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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. I don't need to be mystic fucking Meg to see you've just pulled a Roops...
  2. Maybe he kept his fried chicken down the front of his lycra shorts.
  3. I hate to break to you, Harry, but there's several resident realists. You might call them racists, but even your idol 'Uncle Joe Stalin' wasn't keen on those touched with the tarbrush...
  4. Surely you've seen the posters, Frank? Relearn, retrain, and "Fatima's next job is in human resources, she just doesn't know it yet", ect. Fuck knows what you're going to do mate, but given your current output I'm predicting a life on DLA, and back to back episodes of 'Bullseye', or 'Jeremy Kyle'...
  5. It certainly explains his incoherent ramblings. He makes Ratty look the poster boy of mental perfection. He's managed to run the gauntlet of abuse, and even made me laugh. Definitely a spacker, but a spacker with some character.
  6. Are you on a different branch of the evolutionary tree then, Harry? If you're the missing link, and I track you down, fames a certainty!
  7. I've just seen Trump on the telly. It looks like he's on more drugs than Hitler at a Nuremberg rally.
  8. I watched an interesting documentary on the subject of Bigfoots, Yetis, and Snowmen. A fella called Lloyd Pye pointed out that only a small percentage of lowland forests had been foot surveyed. So the possibilities of solitary creatures living in these regions is possible. The Panda was thought to be a myth until the late 1800's, and the tales of similar creatures from other peoples unconnected can't be overlooked. I'm sceptical, but he made some interesting points.
  9. Surely it should be released into the Congo's lowland mountains for purposes of conservation. As an ecologist, Stubbs, I would expect you to know your climates.
  10. There's possibly some truth to this saga considering 'The Hit Factory' haven't produced a record since 89. Withers could have been the greatest contributer to the British music industry since 'Led Zeppelin'.
  11. A Hammond is also a large organ, Frank. Then you appear on the thread. Coincidence, or fate...
  12. Fucking hell. You wanna calm down, Reptile. At this rate you're gonna give yourself an aneurism, and your local authority funding full time carers. Is the avatar your passport photo? The incandescent rage makes more sense now...
  13. That's quite a sweeping statement, Eric. I know fuck all about farmers, but Tony Martin's a legend in my book. He should have aimed for the head though, that's my only criticism.
  14. Fucking hell. I didn't know Sidney Cooke's solicitor had joined us. Utterly indefensible. I have no idea on the sexual orientation of nonces, but they should all be hung from lampposts with a sign around their necks detailing their offence!
  15. Me too. Forget about North Korea using nukes, its merely a bargaining chip for aid, and to prevent a land invasion. Ever since the Pakistanis got their grubby hands on the technology via theft it's been a concern. I seriously hope there's a program in place to disarm the fuckers, and I'm sure somethings in place. Their top nuclear scientist A. Q Khan was basically hawking his wares to any dictator with the cash before the yanks shut him down. They still refuse to deport him as he's a national hero. What an utter cunt!
  16. Chelsea, Cheshire, and Nigeria.... 

  17. Out of likes. With that sort of insight beware of decapitation via plate glass, or steeples falling from churches.
  18. America had actually drawn up invasion plans for Pakistan during the height of the Afghan conflict. A senior ex CIA analyst stated this during 'The 9/11 Intelligence War' documentary. The reasoning being the ISI not only arming the Taliban, but it's agents being caught or shot in exchanges. He said we had already invaded two Muslim countries so a third wouldn't matter. They should have ethnically cleansed the shithole, and given it back to India. As its only a matter of time before some religious zealot gets their fingers on the nuclear codes, and we're all fucked.
  19. Shape shifting reptilians, Frank. I've never been the same since hearing David Icke, and apparently the Queens one. I hear they've a preference for effeminate sloane rangers in white drainpipe jeans, and psychedelic patterned shirts.
  20. Shouldn't you be guarding a bridge, and demanding your palm's crossed with silver? I suppose even trolls get a Sunday off. If you class name dropping me in every post as turning me over then dementia's a real prospect. Ape gave you a good spanking the other day, and you fucked off sharpish. Unfortunately my breadstick legged chum the crowd is against you. Stick to the pro anorexia forums in future as times have changed here...
  21. There's no pandemic, you brainwashed arsehole. Just a severe curtailing of civil liberties, and a bunch of cunts wearing masks doing more harm than good. Do you have any idea of the ecological disaster caused by dumping billions of non biodegradable masks to landfills. Your stupidity is only matched by your ignorance...
  22. Yawn. The usual mundane idiotic bluster from a thick hormonal housewife... Serious question - what are you actually doing on this forum? You're incapable of debate and mimic Frank like a fucking Parrot. You bring nothing to the table except Google results. No humour, no validity to an opinion, and you're one of the three worst posters here. I'd suggest you stick to moderating, and leave the cunting to the professionals...
  23. I've just remembered a news article on some poor fucker who was taken up the chutney after leaving an Essex nightclub. Now I'm not one to go pointing fingers, but I'm sure LCS will take some comfort in being several time zones ahead.
  24. Now that's one hell of an idea, LCS. I fear you may have missed your true calling and end up a flying doctor in some one horse outback town. I'd strongly suggest you pitch the idea to 'ITV' and wait for the cheques to roll in. A Saturday night with a tongue in Michelle's beaver doesn't get much sweeter. Why on earth she married that fucking idiot from Essex is beyond me, and now the cunts making a splash stateside...
  25. More ludicrous piffle from the Corners Peter Tatchell. Quiet night in with Rahul and a bottle of Blue Nun?
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