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snoopers charter


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Guest luke swarm

With the excuse revolving keeping the public safe from terrorism. The Government kicked it all off 'illegally' in the first place and then come back with (Problem=Reaction=Solution). It's oldest trick in the book and works time and time again on a gullible dumbed down public of followers, swallowers and nonchalant thick fuckery. All very easy to implement and they do it with impunity as it will just be accepted by the majority the herd.

Reading some of the comments in the right wing press earlier today, The Mail,The Times and the Telegraph.....'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear',  quite funny really  as none of saps that reiterate that load of old pony are aware that it has it's roots in Nazi Germany, they're  quoting Joseph  Goebbels the Nazi's propaganda minister. Idiocy on a grand scale.

 "Those that sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" (Benjamin Franklin) 

we are powerless in this....our so called opposition has actually backed this legislation. The general public are treated as stupid and in this the government are dead right, they are......in a land where most of the sheep get their views from the papers quoted then is it any wonder this government can push thru legislation that is not allowed anywhere in the developed west. 

We are truly fucked.  

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The only time the population in this country will take to the streets is if they can't buy he latest fucking phone or tablet or if they cancel fucking X Factor.

The vast majority are a bunch of lazy, complacent cunts and the government know it.

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The only time the population in this country will take to the streets is if they can't buy he latest fucking phone or tablet or if they cancel fucking X Factor.

The vast majority are a bunch of lazy, complacent cunts and the government know it.

The Romans called it "panem et circenses", a phrase which would be equally at home on the Jeremy Kyle thread.

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With the excuse revolving keeping the public safe from terrorism. The Government kicked it all off 'illegally' in the first place and then come back with (Problem=Reaction=Solution). It's oldest trick in the book and works time and time again on a gullible dumbed down public of followers, swallowers and nonchalant thick fuckery. All very easy to implement and they do it with impunity as it will just be accepted by the majority the herd.

Reading some of the comments in the right wing press earlier today, The Mail,The Times and the Telegraph.....'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear',  quite funny really  as none of saps that reiterate that load of old pony are aware that it has it's roots in Nazi Germany, they're  quoting Joseph  Goebbels the Nazi's propaganda minister. Idiocy on a grand scale.

 "Those that sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" (Benjamin Franklin) 

Indeed, gong. The idiots also applauded the McCarthy communist witch hunts. And how long did it take them to get wise to that corrupt pervert J Edgar Hoover?

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Guest Gong Farmer

we are powerless in this....our so called opposition has actually backed this legislation. The general public are treated as stupid and in this the government are dead right, they are......in a land where most of the sheep get their views from the papers quoted then is it any wonder this government can push thru legislation that is not allowed anywhere in the developed west. 

We are truly fucked.  

I think you are well and truly fucked over there. No one's lifting a finger to curtail the infringements on your privacy except for civil liberties groups that are ironically berated and vilified by the media and  the very people they seek to protect. What your government is doing would be unthinkable in this country, in fact only this week our government took away a number of powers from the security agencies for fear of them over stepping the mark concerning our privacy rights. We still live in a country were you are not assumed to be a criminal or a terrorist by default  and that you are still deemed innocent until proven guilty and where there is no such thing as secret courts.

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I think you are well and truly fucked over there. No one's lifting a finger to curtail the infringements on your privacy except for civil liberties groups that are ironically berated and vilified by the media and  very people they seek to protect. What your government are doing would be unthinkable in this country, in fact only this week our government took away a number of powers from the security agencies for fear of them over stepping the mark concerning our privacy rights. We still live in a country were you are not assumed to be a criminal or a terrorist, that you are still deemed innocent until proven guilty and there is no such thing as secret courts.

When they describe it as "in the interests of national security" like the Yanks do, then that's pretty much a licence to do what the fuck they want.

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Guest Gong Farmer

When they describe it as "in the interests of national security" like the Yanks do, then that's pretty much a licence to do what the fuck they want.

They used to introduce their policies incrementally so that the public would get used to what they were doing without realizing what they were actually doing and what the end game would finally be. Using the mantra "in the interests of national security" is probably not necessary now as the public are now sufficiently divided and conquered into accepting  anything without question because they're either not interested enough, are interested but have lost faith in the political system or assume that their government is actually benevolent and believe the bullshit they're drip fed . Those that have the audacity to question authority are deemed to be conspiracy theorists, anti government, anti establishment, communists, terrorists, anarchists or whatever's fashionable at the time, not just by the government but by their piers, that's how far the manipulation has gone. 

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They used to introduce their policies incrementally so that the public would get used to what they were doing without realizing what they were actually doing and what the end game would finally be. Using the mantra "in the interests of national security" is probably not necessary now as the public are now sufficiently divided and conquered into accepting  anything without question because they're either not interested enough, are interested but have lost faith in the political system or assume that their government is actually benevolent and believe the bullshit they're drip fed . Those that have the audacity to question authority are deemed to be conspiracy theorists, anti government, anti establishment, communists, terrorists, anarchists or whatever's fashionable at the time, not just by the government but by their piers, that's how far the manipulation has gone. 

You see the conditioning and manipulation all the time. The adverts on telly have this image of the perfect family buying shit that in all honesty they don't fucking need. All part of the dumbing down of the population. "This is what you must aspire to, buy the latest fucking gadget, be like every other cunt and don't you fucking dare think for yourself because if too many people do that then they'll see what the fuck is going on".

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Guest DingTheRioja



Do they honestly expect us to believe that this hasn't been going on for fuck knows how long already?

..but now it's all legal and above board....


You see the conditioning and manipulation all the time. The adverts on telly have this image of the perfect family buying shit that in all honesty they don't fucking need. All part of the dumbing down of the population. "This is what you must aspire to, buy the latest fucking gadget, be like every other cunt and don't you fucking dare think for yourself because if too many people do that then they'll see what the fuck is going on".

"buy the lastes gadget because it's got our latest hidden software on it.. thanks very much..."

I don't go along with all the big brother shit. The government can have my phone and internet history, and probably could have looked at it any time for many years, all the fucking good it will do them. The issue to me, is to whom they pass the information onto.

'Murricans... who will then bar you from entering 'Murrica... so it's not all bad...



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Guest judgetwi

Funny how the UK government has given it's self the right to snoop on it's minions when at the same time is planning to abolish the freedom of information act. Just an observation.

Well said sir. The sheer hypocrisy of these cunts takes my breath away. "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"........but don't stick your nose into the Establishment's business. Meanwhile, if you are an opponent of the Establishment you'd better look over your shoulder you cunt. I wonder why the evidence in the Dr. Kelly inquiry has been locked up for 70 fucking years? Freedom of information my arse.

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Well said sir. The sheer hypocrisy of these cunts takes my breath away. "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"........but don't stick your nose into the Establishment's business. Meanwhile, if you are an opponent of the Establishment you'd better look over your shoulder you cunt. I wonder why the evidence in the Dr. Kelly inquiry has been locked up for 70 fucking years? Freedom of information my arse.

Robin Cooks sudden unexpected death was also quite convenient for blair and campbell. 

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Guest judgetwi

Robin Cooks sudden unexpected death was also quite convenient for blair and campbell. 

Indeed........the only RAF rescue helicopter incapable of carrying the weight of more than 3 people. There's also the French ambulance that took 48 minutes to travel 2 and a half miles through the streets of Paris. Nothing to fear there of course.

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Guest Gong Farmer

I don't go along with all the big brother shit. The government can have my phone and internet history, and probably could have looked at it any time for many years, all the fucking good it will do them. The issue to me, is to whom they pass the information onto.

A lot of people say that and so I always wonder if you'd mind the authorities intercepting your post? Or is that different because it's not correspondence in digital form? Tell me, what's the difference between intercepting your post and intercepting you email account?

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Guest Gong Farmer

Well said sir. The sheer hypocrisy of these cunts takes my breath away. "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"........but don't stick your nose into the Establishment's business. Meanwhile, if you are an opponent of the Establishment you'd better look over your shoulder you cunt. I wonder why the evidence in the Dr. Kelly inquiry has been locked up for 70 fucking years? Freedom of information my arse.

BBC Breakfast this morning 'The security services have been monitoring all domestic telephone calls for the last ten years' it took them less than six seconds to report that and then moved onto the sport that got ten minuets coverage. What does that tell us about the establishment and their whore media?

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A lot of people say that and so I always wonder if you'd mind the authorities intercepting your post? Or is that different because it's not correspondence in digital form? Tell me, what's the difference between intercepting your post and intercepting you email account?

Quite. As the judge pointed out, it's the stale old argument that "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear ". And that argument is indefensible imho.

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BBC Breakfast this morning 'The security services have been monitoring all domestic telephone calls for the last ten years' it took them less than six seconds to report that and then moved onto the sport that got ten minuets coverage. What does that tell us about the establishment and their whore media?

whilst not condoning these actions, I am only surprised that the public are surprised.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I don't go along with all the big brother shit. The government can have my phone and internet history, and probably could have looked at it any time for many years, all the fucking good it will do them. The issue to me, is to whom they pass the information onto.

You fucking cretin.

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I don't go along with all the big brother shit. The government can have my phone and internet history, and probably could have looked at it any time for many years, all the fucking good it will do them. The issue to me, is to whom they pass the information onto.

The worse for passing on info is our very own NHS. Last year I needed treatment in A&E. Two days later I started getting unsolicited phone calls from an ambulance chasing law firm trying to get me to sue somebody for my "accident". Despite it being severe stomach pains. Seeing as I never give my number to anyone, except to the A&E department, where do you think they got the number from?

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Guest Gong Farmer

whilst not condoning these actions, I am only surprised that the public are surprised.

The public are dumbed down saps. If the 'authorities' wanted introduce euthanasia  for octogenarians they'd roll with it. Believe me. They'd let themselves be conditioned to the idea incrementally over a given period of time until it's acceptable. The Belgian authorities have already convinced the public that euthanizing severely handicapped and ill children to be  a great idea and are actually now doing exactly that. On the face of it you might agree that it's a good idea and the kindest thing to do but the point is that the public have been convinced that severely handicapped children are a burden on the rest of society and should be 'done away with'. Who's next? Parasitic pensioners that are a burden that no longer contribute towards society? The unemployable? Criminals? How far will they go with euthanasia? 

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The Belgian authorities have already convinced the public that euthanizing severely handicapped and ill children to be  a great idea and are actually now doing exactly that. On the face of it you might agree that it's a good idea and the kindest thing to do but the point is that the public have been convinced that severely handicapped children are a burden on the rest of society and should be 'done away with'.

Dr. Mengele is alive and well and living in Belgium.

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