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Benefit Magnet Britain

Guest cuntcrapper

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Guest cuntcrapper

So says the mayor of Calais and she's right. How did we get to win that title? Because bukkake Blair allowed his school teaching, left winging pukers to get away with fuck, while he was shafting us up the arse for his own gain. Now we have frogurt, euroturding flegbuckets and krautcan brusselanian junckers 88 led eurofagging scumfucks, moaning about us as the lighthouse for all these fucking brathaulin Afro mussers invading their crappy debt ridden lands attempting to suck us dry whilst the Eurolosers club kicks us in the pile-host for 2 million more of their shithole currency. Fuck all foreigners, their benefitisis ridden offage, the 'Overseas Aid' fund, the UN, IMF, NATO and the fuckin Labour Party. Deleted. So endeth all aids ridden, ebola invested, muslim turdbins, their filthy spunk and the fact that they'd take our money to kill us with.


Edited by Rick_B
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Guest cuntcrapper

Mind you, you gotta admire ISIS. Luring these cunts away to their death, we should be giving them foreign aid to them to step up their website ads promoting these knobends popping over to Syria and burning their UK passport.


Yeah, its great when you see some Musser in Southall booing away on the news cos it revolting brat got pinned by a Drone rotary cannon. Well done General Dynamics.

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I really love the idea of what Britain COULD be.

No bone-idle layabouts wanting something for nothing.

No companies making money here but doing the old 'offshore switcheroo accountancy two-step' when it comes to paying their taxes.

Then, wham, home in the evening and, pausing only to put their foot through their TV's, going running with their non-obese kids or putting together that fanzine / blog site about that one thing they're passionate about or band practise with their struggling indie band still trying to break through even though they're all in their 50's or writing letters to their MP's about something that's not right in their world that stops life being the 24-hour Ramones block-party it surely could be if everyone was cool. In short - being creative, motivated, connected and committed.

And of course, everyone has got or is studying hard for their PhD in wind-ups and piss-taking that makes them British and which squeezes out the last vestiges of 'being offended' by everything and replaces it with coolness and better jokes.

Oh well - just me then.

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