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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Demanded the strange looking very old ‘woman’ with a full beard and a huge penis shaped bulge in ‘her’ Y-fronts.
  2. Vlad will no doubt be furiously ripping up the ‘Get well soon (not), sorry you’ve got AIDS (not)’ card he’d bought for Leo the soggy arsed insignificant little mincing leprechaun cunt.
  3. Barbie would have been shit if he’d lived long enough to make it.
  4. When is it due back at the Tartaria library?
  5. Get an avatar you stupid fucking cunt. Just so I have a visual recollection of you after I kick your sorry cunt in.
  6. Please tell me they’re not one of those ‘pro-life’ faith-based cults that are opposed to murdering babies too. It’s beginning to look like I may have been mugged again.🤣😘
  7. I’ll PM you my address if you’re that desperate to meet me sweetie. Maybe a threesome with me and the Doris would satisfy your weird obsession once and for all. If you’re interested prepare your arsehole and get back to me before I change my mind.
  8. Ah yes NPR that bastion of truth and impartiality. 🤣😘
  9. Fucking hell. You’ve got your own tag line now? Top marks to you and I really mean that. MENSA’s loss is Help the Aged’s gain. Every cloud as they say.
  10. King Billy

    We buy any

    Apparently if you leave 4 jigaboos in a car for long enough, eventually they’ll work out how to drive off and do a drive by shooting. It’s got something to do with the ‘typewriter/best selling novel’ scientific theory.
  11. Eddie’s knob will require pressure washing tomorrow morning in that case.
  12. I’ve just come back from the cinema Fends. What a great film, and tbf I now understand the MSM hype (for what’s a certain Oscar winner imo) during the last few weeks, and why they couldn’t find any airtime whatsoever to even mention that other QAnon conspiracy theory film. In fact all my non binary ‘they/them’ mates I was out with tonight are agreed that choosing to go see ‘Barbie’ instead of ‘Sound of Freedom’ has probably saved us all from going down a rabbit hole that we might never have come out of.
  13. A years free supply of small children and unlimited access to the adrenochrome bar at next years Paedofest, sorry Oscars shindig.
  14. King Billy

    We buy any

    Perfect choice for you. A knobby car lol lol lol.
  15. King Billy

    We buy any

    Fisher Price might take it back if you painted the roof yellow and the rest of it red again.
  16. She’s going to be in a right fucking pickle if the actors strike escalates and the ‘wheeltappers, fact checkers and shunters’ down tools too DC. Hopefully Eddie won’t let her suffer for too long and get a gang of his bros round to spit roast her, then have a knife throwing contest to round the night off and put her out of her misery.
  17. What are your preferred pronouns? Answer the question.
  18. I doubt Pen would even post something as boringly stupid as this, so we’ll done.
  19. That’s why Frank has showed an interest in her then Mike. Keep a close eye on her mate. The vile espadrille shod cunt has probably been measuring the inside of his freezer to see if he can squeeze Mrs Hunt in beside Mings rotting cadaver, then fantasise about them fighting over him while he’s wanking furiously and being violently dry bummed by a couple of elderly greaseball fez topped Algerian tourists.
  20. You’ve spelled opinion wrong Fends. Information is like ‘the science’ nowadays (totally agreed upon by the clever people like her unless it is preceded by a mis or a dis). Didn’t you learn anything from the plandemic experiment?
  21. You can support whatever section of society you choose whether you’re being sinister or not. I reserve the right not to support them whether you find that sinister or not. Different strokes for different folks. Stay warm 😘
  22. Panzy and Pen haven’t worked that out yet but I hope Panzy will one day. Pen however is a different kettle of conger eels altogether as he’s been the undefeated, undisputed champion of ‘dull’ since the dark ages. All of his victories coming by way of TKO (after being relentlessly bored into a persistent vegetative state). He didn’t get nicknamed ‘The brain numbing bellend’ for nothing DC. But tbf you’re spot on about The Vulcan though. She is dull as John Majors grey underpants.
  23. It must be glaringly and tbh shockingly apparent now that there are no rules or previously adhered to precedents in the US when it comes to prosecutorial misconduct being employed against the previous President, with the corrupt mentally incapable puppet in the Whitehouse, himself drowning in a pile of evidence of his and his families decades of criminal behaviour, made even worse by the fact that Donald Trump is the far and away favourite to regain the Presidency next year. Election interference on a scale never seen before. ‘If you can’t beat em jail em’.
  24. I make you right on that one DC. I’m not saying anything bad about her but for some reason I’ve always imagined her as a greedy fat lazy hopalong crippled nail in the boot cunt. Perhaps I’ve just got everything all arse over tit as usual, in which case I apologise.
  25. In a cab on the way to Luton airport probably.
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