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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It’s the only look he’s ever had tbf.
  2. Anyone who admits to having travelled on a commuter train should have their toes removed with a set of boltcutters. Scum of the Earth.
  3. Andrews are probably a lot smaller than the others.
  4. The film was based on Neil but toned down a lot obviously.
  5. It’s not a squirrel, she’s got her growler out again. Lol
  6. 250 years and change of free British education and you still can’t get a six letter word right you fucking imbecile.
  7. His filthy ‘House of Syrups’ establishment in Wigmore St. has been closed since the raid by the Met Police vice squad.
  8. Let’s hope you’re more successful at killing yourself.
  9. Queen Victoria was a proper sort from a distance on a dark night.
  10. Dropped his Yfronts into a big pool of jizz more likely.
  11. I live in Hertfordshire you council tenant misfit.
  12. CC Post of the year Frank. If this comeback doesn’t cement your place as the best ever on here then what the fuck will? Maybe a Rocky video?
  13. I loved the bit when the black people started dancing and singing some sort of prayer, and a couple of the female ones were actually twerking. No doubt that’s the only clip that BBC, ITN, Sky News etc will show for the next 50 years.
  14. I know Stubbers. It’s the old Best/Gascoigne/Higgins/Hunt/Reed etc. etc. syndrome probably, although they were all good at their game before they caught it.
  15. Frank was five rows behind Prince Harry, next to Sam Smith, Alan Carr and David Lammy.
  16. Roops doesn’t ‘think’. She ‘knows’.
  17. ‘Bud Lite’ and 2 biodegradable straws please. Oh and where are your non binary toilets? My husband is menstruating rather heavily (from his arse).’
  18. You are David Starkey and I claim my lifetime supply of Royal Navy fisting butter.
  19. 🎶Rule Ireland. Ireland rules the waves. Britain will never ever be the same again.🎶 ‘’Come on now Mick. Stop that fucking singing. You’ve shit your pants again and been sick all down the front of your tank top. it’s time to go home now.’
  20. Good to see Michelle O’Neill, Maskey and Higgins attending the coronation today Panzyboy. I hope they enjoyed being given the VIP treatment in the company of everyone they’ve made a career of pretending to despise (but secretly admiring). Lol.
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