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Cunts who dress their cunt kids like cunts

Stubby Pecker

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Having to venture out to do some cuntmas shopping I would like to nominate the fucktards who think is a good idea to spike their rat kids hair and give them diamond ear studs, probably so they can look like uber Chav and king cunt Lewis Hamilton or their favorite R&B rapper cunt idols. These "parents" always have visible tattoos usually on the face and are no doubt saving their benifits so they can get little Tyler or beyonce their own Japanese or olde English shite scrawled over their bodies. I look forward these vermin spawn using up my tax payers money on all the court cases they won't turn up for. C.U.N.T.S

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Such dry wit jazz-you a Fwank should try for a kid together sharing the gestation period up your respective arse holes. No doubt it would come out with a beautiful birth mark across its forehead, first letter C last one T.
But I digress. I suggest compulsory sterilisation for any cunt kids with diamond ear studs. Any more suggestions to deal with the scummy twats of our great nation?

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Oh I dont know. It's good when mothers dress their daughters in slutty clothes...

On purpose so they get shagged by every grotty street urchin in an attempt to start firing out the sprogs and get on the benefits gravy train.
I'm for a breeding permit based on intelligence and the probability not to leech of the state -enforced with extreme prejudice
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That's like the pot calling the kettle black, Punk. This chap could live in a council house in the South East, and it would still be worth twice as much as your alleged country house in Cheshire.

pot - kettle ...au contraire ... so southern jessie and a more than a tad common tha' knows . cafetiere by bodum are de rigeur around these parts.

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