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The Past

Guest Quincy Cockfingers

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

The Past. 

Possibly the greatest of all cunts. What an utter fucking event horizon  of a Cunt.

"Quincy, you used to be a nice cunt" and "Quincy, you drank all the xmas sherry and filled it up with  water" and "Quincy, you gave me genial herpes" and "Quincy Cockfingers, the prosecution alleges you did abuse your position of X to defraud Y... " and "Quincy, I used to have a lot more tramadol than I today" - certainly more than you will tomorrow mum you stupid cunt. And fucking so on. Boring.

Cunts live in it, reminisce on it, quote it, judge by it and really never fuck up about it. 

Its never "Quincy, im going to suck you off" or "Quincy you're really going to enjoy our family Christmas" or fuck all like that.

Why in blue fuck would I give a shit about what I did yesterday - I certainly didn't at the time. I'm only interested in what's in it for me tomorrow. The past - what a cunt. 

God bless. Fuck off

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Repeat bollox. You'd know if you bothered to look...............in the past, Cunty Penisdigits.

I did look. Didn't seem to be fuck all. 

It USED to seem like it was funny, but NOW it's just shite. Half baked shite. Something to it but it was queefed out premature and gasping with fuck all chance 

sorry cunts

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Some things are definitely best left in the past, never to be reflected upon again. This nom for example, is a steaming pile of utter fucking shite, and should be firmly consigned to the past. It's an abomination, a mish-mash of words plucked randomly from your alcohol-addled brain, and I would rather dip my honey soaked cock and scrotum into a Japanese hornets nest than ever have to read its like again.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Even by your pitiful standards QC, this is dreadful.

Perhaps it's time you heeded your own advice, and went beverage shopping on Domestos.com.

As it will be your final aperitif, and it's the festive season, you could treat yourself to a tumbler of vintage Ultra White & Sparkle on the rocks.


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All you cunts on this site live in the past. Reflecting on days of yore, those halcyon days when everything was so much better. Even the preferred method of the ultimate fuck-off, the ingestion of various items of (usually) domestic cleansing agents has changed little as the years have rolled by.

Is this desire to cling to the past why new talent, like myself, is treated with such vitriol and hatred. 

Let it not be said that I bear a grudge. To this end, on Christmas Day, I hope you all enjoy the Malaysian Airline tickets for a jaunt over the Ukraine, round the Pacific and backwards and forwards over the Syrian/Turkish border towing a huge banner with "Erdogan takes it up the arse off Putin" I may or may not send you.

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, Manky said:

All you cunts on this site live in the past.

A bit fucking rich coming from our resident Imperialist Royalist 1920s northern chimney sweep.

Speak for yourself anyway. I'm 25, caught a fucking Uber last week and don't think gays should be shot. If I'm not a sexy, forward thinking millennial and the voice of the future, I don't know who is.

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1 minute ago, Bill Stickers said:

A bit fucking rich coming from our resident Imperialist Royalist 1920s northern chimney sweep.

That is not living in the past, it is just that progress saw The North and thought, "fuck that for a game of soldiers".

Sent from my ZX80 using tapatalk

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Even by your pitiful standards QC, this is dreadful.

Perhaps it's time you heeded your own advice, and went beverage shopping on Domestos.com.

As it will be your final aperitif, and it's the festive season, you could treat yourself to a tumbler of vintage Ultra White & Sparkle on the rocks.


Fair enough. I'm not sure it's that bad, though had a rare day off the sauce yesterday, which usually isn't a good thing 

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