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"Too gay" gay cunts

Guest Quincy Cockfingers

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

Suits you sir. Mmmmatron. Oooh! - you go up the garden path and I'll take the back door! Oooh! Fucking oooooh, you cunts you.

Something terrible has happened to the good old fashioned British woofter in the intervening years between Ken Williams and this Nortonian epoch, and I don't mean Bad AIDS.

I mean those that talk and act like your shrill, drunken auntie who doesn't get any.

This isn't a homophobic rant, no siree, but why oh why do so many of these awful gay cunts affect such ridiculous daft old wimmen airs and high, effeminate, nasal intonations, when it is other bent blokes they ride and seek to attract - not - men who are into silly old raucous aunties, if not the aunties themselves.

Back in my dads day, a proper queen was a hilarious day to day fixture in drag, belting out innuendos left right and centre, and everything was totally clear, above board and right out in the open.

This cunt would like to politely suggest that if the current crop of fruit cannot be as fucking hilarious as Stephen Fry himself, they should jolly well better go round my aunties and give her an absolute fucking anal pounding.


Edited by Quincy Cockfingers
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I'm free Quincy,You silly goose!

lets face the fact that you have secret homosexual fantasies where Julian Clary operates you like sooty while you wear shit 60's glasses and pretend to be an Australian septuagenarian in a sequin dress.



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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
9 minutes ago, Gurt said:

I'm free Quincy,You silly goose!

lets face the fact that you have secret homosexual fantasies where Julian Clary operates you like sooty while you wear shit 60's glasses and pretend to be an Australian septuagenarian in a sequin dress.



Southerncunt , you mean.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 minutes ago, Gurt said:

All of those antipodean 'fellas' are borderline homos. I've seen neighbours and home and away and the only semi straight one was Alf from the coffee shop 

Bloke feels like a flamin' gala !

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, Gurt said:

Flamin gay lord 

Gurt, desist! Before posting anything further I'd note this post is titled 2 gay cunts, and here we are, skipping hand in hand alone at 6am through downtown San fucking Francisco 

I need to say this before some smart cunt notices.

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7 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Gurt, desist! Before posting anything further I'd note this post is titled 2 gay cunts, and here we are, skipping hand in hand alone at 6am through downtown San fucking Francisco 

I need to say this before some smart cunt notices.

Zoltar sees all, knows all!


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You've almost got to admire Jimmy Somerville, that early trailblazer of this current genre. He must have had balls the size of watermelons to be a stereotypically balding, ginger-bearded, flamboyant, falsetto-voiced mincer in Glasgow in the eighties. 

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It seems to me that a large number of members on this site prefer to use the main sewer of the human body as a playground. Well, fuck off back to your Justin Bieber CD's you cunts. Wait till the caliphate arrives. It won't be safe to walk past a multi-storey car park without being twatted by a falling cunt.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
15 hours ago, Gurt said:

I hope someone goes in dry January on you Quincy. I liked your yacht shite, by the way 

I felt it attracted well undue slating.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Ape said:

In fairness to Gurt, you are as much to blame Quincy, you dopey cunt :D

Aye. I stumbled into it with my bags round my ankles.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Ape said:

In fairness to Gurt, you are as much to blame Quincy, you dopey cunt :D

Talking about rampant faggots, where is that piece of shit Stickers ?

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