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Tranny May.

Guest deebom

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Guest deebom

This disgusting piece of sputum has annoyed me intensely with her fucking speech at the toffs conference. Whipping up the toffs with her mix of outright lies, sensationism, evil and pure fucking fantasy.

Watch out people, this cunt will have the security services shutting down forums like this and arresting the contributers with her fucking proposals. Thought crime here we come, dont say anything in front of the children in case they report you to their teacher.



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They really do come up with the most crass ideas.


Monday sees Iain Duncan-Smith crapping on about benefits cards that can't be used for fags, booze and gambling, without realising these things will become a new currency in the criminal underclass and the IT systems needed to operate such a project are pure filth when it comes to this and the previous governments track record.


Yesterday it's May and her weird clothes, cantering around the gaff whinnying on to anyone who'll listen trying to define 'extremism' - which basically came out as being anyone who doesn't agree with the Daily Mail. Okay, an exaggeration but as an exercise in nailing jelly to a wall, this took the biscuit. Okay our Muslim brothers were up in arms about the implications of what she's suggesting, but if you were a 'fire and brimstone, Old Testament, eye-for-an-eye' Christian I'd keep an watch on how this one develops. Ditto if you are a republican, active Trade Unionist or David Icke

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Guest Alfie Noakes

They must not get back in. I know the alternatives may look bad, so in May it will be choosing between shit and turd.
The right to individuality, free speech without being scared of reprisals for having an opinion and the right to communicate in private, will all be taken away under the auspices of protecting us from 'terror'. Exactly how will any of these proposals make a difference to terrorists who will communicate outside of the system? It is all so that they can watch you, all of you, because you may be a threat to the business interests of the sponsors of those in power.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

They must not get back in. I know the alternatives may look bad, so in May it will be choosing between shit and turd.
The right to individuality, free speech without being scared of reprisals for having an opinion and the right to communicate in private, will all be taken away under the auspices of protecting us from 'terror'. Exactly how will any of these proposals make a difference to terrorists who will communicate outside of the system? It is all so that they can watch you, all of you, because you may be a threat to the business interests of the sponsors of those in power.

Those who exchange liberty for security will end up with neither.

Benjamin Franklin
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We had our chance with proportional representation , but blew it, so democracy is effectively wielded by voters in about 50 marginal constituencies. This whole 'not voting' notion is dumb beyond belief. It's apathetic non-voters that makes these cunts thinks they can get away with whatever stunts they want to pull, safe in the knowledge that as long as there's cheap beer and overtime and the X-Factor, well the apathetic masses will roll over and have their tummies tickled when it comes to protecting basic freedoms.


The answer?


Get informed. get clued up? get behind libertarian Tories like David Davies who recognise the counter-productiveness and danger behind what cretins like Theresa May are advocating. Oh and also be prepared to stand up for the rights of people like Anjam Choudry to spout their shite. Get to know your enemy and what makes him tick - and then debate the cunt into the ground.


It's ideas that win, not gagging orders!

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Not that I believe that UKIP are the answer to this country's problems as most sensible bean counters are convinced withdrawl from the EU would be economic suicide but Nigel Farage is quite correct in his assessment of the political elite at Westminster.

The vast majority have never had a proper job in the real world since leaving university and regard the masses as unwashed scum who are there to do as they're told.
The tories only give a shit about big business and their inbred aristocratic chums, Labour want to import an unvetted and unskilled Muslim electorate to replace the working class English who have been ethnically cleansed from our inner cities by the Blair/Brown junta and the Lib Dems will sell their principles to whichever party that will give them a couple of seats in cabinet.

The biggest danger I see to freedom in this country isn't May but the justice secretary Chris Grayling who advocates the borderline fascism favoured by the financial backers of the Conservative party. He'll knife Cameron the first chance he gets and pacify the potential UKIP defectors by promising them cabinet posts then portray himself as the only tory leader who can save the party. The rest of the tory MPs will fall into line out of fear of unemployment at the next election.

May is a political pygmy, Grayling is the UK answer to Vladimir Putin who wants to turn this country into a police state with no accountibility to a pesky electorate.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

.....and Farage's CV when it comes to 'a proper job'?

Dulwich Public School and Investment Banker!!

He's hardly ran down the street barefoot has he?

Quite true but that's not to say he isn't right about the fuckwits who have been fastracked to high office without ever attending a job interview in there entire life like Cameron who happens to be descended from royalty.
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Guest deebom

Voting? Fuck voting, I've been spoiling my ballot since 2001. If every cunt did this then the fuckers would have a hung parlament and would have to have another election. Again and again untill the corrupt fuckers realise no ones voting for them and they will have to start fielding some alternative candidates.

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Voting? Fuck voting, I've been spoiling my ballot since 2001. If every cunt did this then the fuckers would have a hung parlament and would have to have another election. Again and again untill the corrupt fuckers realise no ones voting for them and they will have to start fielding some alternative candidates.

....and the likelihood of this?

About the same as Victoria's Secret opening up a branch in Islamic State.

Ooooh but if it gives you a bit of rebellious chic and sense of nihilistic outlaw danger then go ahead - and watch the political classes laugh their way right back into power.
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You're only voting for what you see as the best of a bad bunch but I always do regardless. It's your right, your choice and there's not many of those opportunities left.

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Guest TheCatWoman

I love the fact this thread degenerated nicely into silliness.  it was awfully serious for a bit.  Anyway, anyone got anything nice to say about the McCanns?

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Guest ducunti

I would fuck the pubes off her. Then flip her over and do her up the wrong'un. 


Censor that, Teresa.

Not sure what it is about this woman but I can see where your coming from on this one.

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