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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

It's not a pedantic correction. In fact it is not a correction at all, if you are an American then it is perfectly acceptable to say Ocean. No British person would have to be corrected though, we all say sea. The thing that I find strange is why on earth you are trying to masquerade as one of us? Care to enlighten me Uncle Sam?

this is true, because, unless you live in cornwall or scilly, or cape wrath, it is not ocean but channel, north sea, irish sea, or whatever the inner hebrides sea is called escapes me

Wiz, i hope this is due to a slightly british thickness, as opposed to 'regular' chat

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The cunt has been knocking back the Bud lights all day, it'd almost be impressive if it wasn't such a faggoty beverage.

Has he been grassing as well?

im afraid so

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
25 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Quince, I haven't touched a drop of any spirit or fermented grains.  I'm nowhere near the ocean, nor am I American, as a certain cock head would have everybody believe. 

Speaking of the certain cock head...he's back, and still wound up tight!  :lol:

what about your fine Napa zinfandels? hmm? hmmmm?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

what about your fine Napa zinfandels? hmm? hmmmm?

Quince, I could care less about wine if I'm honest.  I prefer a nice single barrel whiskey or malt scotch on ice.  

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3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

The only one on this site that obsesses about other's place of residence is you, fuckwit!  Nobody else cares.  Would like to explain why it's so fucking important to you where anybody lives?  Since I have made absolutely no effort to provide personal information as to my personal history on this site, you know precisely fuck all about me, or my past.  That's how it shall remain, you slimy little cockstain.  My life is not for your approval or inspection, and that's all you get, cocksucker!  :lol:

It's important, because almost everyone on here absolutely detests Americans, and do not want one posting amongst us.

Why you ask? Look at your contributions so far. You and your kind just aren't funny and don't get our humour.

Time you tottered off and signed up to a Seinfeld appreciation forum instead of trying and spectaculary failing to fit in here.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
Just now, Decimus said:

It's important, because almost everyone on here absolutely detests Americans, and do not want one posting amongst us.

Why you ask? Look at your contributions so far. You and your kind just aren't funny and don't get our humour.

Time you tottered off and signed up to a Seinfeld appreciation forum instead of trying and spectaculary failing to fit in here.

Your prying and prodding will get you nowhere.  As I said, you don't know anything about my past, or my life, and have no real proof, other than some shared slang terms, which are easily picked up on social media, websites, and even chat boards.  If it's so fucking important to you that non Britons are excluded from participation, fuck off, and start your own board.  You'll have all of 4 or 5 idiots follow you.  Much like DSMO of the past, eh?  

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1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

other than some shared slang terms, which are easily picked up on social media, websites, and even chat boards.  

Basically you have just admitted that you are an American. No one British would read something a yank had put on social media, and then proceed to inject phrases they had read on buzzfeed.com into their general everyday lexicon. How precious of you though. Your original excuse for talking like a backwoods Appalachian is that you worked in America, but now you are saying it's because you constantly peruse Facecunt and Twatter like a teenage girl. 


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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Basically you have just admitted that you are an American. No one British would read something a yank had put on social media, and then proceed to inject phrases they had read on buzzfeed.com into their general everyday lexicon. How precious of you though. Your original excuse for talking like a backwoods Appalachian is that you worked in America, but now you are saying it's because you constantly peruse Facecunt and Twatter like a teenage girl. 


I have admitted no such thing.  Your deluded little mind is filling in the blanks you can't get definitive proof to fit your theory.  There are more social media outlets than cuntbook and twatter.  I say it again, little man, the only one braying and whinging on about this is you.  If you don't like it, fuck off, and start your own board.  :lol:  Go on then, there's a soundly defeated and intellectually stunted little chap.  

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1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

There are more social media outlets than cuntbook and twatter.  I say it again, little man, the only one braying and whinging on about this is you.  If you don't like it, fuck off, and start your own board.  :lol:  Go on then, there's a soundly defeated and intellectually stunted little chap.  

There are more "outlets" as you quite rightly say. But if you were British, you would call them "platforms". Whatever they are called, they are all designed and used by simpletons and teenage girls. Is this you now trying to advocate their use?

You say if I don't like it, fuck off. So that is basically you admitting that you are an American again, and that if I don't like you being one of the fat lard guzzlers, I should "beat it" as you and your kin say.

I think you'll find that as a Yank, and one who readily uses social media like a pubescent teen, the general consensus will be that you are the one who should fuck off.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Fuck off, and start your own board, idiot!  It really is that simple, and simple is the key for you. Go on, get it started, you might even be able to convince your bum bashing mates here to follow you there, just they do here.  The gormless automatons they are.   

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Fuck off, and start your own board, idiot!  It really is that simple, and simple is the key for you. Go on, get it started, you might even be able to convince your bum bashing mates here to follow you there, just they do here.  The gormless automatons they are.   

Flustered and ranting. Mission accomplished. 

Yank cunt.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

You have accomplished nothing except carve into stone what a monumental fucking idiot you are, and expose your trolling history with your concentrated stupidity.  You're no cunt!  You're merely a buffoon with too much time on his hands.  Get a spot in the queue at the job centre, fuckwad, and don't leave without gainful employment. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
54 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Quince, I could care less about wine if I'm honest.  I prefer a nice single barrel whiskey or malt scotch on ice.  

Wiz, again I'm really not trying to be a cunt, but as a malt lover, and a drunken cunt, if I was feeling like a cunt I might remark that it's a single malt , not the other, and never a "scotch" , and though with ice is another non national crime , but anyway, why not just say you're from New York and fuck us , fuck us in the ass, for there is fuck all shame in being from New York, it being a shitload better than any city here. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Wiz, again I'm really not trying to be a cunt, but as a malt lover, and a drunken cunt, if I was feeling like a cunt I might remark that it's a single malt , not the other, and never a "scotch" , and with ice is another non national crime , but anyway, why not just say you're from New York and fuck us , fuck us in the ass, for there is fuck all shame in being from New York, it being a shitload better than any city here. 

Quince, your inquiries are not taken as cuntish.  If they are, they are well within prime cunting boundaries.  I'm not American.  As you can understand, I am quite reluctant to reveal personal details, here.  I have revealed some in past months about deaths in the family, that's the extent of my generosity on such matters.  Jack Daniels has a single barrel variety that is quite nice, really.  I don't presume to pass myself as a certified specialist of spirits, but I do enjoy it.  I do also enjoy single malt variety of Scotch whiskey, which is the printed name on the bottles.  Some of the blended brands are palatable, but they are few.  

I do wish I could provide more details as to how I have acquired so many Americanisms, the bad habits I admit they are.  Bad habits are the easiest learned and most difficult to cull.  For everything, there is a reason.  I shall endeavor to be more English, though I have thoroughly enjoyed the complete meltdown, and paranoid aneurysm displayed by poor Decimus.  Even if the cunt did fuck off and start a new cunting board, he would still be here, as a guest, leaving his bollocks in a jar on a wire rack in the old bedsit.  I would enjoy watching a neighbourhood cat wander in through the open window, and make a meal of them, only to shit them out on his "Fuck off!" door mat.   

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9 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Wiz, again I'm really not trying to be a cunt, but as a malt lover, and a drunken cunt, if I was feeling like a cunt I might remark that it's a single malt , not the other, and never a "scotch" , and though with ice is another non national crime , but anyway, why not just say you're from New York and fuck us , fuck us in the ass, for there is fuck all shame in being from New York, it being a shitload better than any city here. 

Seriously, Quince? Fuck that, New York is a dirty, stinking  and overrated shit hole. I've been to far better cities in the U.K., but my favourite is your very own Edinburgh. Pure class it is, and I'd move there tomorrow.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Well, well, well... I wasn't really around that much last night to be involved with the festivities. However, with the benefit of hindsight, one can say with utter certainty that sleeve made a comprehensive berk out of himself last night.

Surely he was back on the crystal meth, as nothing else could account for such a ferocious output of deluded, repetitive drivel.

Perhaps we should have an intervention for old 'sleeve. His drink and drug abuse seems to be getting out of control. He thinks he can be a casual Class A taking, roguish and charming alpha male like Stickers. But the truth is that they are one in a million. He doesn't have the financial means, genetics or personality to live that kind of lifestyle.

For every one of me, there are a thousand addicts sitting in piss stained keks in a bedsit, spending the last of their giro on another bag of pub grub Chang. 

Its sad to see really. His teachers really thought he would go on to get a semi skilled manual job when he left school with two GCSEs in textiles and media studies. After all his father was a bin man, and a very able one at that. Unfortunately it seems sleeve fell in with the wrong crowd, and will now die alone and forgotten, with just three teeth in his rancid gob.


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22 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Well, well, well... I wasn't really around that much last night to be involved with the festivities. However, with the benefit of hindsight, one can say with utter certainty that sleeve made a comprehensive berk out of himself last night.

Surely he was back on the crystal meth, as nothing else could account for such a ferocious output of deluded, repetitive drivel.

Perhaps we should have an intervention for old 'sleeve. His drink and drug abuse seems to be getting out of control. He thinks he can be a casual Class A taking, roguish and charming alpha male like Stickers. But the truth is that they are one in a million. He doesn't have the financial means, genetics or personality to live that kind of lifestyle.

For every one of me, there are a thousand addicts sitting in piss stained keks in a bedsit, spending the last of their giro on another bag of pub grub Chang. 

Its sad to see really. His teachers really thought he would go on to get a semi skilled manual job when he left school with two GCSEs in textiles and media studies. After all his father was a bin man, and a very able one at that. Unfortunately it seems sleeve fell in with the wrong crowd, and will now die alone and forgotten, with just three teeth in his rancid gob.


He's an absolute fucking bellend. Careful though, Baws can count and has a sentimental soft spot for those comedic giants from the old site. He'll be along shortly to throw some statistics about willy-nilly like some sort of Caledonian Dustin Hoffman.

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Guest luke swarm
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Well, well, well... I wasn't really around that much last night to be involved with the festivities. However, with the benefit of hindsight, one can say with utter certainty that sleeve made a comprehensive berk out of himself last night.

Surely he was back on the crystal meth, as nothing else could account for such a ferocious output of deluded, repetitive drivel.

Perhaps we should have an intervention for old 'sleeve. His drink and drug abuse seems to be getting out of control. He thinks he can be a casual Class A taking, roguish and charming alpha male like Stickers. But the truth is that they are one in a million. He doesn't have the financial means, genetics or personality to live that kind of lifestyle.

For every one of me, there are a thousand addicts sitting in piss stained keks in a bedsit, spending the last of their giro on another bag of pub grub Chang. 

Its sad to see really. His teachers really thought he would go on to get a semi skilled manual job when he left school with two GCSEs in textiles and media studies. After all his father was a bin man, and a very able one at that. Unfortunately it seems sleeve fell in with the wrong crowd, and will now die alone and forgotten, with just three teeth in his rancid gob.


nonsense....Sleeve assured me several times that he does really not care as sticks and stones do not hurt him, he also made it very clear that he only posts on here to annoy certain members who he sees as "the bad men" or "the divs"......as an old time cunt of long standing and pedigree, his word is good enough for me.

He may have a had a Budweiser or two but come along, we are all allowed to get shitfaced, wasted on smack and then post a load of drivel whilst having a mental breakdown sometimes aren't we....no harm done Wiz.

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1 minute ago, luke swarm said:

He may have a had a Budweiser or two but come along, we are all allowed to get shitfaced, wasted on smack and then post a load of drivel whilst having a mental breakdown sometimes aren't we....no harm done Wiz.

Only steers and queers come from Texas. Either way, Wiz definitely doesn't give me the horn.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
9 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Got any hobnobs QC?


Help yourself to the biscuit barrel, though don't blame me if its been wired to the mains. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
7 hours ago, luke swarm said:

nonsense....Sleeve assured me several times that he does really not care as sticks and stones do not hurt him, he also made it very clear that he only posts on here to annoy certain members who he sees as "the bad men" or "the divs"......as an old time cunt of long standing and pedigree, his word is good enough for me.

He may have a had a Budweiser or two but come along, we are all allowed to get shitfaced, wasted on smack and then post a load of drivel whilst having a mental breakdown sometimes aren't we....no harm done Wiz.

I agree. I am shit drunk on tawny port and ardbeg , and am about to post some stupid shite, so- mercy for poor wiz.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
7 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Only steers and queers come from Texas. Either way, Wiz definitely doesn't give me the horn.

I didn't realise they stacked shit that high. Nice FMJ ref. Shit kicking fife fucko.

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