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Jihadi cunts in Brussels

Earl of Punkape

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Guest Snatch

America have said they stand by Belgium and will help in any way they can.

How about apologising for stirring this whole shit up by sticking their fucking nose in other countries business when it's got fuck all to do with them.

Fucking yeehaw cunts.

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Guest nobgobbler
18 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Yes a fair nom from someone that was supposed to be banned and going by some his comments on this thread it's about time you slack cunts at the top upped your fucking game.

These terrorists cunts are unfortunately for us too well organised. Cunts they be but stupid they are not. These attacks weren't planned overnight but possibly bought forward by a week or two as one of their top cunts got nicked.

There will some who have black humour about these sort of events but if and when it happens to someone they love then you'll find their "humour" disappears fucking quick.

I don't recall anyone finding the IRA attacks funny and this is no different.

Oh well,cue Cameron to come out with the normal "these sort of attacks will not be tolerated and the perpetrators will be bought too justice blah blah bollocks".

Cameron is shocked. Why? 

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Guest Snatch
1 minute ago, nobgobbler said:

Cameron is shocked. Why? 

Is he fuck. It's all a political game for him. He'll soon use these attacks by saying something like "Europe must stick together in these hard times and to exit the EU would mean less security for the great people of the UK".

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Guest nobgobbler
2 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Is he fuck. It's all a political game for him. He'll soon use these attacks by saying something like "Europe must stick together in these hard times and to exit the EU would mean less security for the great people of the UK".

"We are going to help in any way we can". Can't wait to see what that involves.

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Guest Snatch
1 minute ago, nobgobbler said:

"We are going to help in any way we can". Can't wait to see what that involves.

Bombing some other country in the name of democracy probably.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
8 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Is he fuck. It's all a political game for him. He'll soon use these attacks by saying something like "Europe must stick together in these hard times and to exit the EU would mean less security for the great people of the UK".

Not to mention the draconian security measures that will no doubt be fast tracked through parliament giving the filth free reign to treat the entire population like criminals. Bernard Hitler Howe is no doubt behind his desk wanking himself into unconciousness fantasising over the possibilities the fascist cunt.

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Guest luke swarm
10 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Reassuring. I thought you had gone soft as shit and were going to add one of your RIP platitudes.

you are the one who is going soft you faschist cunt......the old Properkhunt would have given me a long spell in the cooler.

You have scored at least 2 "likes" from that stupid turd Pinkape in this thread....that alone ought to make you hang your head in shame.

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Just now, Properkhunt said:

Commenting on something like this subject is not for everyone, that I accept totally. I thought that was the point you made.

Personally I'd like to see a full range of views on the subject, and I'm sure that I won't agree with most of them, if the thread isn't something people think should be commented on that's fair enough. I just take exception to Punkape's blase original post which was just designed to get a reaction, which it certainly has. I agree with you that it's worthy of discussion, and also that it's a shame it was originally posted by the biggest cunt on here.

So, in the spirit of debate, how can we solve the issue without resorting to Trumpesque xenophobia? Is there any other way than resorting to a Children of Men style herding of Muslims into ghettos where their movement is restricted and monitored? It's certainly not what I would advocate, but I can certainly see a near future where extreme right wing policies are offered up as genuine solutions.

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Guest Snatch
25 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Who said he was supposed to be banned?

Mrs Roops

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On 10/07/2015 at 2:02 PM, cuntspotter said:

Thanks Frank, but I wasn't really concerned.... We had Punkape to get us through the lonely hours.

Indeed. The owners of CC and the mods have decided that Frank and Punkape be permanently banned for flagrant breech of multi ID rules (for they are both the same) and blatant trolling despite numerous requests to use the site for which it was intended. In due course all content posted by the individual will be removed.


How things change eh?

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Guest Bill Stickers
3 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

The sort of hysterical over reaction one would see from our cherished media. We have got weeks of this on the box and in the rags. Sell, sell fucking sell. If you want compassion or a book of condolence this is not the place. CUNTS is the name, and this bombing is a cunt. Fair nom if you ask me, even if it is from an unparalleled cunt.

I'm all for keeping some perspective. Home grown terrorists are on the whole inept cunts that the film Four Lions perfectly encapsulated.

The threat from radical Islam is bad but not overwhelming. Manky just likes to get panicked about it because it suits his warped world view. 

The topic is worthy of discussion and indeed a cunt. However, PunkApe's approach can best be described using that age old adage, a 'pile of shit'.


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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Is there any other way than resorting to a Children of Men style herding of Muslims into ghettos where their movement is restricted and monitored? It's certainly not what I would advocate, but I can certainly see a near future where extreme right wing policies are offered up as genuine solutions.

Sounds a bit like Israel 

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Guest luke swarm
24 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

I am a softy really, a great big fucking stupid, gullible softy, who believes that international jihadism is coordinated by some cloth head holed up in a fucking hut in a desert in the arse end of nowhere. It is funded by selling goat semen at the local market and passing the hat around in the Rajah Tandoori in Smethwick. I really must stop watching the TV and get back on my meds.

I always thought that the mint sauce tasted rather odd in the Rajah.......however you are wrong about Smethwick, which is predominantly settled by the Sikh community.......I grew up there and would state that the Sikhs are absolutely the antithesis of all things Islamic. The religion was specifically formed to combat the scourge of militant Islam and still they remain deadly enemies as far as religious viewpoints go.

Also the source of this distorted Islamic ideology emanates from Saudi Arabia and Qatar....as indeed does the funding for this sort of well planned operation........this is not religion but a totalitarian and fascist movement that would make national socialism look like a caring sharing society. there's the platitude you predicted.     


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4 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Mrs Roops

  • Massive Cunt

Indeed. The owners of CC and the mods have decided that Frank and Punkape be permanently banned 



Snatchers, if her definition of "permanently banned" is as off as her definition of an exhibitionist, she could have meant almost anything saying that. I'll refer back to my "World According to Roops" manual, but I'm sure that the Mrs. R. to English translation is "I can't wait to get my fucking overly hairy growler out again."

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Guest JackoTC
31 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Mrs Roops

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Indeed. The owners of CC and the mods have decided that Frank and Punkape be permanently banned for flagrant breech of multi ID rules (for they are both the same) and blatant trolling despite numerous requests to use the site for which it was intended. In due course all content posted by the individual will be removed.


How things change eh?

Snatch you boring fucking wanker, give it a rest. Will you ever stop wanking on about banning Frank and Punk ? Will you wedge it into every fucking nom ? You know how much I hate to sound like a poor man's Frank, but you should take your own life at once.

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Guest Snatch
Just now, JackoTC said:

Snatch you boring fucking wanker, give it a rest. Will you ever stop wanking on about banning Frank and Punk ? Will you wedge it into every fucking nom ? You know how much I hate to sound like a poor man's Frank, but you should take your own life at once.

Fuck off you arse kissing poof. All you is log on and make yourself look like an even bigger cocksucker than before.

And when I want your poor opinions I'll fucking ask for them you skirt wearing cunt.


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Guest JackoTC
40 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Personally I'd like to see a full range of views on the subject, and I'm sure that I won't agree with most of them, if the thread isn't something people think should be commented on that's fair enough. I just take exception to Punkape's blase original post which was just designed to get a reaction, which it certainly has. I agree with you that it's worthy of discussion, and also that it's a shame it was originally posted by the biggest cunt on here.


The media are the real terrorists here. They just love spreading the terror. We have always had terrorists working in Europe, ETA, Islamic Jihad, Baader Meinhof gang, IRA & UVF etc. The media whip up hysteria to keep them all in job. I notice the bombings in Turkey only get a tiny percentage of this coverage ? Why ? Because they are arab women and kids being blown apart ?

Lets put it into perspective - the W.H.O. reckons 1.25 MILLION people are killed in car accidents every year !

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2 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

Snatch you boring fucking wanker, give it a rest. Will you ever stop wanking on about banning Frank and Punk ? Will you wedge it into every fucking nom ? You know how much I hate to sound like a poor man's Frank, but you should take your own life at once.

What do you reckon about Drew living in a bungalow, Jackers? Admitting that is akin to admitting you're some sort of sexual deviant in my opinion. Punkers is off his game and hasn't given him a proper fucking beasting yet.

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Guest JackoTC
3 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Fuck off you arse kissing poof. All you is log on and make yourself look like an even bigger cocksucker than before.

And when I want your poor opinions I'll fucking ask for them you skirt wearing cunt.


Just stop fucking moaning. Get out a bit.

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25 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Snatchers, if her definition of "permanently banned" is as off as her definition of an exhibitionist, she could have meant almost anything saying that. I'll refer back to my "World According to Roops" manual, but I'm sure that the Mrs. R. to English translation is "I can't wait to get my fucking overly hairy growler out again."

Oh, I don't know. I managed to crack one out over that stocking pic she posted.

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3 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

Snatch you boring fucking wanker, give it a rest. Will you ever stop wanking on about banning Frank and Punk ? Will you wedge it into every fucking nom ? You know how much I hate to sound like a poor man's Frank, but you should take your own life at once.

I wonder if the Jihadis blew up any male "cabin crew"? I'm sure that would be an added bonus for them.

You would then have flying minced mincer on the baggage carousel.

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Guest JackoTC
10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

What do you reckon about Drew living in a bungalow, Jackers? Admitting that is akin to admitting you're some sort of sexual deviant in my opinion. Punkers is off his game and hasn't given him a proper fucking beasting yet.

I've not caught up yet Deco. But if Drew is in a bungalow, it can surely only be to lure in unsuspecting Octogenarians, to perform unspeakable acts upon their wrinkled old bodies.

Or perhaps he can no longer drag his club foot and swollen knackers up stairways.

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Just now, scotty said:

Oh, I don't know. I managed to crack one out over that stocking pic she posted.

Fair play to you, Scotters, I admire the admission. But if that blacked out square was removed, you would have found yourself staring into the yawning maw of a rabid, gummy badger.

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1 minute ago, JackoTC said:

The media are the real terrorists here. They just love spreading the terror. We have always had terrorists working in Europe, ETA, Islamic Jihad, Baader Meinhof gang, IRA & UVF etc. The media whip up hysteria to keep them all in job. I notice the bombings in Turkey only get a tiny percentage of this coverage ? Why ? Because they are arab women and kids being blown apart ?

Lets put it into perspective - the W.H.O. reckons 1.25 MILLION people are killed in car accidents every year !

Yer right, anyone would think the media is owned by one group with an agenda.

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1 minute ago, Punkape said:

I wonder if the Jihadis blew up any male "cabin crew"? I'm sure that would be an added bonus for them.

You would then have flying minced mincer on the baggage carousel.

Never mind all that shit, what about the fucking bungalow, you cunt?

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