey with a guilt complex about black sufference.
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