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The National Living Wage.


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I was just informed by a colleague at work, that the projected government target for the 'living wage' by 2020 is £9.00 an hour for over 25's.

To say I'm fucking furious is an understatement. Why the fuck, should uneducated, unqualified, and unwashed shelf stackers, check out girls and cleaners etc, be automatically paid almost 19k a year when based upon a full time salary?

That's almost more than the starting wage of most teachers and police officers, and is higher than most entry grade levels for non-officers in the armed forces. It's an absolute fucking disgrace, made even worse by the fact it's being rammed down our throats by the Tory party. The hypocritical cunts are supposed to be all for a laissez-faire, non-interventionist government role in the free market, but are implementing a quasi-communist policy that doesn't encourage aspiration, and has the potential to cripple numerous small businesses.

The earnings of most semi-qualified and professional workers are rising nowhere near as high as this hyper-inflated, state enabled leeching on public and private sector finances. In some services, wage rises have been next to nil for more than five years. How long until a fucking chavvy little peasant cunt flipping burgers in McDonald's is close to earning the same amount as the average wage earner in the U.K.? 

Utopian bollocks that does not reflect the realities of the economy or the wishes of most of the general public.


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Maybe Cameron and his bunch of floppy cunts feel their time is up come the next election and he's hoping that this will get the unwashed masses to vote for him and his despicable pig-fucking entourage?

22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Utopian bollocks that does not reflect the realities of the economy or the wishes of most of the general public.

Whilst I agree with most of what you say, I'd have to gainsay this point, Decimus.  Most of the general public are now dribbling, morose imbeciles who struggle with the very basic concept of application and self-improvement.  Why wouldn't they want a low-skilled job for maximum benefit? 

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11 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Wages depend on how well you or some representation organisation/union can be bothered to negotiate. I don't see anything wrong with two planked cunts getting paid 9 sovs an hour, itself is a fucking pittance. Lots of greedy shareholders of large corporates would like to see a figure significantly lower. The spanner in the works as far as I see it, will be that it attracts more economic immigration into the UK plc. Until the white underclass are forced to take jobs shit shovelling or the like, there will be no shortage of cunts from Europe making haste to this shithole rubbing their hands with glee.

I don't think it's necessary to bring this back to immigration again. Obviously it will attract more economic migrants, but the biggest impact it will have will be due to employers having to fund a huge increase in the wages of millions of low paid, British born employee's.

The foreigners you hypothetically claim will flock here, aren't already on the books. Millions of our own already are, and will be guaranteed an increase of over £2.00 an hour. And for what reason? They are still performing the same menial jobs, why should they be entitled to such a large increase in their wages? £9.00 an hour might not seem a lot, but has anyone elses annual wage gone up by 4k within four years without promotion or leaving for another job?

Your fictional Johnny foreigner isn't here yet, you should worry more about how we are going to fund an extravagant wage rise for our feckless own, whilst educated,skilled members of the native workforce are expected to do more responsible jobs with negligible pay increases.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
25 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Wages depend on how well you or some representation organisation/union can be bothered to negotiate. I don't see anything wrong with two planked cunts getting paid 9 sovs an hour, itself is a fucking pittance. Lots of greedy shareholders of large corporates would like to see a figure significantly lower. The spanner in the works as far as I see it, will be that it attracts more economic immigration into the UK plc. Until the white underclass are forced to take jobs shit shovelling or the like, there will be no shortage of cunts from Europe making haste to this shithole rubbing their hands with glee.

It is a shit hole here. Many other countries are at least warmer, better food or more living orientated. Here, though on the face of it it isn't so bad, it's Cuntish enough in many little ways to amount to it being a cunt to make a living. Fucking vat cunt central just dropped a 56k vat charge on the doorstep based on some mental estimate, after telling me the supply it related to was to be only 5%. Meanwhile yank cunt Amazon and Starfucks are tapping everyone for 20% and not paying HMRC. Off it fucks offshore to the states via Lichtenstein. Cunts.

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I don't think this is a topic around immigration as a problem.  What's more of a problem currently, are the lazy cunts who get more in benefits than they do for working, even if it is a menial job. 

If we could motivate the current unemployed to work, even by means of overpayment for their level of education and qualifications, then so be it. 

Yes, morons would be overpaid, but which is worse in your eyes; overpaying people for the work they do, or funding the scrounging benefit cunts to sit on their arses all day? 

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9 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

I don't think this is a topic around immigration as a problem.  What's more of a problem currently, are the lazy cunts who get more in benefits than they do for working, even if it is a menial job. 

If we could motivate the current unemployed to work, even by means of overpayment for their level of education and qualifications, then so be it. 

Yes, morons would be overpaid, but which is worse in your eyes; overpaying people for the work they do, or funding the scrounging benefit cunts to sit on their arses all day? 

Intelligence is not linked to pay, ask any spiv investment banker, you know the ones who fucked everything up on 250k per year and a large bonus.

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12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Intelligence is not linked to pay, ask any spiv investment banker, you know the ones who fucked everything up on 250k per year and a large bonus.

Not sure that you've grasped the gist of my post - I was asking the question of which you'd rather: having your taxes pay for work-shy tracksuit-wearing cunts to stay at home and watch Jeremy Kyle on their 60" TV whilst chain-smoking Lambert & Butler, or, would you prefer that your salary was 'devalued' by overpaying those who at least attempt to contribute something to society by performing those low-level jobs  that nobody else wants to in a perfunctory fashion? 

And as we've not had the pleasure of meeting properly, fuck off you dopey cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
30 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't think it's necessary to bring this back to immigration again. Obviously it will attract more economic migrants, but the biggest impact it will have will be due to employers having to fund a huge increase in the wages of millions of low paid, British born employee's.

The foreigners you hypothetically claim will flock here, aren't already on the books. Millions of our own already are, and will be guaranteed an increase of over £2.00 an hour. And for what reason? They are still performing the same menial jobs, why should they be entitled to such a large increase in their wages? £9.00 an hour might not seem a lot, but has anyone elses annual wage gone up by 4k within four years without promotion or leaving for another job?

Your fictional Johnny foreigner isn't here yet, you should worry more about how we are going to fund an extravagant wage rise for our feckless own, whilst educated,skilled members of the native workforce are expected to do more responsible jobs with negligible pay increases.

If you increase the minimum wage, you have the perfect excuse to cut benefits, and that extra £2 will give more tax.

You also remove, at least partially, the shitty excuse that taking a job means a technical drop in living standards, there are a lot of people on the dole who stay there rather than work because the difference is negligable.  Make the difference count, by upping wages and lowering benefits gets the cunts to work.

As for Johnny Foreigner, he is here, and he is sending the money back home, en masse.  To take the current media hysteria point, 34,000 child benefits for children who are living back home, abroad, not even in this fucking country and spending that child benefit in UK shops etc...

...and so often you see Polish families or couples, living 3 couples to a house, paying fuckall in rent, and storing it all up for going home with.... restriction free... removing vast quantities of money from this country.

Who is it screaming that we shouldn't be allowed to stop this? Poland...Lithuania... Romania... the ones whos countries are relying on OUR tax and benefits, nevermind that we pay their Govts direct for other shit.

18 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

I don't think this is a topic around immigration as a problem.  What's more of a problem currently, are the lazy cunts who get more in benefits than they do for working, even if it is a menial job. 

If we could motivate the current unemployed to work, even by means of overpayment for their level of education and qualifications, then so be it. 

Yes, morons would be overpaid, but which is worse in your eyes; overpaying people for the work they do, or funding the scrounging benefit cunts to sit on their arses all day? 

Fucking hell.... having to agree with you as well.. this is a shit day!

6 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

I don't have a problem with immigration, providing those who come, contribute and keep their money here, which doesn't always happen. We have a global marketplace and freedom of movement, you can't dissociate immigration from the equation. Another thread bashing immigration is not my proclivity either. People will flock to whichever cunt is paying the most. I understand being pissed off with a wage drop in real terms, my hourly rate has gone down the past 6 years, but keeping mugs on piss poor wages only plays into the hands of the elite and maintains the increasing gap between the rich and poor.

This is the important bit.... contribute... don't pillage, which is effectively what they are doing...

I know enough scrounging cunts who laugh at me for working, they also have less stress, are generally happier and go on more fucking holidays than me, on the fucking dole... sometimes I think I'm doing it wrong...

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3 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Not sure that you've grasped the gist of my post - I was asking the question of which you'd rather: having your taxes pay for work-shy tracksuit-wearing cunts to stay at home and watch Jeremy Kyle on their 60" TV whilst chain-smoking Lambert & Butler, or, would you prefer that your salary was 'devalued' by overpaying those who at least attempt to contribute something to society by performing those low-level jobs  that nobody else wants to in a perfunctory fashion? 

And as we've not had the pleasure of meeting properly, fuck off you dopey cunt.

Do you kiss your wife with that filthy mouth? I would rather the minimum wage was more attractive than a life on benefits, although the amount of posts you make per day I imagine you would disagree.

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6 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Fucking hell.... having to agree with you as well.. this is a shit day!


I know enough scrounging cunts who laugh at me for working, they also have less stress, are generally happier and go on more fucking holidays than me, on the fucking dole... sometimes I think I'm doing it wrong...

Firstly, don't make a habit of agreeing with me, the other cunts on here will suspect we are some sort of whispy fairies.

Secondly, you are a miserable cunt, but I know what you mean.  It amazes me at the number of lazy fuckers who have decent holidays every fucking year, live in respectable houses and have far less fucking frown lines than I do.

Finally, fuck off, you big funky ball of bitch tits - your post was far too much fucking effort to read.

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37 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

If you increase the minimum wage, you have the perfect excuse to cut benefits, and that extra £2 will give more tax.

You also remove, at least partially, the shitty excuse that taking a job means a technical drop in living standards, there are a lot of people on the dole who stay there rather than work because the difference is negligable.  Make the difference count, by upping wages and lowering benefits gets the cunts to work.

As for Johnny Foreigner, he is here, and he is sending the money back home, en masse.  To take the current media hysteria point, 34,000 child benefits for children who are living back home, abroad, not even in this fucking country and spending that child benefit in UK shops etc...

...and so often you see Polish families or couples, living 3 couples to a house, paying fuckall in rent, and storing it all up for going home with.... restriction free... removing vast quantities of money from this country.

Who is it screaming that we shouldn't be allowed to stop this? Poland...Lithuania... Romania... the ones whos countries are relying on OUR tax and benefits, nevermind that we pay their Govts direct for other shit.

Fucking hell.... having to agree with you as well.. this is a shit day!

This is the important bit.... contribute... don't pillage, which is effectively what they are doing...

I know enough scrounging cunts who laugh at me for working, they also have less stress, are generally happier and go on more fucking holidays than me, on the fucking dole... sometimes I think I'm doing it wrong...


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I certainly agree that there needs to be more incentive to work, and the one plus side to the NLW is that it has the potential to slash the benefit budget for taxpayers. However, passing the burden to private enterprise is wrong in my opinion. Small businesses will be hit the hardest, and I doubt that they will console themselves that there are less people on benefit, when the cost increase of their overheads will have the potential of putting themselves on the breadline. I also seriously doubt that it will have that big an impact in reducing the benefits bill anyway. Companies will resort either through greed or desperation to only offering zero hour and part time contracts, leaving the taxpayer to pick up the bill of tax credit subsidies

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Bubbles said:

Firstly, don't make a habit of agreeing with me, the other cunts on here will suspect we are some sort of whispy fairies.

Secondly, you are a miserable cunt, but I know what you mean.  It amazes me at the number of lazy fuckers who have decent holidays every fucking year, live in respectable houses and have far less fucking frown lines than I do.

Finally, fuck off, you big funky ball of bitch tits - your post was far too much fucking effort to read.

It's pretty unlikely that I'll ever agree with you again... it's taken 2 years to agree with something Proper said... you've got no fucking hope...

I doubt you read much of it... anything more than 8 seconds is usually beyond you...

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