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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Trying to convince yourself and everyone else that you’re a woman, with a massive cock dangling down your leg is far far far worse, probably.
  2. It’s a cunt when you run out of fisting butter. I bet you keep a spare tub in the fridge now.
  3. What’s not to like about us cutting ourselves off from the stinking garlic breathed continental layabouts?
  4. If I wasn’t so thick I’d wholeheartedly agree with every word but I’m certain our very own Private Helga would in her very own self superior manner feel that your reply was hugely devalued by my support. I will however return with a like when the stock is replenished.
  5. Perhaps you could enlighten me on the scientific and more importantly the legal and ethical issues around the mass injecting of all children (which is what Professor Edmonds was proposing) with a chemical concoction which could have unknown long term effects, on the spurious grounds of protecting them from a disease which is widely accepted to cause little or no harm to them? Unless I’m mistaken this would violate both the Geneva convention and the UN human rights act. Or perhaps you think I should just put 5 or six masks on, roll up my sleeve, be a good sheep and not have an opinion on anything unless it’s the same as yours? STAY ALERT DONT BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT EAT MY BALLS
  6. What plight? I’m living the dream Luv. (Rent free in your head).
  7. Two out? Fucking walk in the park mate. I had 23 pulled in one sitting just over a year ago in Hungary. I’m still waiting to get back for the implants and the fitting of the teeth. Made me fucking really ill for 3 weeks, shitting water and fevered up almost constantly. The only good thing is that I’ll never do it again like that.
  8. Can I just take him out for a walk sometimes? I promise to bring him back to you.
  9. And how exactly does U.K. architects going to work in the EU benefit our country? I’d have thought being educated and qualififying as an architect in the U.K. and then fucking off to work and pay taxes in the EU is not the greatest thing ever.
  10. Fuck me. Cancel Brexit immediately. A couple of architects can’t go and work in a foreign country without filling in a few forms. Aaaargh!
  11. Don’t have any pictures taken for your vaccine passport Ape until one side of your face starts to drop. Imagine the indignity of being refused entry to Poundland by Kevin the security guard, on the grounds that your photo doesn’t match your actual face and all the customers shouting “vaccine fraudster” at you and Mrs Ape.
  12. The worst thing about her death was Elton Johns tribute song ‘Sandals in the bin’.
  13. Roops has just reminded me what an uneducated idiot I am, so I’d like to firstly point out that I don’t understand anything whatsoever. However, the fact that Piers Morgan has been ordering everyone to have the jab and shut up for weeks now has steered me irreversibly in the ‘no thanks, stick it up your arse’ direction. I await further instructions from the morbidly obese cunt.
  14. Yeah but I would have 2 less likes Eric. Every cloud.
  15. As a selfish feeble minded git who ‘probably’ scraped through with no more than three poor CSE grades, I want you to know that I’m eternally grateful that an academically gifted phenomenon such as yourself would even reply to my posts, even if it’s just to remind me of my intellectual inadequacies and your self awarded superiority. However I would like to point out that me having a polar opposite opinion on just about every subject to you is the one thing that confirms to me that I’m right. And every response you make to me in your own self superior way fills me with joy, knowing that as thick as you keep telling everyone I am, your fake ‘I’m too clever to even read the MENSA magazine’ attention seeking boasts show you up as the fraudulent past your sell by date saggy breasted never was been I could see you for from day one. Only pissy knickers and memories of the glory days on your knees under the bosses desk to look forward to now Luv. I have genuine sympathy for your plite, but I don’t expect that to last long. XXX
  16. Poor mans Cunts Corner. Frank failed the physical requirements for membership. He’s only allowed to remain here due to an obscure 18th century bye-law. It allows him to bugger unaccompanied farm animals on London Bridge during daylight hours too.
  17. Calm down. Keep your fucking weave on you fucking idiot.
  18. There’s SAGE, Alternative SAGE, BAME SAGE, LGBTQFLIDSPACK SAGE, The Popular Peoples SAGE of Judea, Halal SAGE, Kosher SAGE etc. etc. etc. All creepy looking cunts who’ve become the new celebrities on MSM. I guess all the old celebrities are feeling the adrenachrome shortage and laying low till one of the SAGEs gives the all clear to come out from under their beds.
  19. The cunt was on Marr. Are you saying he wasn’t? Are you saying he wasn’t introduced as a member of SAGE? Are you saying he wasn’t advocating vaccinating ALL the UKs children ASAP? Or what the fuck are you saying? You skanky know all boring slag?
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