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tony blair


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Blair changed from C of E to Roman Catholic which is akin to switching from Chelsea to Spurs,  just not done by normal folk. He must have started believing in God to try and save himself a cushy slot in the afterlife. Personally I prefer slagging the Archprickbish of  Cunterbury from within.

I saw one of your fellow mancs last week manky, john cooper clarke. He did a rather good gag about just that subject,  to wit....

Two Jewish lads walking past a Catholic church, there's a sign outside, "convert today and we'll give you £20."

One decides to go in, the other waits outside for him. Half an hour later out he trots, his mate asks "so, did you convert?" He replies "Yes, as a matter of fact I did. The priest made a lot of sense."

His mate asked "Did you get the £20?"

The lad replies "is that all you people think about?"


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Guest DingTheRioja

Blair changed from C of E to Roman Catholic which is akin to switching from Chelsea to Spurs,  just not done by normal folk. He must have started believing in God to try and save himself a cushy slot in the afterlife. Personally I prefer slagging the Archprickbish of  Cunterbury from within.

I never knew the cunt was a left footer.. that explains a fuck of a lot... nothing is "his fault"...

  1. Bleach
  2. Pair of bricks
  3. caged rat(s)
  4. Acid
  5. Ballpeen hammer
  6. chainsaw
  7. rendered
  8. judas cradle
  9. clawhammer
  10. rusty tin can lid
  11. hobnail boots
  12. peeled and salted
  13. scalped (too late?)
  14. heretics fork (apt)

All the right notes, just not necessarily played in the right order...

...I'm sure I missed a few (hundred)

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The Blair cunt is trying to do a pre-chilcot spin.

Yep that's the one. Don't get me started on Blair. In 1997 we thought it was all going to change, only to find the leader of what we though was The Labour party, but he called "New Labour", was a Thatcherite Tory. Nothing much changed. Then in 2003 he took us into thicko Bush's  pointless invasion of Iraq which created a land fit for ISIS. And he still thinks he did the right thing. Cunt.

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Yep that's the one. Don't get me started on Blair. In 1997 we thought it was all going to change, only to find the leader of what we though was The Labour party, but he called "New Labour", was a Thatcherite Tory. Nothing much changed. Then in 2003 he took us into thicko Bush's  pointless invasion of Iraq which created a land fit for ISIS. And he still thinks he did the right thing. Cunt.

Ah, but you're forgetting one crucial point Rick. God was on their side, bush and blair told us so and they had a hotline to him so it must have been true.


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Yep that's the one. Don't get me started on Blair. In 1997 we thought it was all going to change, only to find the leader of what we though was The Labour party, but he called "New Labour", was a Thatcherite Tory. Nothing much changed. Then in 2003 he took us into thicko Bush's  pointless invasion of Iraq which created a land fit for ISIS. And he still thinks he did the right thing. Cunt.

Chilcot, waste of money and time. Blair, brown and blunkett, all members of friends of israel, backed by a majority of labour MP'S mostly members of the friends of israel voting with 80% of Tory MP'S who are also members of friends of Israel, on israeli WMD propaganda supplied by mossad. Where do I send my invoice ?

if we had corbyn at the helm instead of blair , corbyn being one of the openly critical MP'S of israel, we and the world would be in this mess.

Edited by Eddie
it's all shit
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Guest Alfie Noakes

Ah, but you're forgetting one crucial point Rick. God was on their side, bush and blair told us so and they had a hotline to him so it must have been true.


There it is in a nutshell, involve god in politics and the whole thing turns to shit. I trust no politicians, but those who have religious reasons for doing their job are the ones to really be worried about.

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There it is in a nutshell, involve god in politics and the whole thing turns to shit. I trust no politicians, but those who have religious reasons for doing their job are the ones to really be worried about.

To be honest alfie, I don't believe for a moment that this pair of cunts really thought they were doing gods will. They had their own political agenda, the god stuff was to keep the yank electorate onside, just like the israel /palestine "peace process" bullshit which managed to keep claire short inside the tent pissing out instead of doing a robin cook and resigning. If she'd gone, blair would have lost all credibility. 

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