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Ugly Tuskers Who Delude Themselves Into Thinking That They Are Potential Rape Victims


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 5 February 2016 at 8:39 PM, JackoTC said:

A vile, shit for brained nom if I've ever heard one. How do you know that her inbred Norfolk husband or father hadn't raped and beaten her endlessly over many years, causing her to have little self esteem, and lead to her over eating. You are not funny Deco. More contrived shit that you probably spent an hour writing in the hope of getting more likes to keep ahead in your little popularity contest - go fuck yourself, wanker.

Funnier than you, stupid whining fucker that you are. This is a very decent nom,  in terms of both target-validity and ordinance delivery, and vastly ahead of the old woman drivel you shit out. It works as a good compliment to my own excellent "fat veggie cunts".

I could only suggest improvement by adding that stalking and/or a sexual assault is arguably the biggest compliment a chap can pay a lady. Indeed, for a fat slab of suet in tights, it's the fucking euro lottery, so you can fuck off you cunt.

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1 minute ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Funnier than you, stupid whining fucker that you are. This is a very decent nom in terms of both target-validity and ordinance delivery, and vastly ahead of the old woman drivel you shit out. It works as a good compliment to my own excellent "fat veggie cunts".

I could only suggest improvement by adding that stalking and/or a sexual assault is arguably the biggest compliment a chap can pay a lady. Indeed, for a fat slab of suet in tights, it's the fucking euro lottery, so you can fuck off you cunt.

Quincy, Q-Dog, The fingernator, where the fuck have you been?!

A quick update of what's happened since you've been gone. Stickers has died of a barbituate overdose, Gurt has returned to his underground mole kingdom after taking a severe whipping for posting sub-standard shite, and Frank briefly returned and was shit as ever.

Also, the jock cunt you just quite rightly took a switch to, has developed an unhealthy obsession with his betters. Good to have you back.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Quincy, Q-Dog, The fingernator, where the fuck have you been?!

A quick update of what's happened since you've been gone. Stickers has died of a barbituate overdose, Gurt has returned to his underground mole kingdom after taking a severe whipping for posting sub-standard shite, and Frank briefly returned and was shit as ever.

Also, the jock cunt you just quite rightly took a switch to, has developed an unhealthy obsession with his betters. Good to have you back.

Well, to be frank, and I don't mean "to be a tedious smug fucker", after Xmas it looked very much like all the spunk had run out of the corner, down its leg, filling up its boots, leaving only a smattering of tepid, refugee obsessed, less than hilarious cunts, so it was time for a hiatus.

However as you say, with Stickers  lying sightless in a ditch, possibly Swarm too, and yourself seemingly fucked off, a glance earlier revealed to me that certain fucking shitcunt upstarts were gamboling around in the sunshine without a care in the world- nearly, like they owned the fucking place.

Jacko, Frank, it's burrow time again, off you scurry, you've had your fun, now you're pinned in the Quincy spotlight, lamped like a couple of fucking rats. 


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6 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Well, to be frank, and I don't mean "to be a tedious smug fucker", after Xmas it looked very much like all the spunk had run out of the corner, down its leg, filling up its boots, leaving only a smattering of tepid, refugee obsessed, less than hilarious cunts, so it was time for a hiatus.

However as you say, with Stickers  lying sightless in a ditch, possibly Swarm too, and yourself seemingly fucked off, a glance earlier revealed to me that certain fucking shitcunt upstarts were gamboling around in the sunshine without a care in the world- nearly, like they owned the fucking place.

Jacko, Frank, it's burrow time again, off you scurry, you've had your fun, now you're pinned in the Quincy spotlight, lamped like a couple of fucking rats. 


Load of bullshit toss. Just be honest for once in your sordid life. You have 'been away' for 14 days. That is the usual custodial sentence for obscene behaviour in a Dalkeith public convenience isn't it you cunt ?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

Load of bullshit toss. Just be honest for once in your sordid life. You have 'been away' for 14 days. That is the usual custodial sentence for obscene behaviour in a Dalkeith public convenience isn't it you cunt ?

14 days in Val D'isere for me- 14 days of tearful snotty nosed purgatory for you in the awful vacuum of Quincyless space, you horrid fungur.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
57 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Funnier than you, stupid whining fucker that you are. This is a very decent nom,  in terms of both target-validity and ordinance delivery, and vastly ahead of the old woman drivel you shit out. It works as a good compliment to my own excellent "fat veggie cunts".

I could only suggest improvement by adding that stalking and/or a sexual assault is arguably the biggest compliment a chap can pay a lady. Indeed, for a fat slab of suet in tights, it's the fucking euro lottery, so you can fuck off you cunt.

Well, butter my balls, what the fuck is this? Stickers you mysterious cunt, break out the shitty stick with nails, cunts are positively needing the beating of a lifetime, the place is become a fucking special unit rubber playground. Explain yourself. 

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Guest Bill Stickers

I'm fucking back Quincy, and ready to skirmish with the big boys. The prolonged spell in solitary is over, aside from a few lingering parole conditions that I'll detail at a later date.

If there's one person on here who likes to rape ugly fucker tuskers, it's you and me Quincy old chap. We'll bend Mike and Jacko over, and give them a royal buggering they'll never forget. By the time we're done, they'll waddle off into the sunset like John Wayne after a dodgy late night curry.

We could even be charitable and let Decimus have sloppy seconds once we're done. 



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4 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm fucking back Quincy, and ready to skirmish with the big boys. The prolonged spell in solitary is over, aside from a few lingering parole conditions that I'll detail at a later date.

If there's one person on here who likes to rape ugly fucker tuskers, it's you and me Quincy old chap. We'll bend Mike and Jacko over, and give them a royal buggering they'll never forget. By the time we're done, they'll waddle off into the sunset like John Wayne after a dodgy late night curry.

We could even be charitable and let Decimus have sloppy seconds once we're done. 



About fucking time you cunt. I'm expecting a masterclass in cunting from you now you're back with over a month's worth of pent up bile slugging about in your gall bladder.

Things have gotten out of hand without a shark patrolling this cess pool keeping everyone in check. Newbies posting without a bye or fucking leave with barely a "kill yourself" levelled at them.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Funnier than you, stupid whining fucker that you are. This is a very decent nom,  in terms of both target-validity and ordinance delivery, and vastly ahead of the old woman drivel you shit out. It works as a good compliment to my own excellent "fat veggie cunts".

I could only suggest improvement by adding that stalking and/or a sexual assault is arguably the biggest compliment a chap can pay a lady. Indeed, for a fat slab of suet in tights, it's the fucking euro lottery, so you can fuck off you cunt.


45 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm fucking back Quincy, and ready to skirmish with the big boys. The prolonged spell in solitary is over, aside from a few lingering parole conditions that I'll detail at a later date.

If there's one person on here who likes to rape ugly fucker tuskers, it's you and me Quincy old chap. We'll bend Mike and Jacko over, and give them a royal buggering they'll never forget. By the time we're done, they'll waddle off into the sunset like John Wayne after a dodgy late night curry.

We could even be charitable and let Decimus have sloppy seconds once we're done. 



Fuck me, that must've been one hell of a lock-in at whatever seedy bum-saloon you hefty fucking queens landed in. Where in the fuck did you bastards go, and where's my present you cunts?

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, nocti said:

Fuck me, that must've been one hell of a lock-in at whatever seedy bum-saloon you hefty fucking queens landed in. Where in the fuck did you bastards go, and where's my present you cunts?

Nocti, I've got no fucking idea what happened at that lock-in. I saw Quince slip something in my drink around midnight on the 1st of Feb, woke up 2 weeks later in Bradford, and now my arse prolapses without warning. Sometimes I'll turn around and realise my innards have been dragging along the pavement for 20 minutes or so without me noticing.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
52 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm fucking back Quincy, and ready to skirmish with the big boys. The prolonged spell in solitary is over, aside from a few lingering parole conditions that I'll detail at a later date.

If there's one person on here who likes to rape ugly fucker tuskers, it's you and me Quincy old chap. We'll bend Mike and Jacko over, and give them a royal buggering they'll never forget. By the time we're done, they'll waddle off into the sunset like John Wayne after a dodgy late night curry.

We could even be charitable and let Decimus have sloppy seconds once we're done. 



And not before fucking time, you slacking cunt-shift moocher. I hope Jacko's ring piece is quivering in fear, for well it should be: Jacko, consider this the first digit of a brutal fisting. There'll be none of this one-two-three-four digit gentlemanly chivalry nonsense this time - its one digit first-purely to check for shite, then, boom, the full on veterinary treatment, shite regardless, that won't get you out of being worn like a rolex.

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Guest Bill Stickers
Just now, Quincy Cockfingers said:

its one digit first-purely to check for shite, then, boom, the full on veterinary treatment, shite regardless, that won't get you out of being worn like a rolex.

Thoroughly revolting. Don't even change Quincy.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
27 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Thoroughly revolting. Don't even change Quincy.

If you can finish the paragraph without retching two arcs of breakfast out your nostrils, I am not earning my fee.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
35 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Nocti, I've got no fucking idea what happened at that lock-in. I saw Quince slip something in my drink around midnight on the 1st of Feb, woke up 2 weeks later in Bradford, and now my arse prolapses without warning. Sometimes I'll turn around and realise my innards have been dragging along the pavement for 20 minutes or so without me noticing.

I will say this - superglue was first utilised before patent as such as a quick fix battlefield suture in the Vietnam "war": possibly you could consider a hoop application as a remedy, though not without its own problems. In the words of the Wu-tang, one would certainly not want to be the cunt with asshole sown closed and then fed, and fed, and fed.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

About fucking time you cunt. I'm expecting a masterclass in cunting from you now you're back with over a month's worth of pent up bile slugging about in your gall bladder.

Things have gotten out of hand without a shark patrolling this cess pool keeping everyone in check. Newbies posting without a bye or fucking leave with barely a "kill yourself" levelled at them.

The only thing pent up in this fucking low life deviant is 3 litres of rancid jizz in his colon . I bet the other inmates thought it was like fucking an elephants earhole and are happy to be shot of him.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

The only thing pent up in this fucking low life deviant is 3 litres of rancid jizz in his colon . I bet the other inmates thought it was like fucking an elephants earhole and are happy to be shot of him.

More like throwing a needle into a black hole.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

All in all, a good day for the corner. The return of Quince, Bill and now Lukers has logged in.

And not a sight of Frank, ProfB or Jacko. Perfick.

Hmm? Yeah? Good stuff, hoped so. Luke, I'm your father, you've fucked your sister etc but welcome back. 

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3 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

It just needs you to fuck off  FOREVER and it will be

Withers, I couldn't help but notice you skulking in the background today, adding little quips which for the most part have gone completely unnoticed. You remind me of the fat kid at school, desperately trying to join in with the cooler kids by interrupting every five minutes with a breathlessly rushed joke read in The Beano the night before. Just like said chubber, you're making yourself look like a cunt. I know there's the semblance of a game left in there somewhere, so feel free to up it, you snivelling little worm.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Withers, I couldn't help but notice you skulking in the background today, adding little quips which for the most part have gone completely unnoticed. You remind me of the fat kid at school, desperately trying to join in with the cooler kids by interrupting every five minutes with a breathlessly rushed joke read in The Beano the night before. Just like said chubber, you're making yourself look like a cunt. I know there's the semblance of a game left in there somewhere, so feel free to up it, you snivelling little worm.

For you Lord Snooty anything

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