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Cunts who call you "mate"

Earl of Punkape

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Guest Gong Farmer
7 hours ago, Punkape said:

This rarely happens to me because of my accent, dress, address and general comportment.

However I had to savage a utilities service engineer several weeks ago for calling me "mate". I lectured him for several minutes on the correct forms of address for those in a sevice industry. He was suitably contrite and apologies proffered. Had he not done so I would have reported him to his superiors.

When I met the Earl of Derby I spoke to him as "My Lord". When I was introduced to the Duke of Westminster I addressed him as "Your Grace". I was then later invited to call them by their Christian names.

Titles should be respected and formalities adhered to.

You mean you savagely lectured a utilities service engineer for several minutes after which he pandiculated. yawned in your bastard face and then uttered under his breath at the ludicrous arsehat stood before him 'you're fucking twat mate'. 

No one could possibly disagree with his sentiments, could they now?

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Guest I know that Cunt
8 hours ago, Punkape said:

This rarely happens to me because of my accent, dress, address and general comportment.

However I had to savage a utilities service engineer several weeks ago for calling me "mate". I lectured him for several minutes on the correct forms of address for those in a sevice industry. He was suitably contrite and apologies proffered. Had he not done so I would have reported him to his superiors.

When I met the Earl of Derby I spoke to him as "My Lord". When I was introduced to the Duke of Westminster I addressed him as "Your Grace". I was then later invited to call them by their Christian names.

Titles should be respected and formalities adhered to.

I absolutely agree. Manners cost nothing. The working classes seem intent on descending into ever deeper informality. I had the deep misfortune to be at a wedding in Wales a few month ago. We booked into the most expensive hotel on the Gower, hoping to have reasonable service from the natives. We were in the restaurant looking at the menus when this little welsh cunt of a waiter came over and asked "are you ready to order GUYS". I know, I couldn't believe it either, the cheeky cunt. At least when I called the manager to complain, he gave the waiter a good wigging and we had a free bottle of wine. 

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Guest luke swarm
13 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

I absolutely agree. Manners cost nothing. The working classes seem intent on descending into ever deeper informality. I had the deep misfortune to be at a wedding in Wales a few month ago. We booked into the most expensive hotel on the Gower, hoping to have reasonable service from the natives. We were in the restaurant looking at the menus when this little welsh cunt of a waiter came over and asked "are you ready to order GUYS". I know, I couldn't believe it either, the cheeky cunt. At least when I called the manager to complain, he gave the waiter a good wigging and we had a free bottle of wine. 

I expect the wine was served incorrectly at just above body temperature and tasted distinctly organic. 

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, luke swarm said:

I expect the wine was served incorrectly at just above body temperature and tasted distinctly organic. 

I suppose a spunk gobbler like you would expect that based on your previous experiences.

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Guest luke swarm
5 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

I suppose a spunk gobbler like you would expect that based on your previous experiences.

No I am not a silly tosspot who expects five star service in a welsh Travelodge bar. You really are turning into a Spunkape Lite aren't you. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
10 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

I suppose a spunk gobbler like you would expect that based on your previous experiences.

Self admit yourself to the fucking cooler you total bore. 

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6 hours ago, Alfie Fucking Noakes said:

What a load of outdated, old fashioned, forelock tugging fucking bullshit. Come the revolution you feigning cunts and upper class twits wil be up against the wall MATE.


5 hours ago, Punkape said:

You need to know your place.

He does,behind the sight on his sniper rifle.


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Guest nobgobbler
9 hours ago, Punkape said:


When I met the Earl of Derby I spoke to him as "My Lord". When I was introduced to the Duke of Westminster I addressed him as "Your Grace". I was then later invited to call them by their Christian names.

Titles should be respected and formalities adhered to.

Indeed Mr Punkape. Now may I call you Cunt?

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9 hours ago, Punkape said:

This rarely happens to me because of my accent, dress, address and general comportment.

However I had to savage a utilities service engineer several weeks ago for calling me "mate". I lectured him for several minutes on the correct forms of address for those in a sevice industry. He was suitably contrite and apologies proffered. Had he not done so I would have reported him to his superiors.

When I met the Earl of Derby I spoke to him as "My Lord". When I was introduced to the Duke of Westminster I addressed him as "Your Grace". I was then later invited to call them by their Christian names.

Titles should be respected and formalities adhered to.

Good evening sah' you are a nob and no mistake.

Is "They don't like it up 'em." still your motto?
General Debility certainly didn't like it up 'im at all but now walks passably, with a frame.

Best wishes your nobbiness, sah!

Corporal Punishment
Private Parts

Mike says: HI!

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12 minutes ago, Piston said:

Good evening sah' you are a nob and no mistake.

Is "They don't like it up 'em." still your motto?
General Debility certainly didn't like it up 'im at all but now walks passably, with a frame.

Best wishes your nobbiness, sah!

Corporal Punishment
Private Parts

Mike says: HI!


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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Punkape said:

Sir will do nicely at the Cuntscorner Christmas party...

this will be difficult given your penchant for cross dressing at CC functions, but yeah ok if you insist. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
2 hours ago, Punkape said:

You're uncouth and oikish and a "Mate" to all the similar cunts to yourself who go to football matches and go on holiday to Benidorm.

"Where are me fookin chips" will be your cry to your "Mrs".



I h8 football m8. I holiday in the UK as it is the most beautiful place on earth (I still have a passport before you say anything).

Utter cunt, you are a delusional cave dwelling botherer of goats.

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Punkape said:

Evening Swarm.....

Do you call other people mate ?

if only mate, I am afraid  the Screws strictly insist on being addressed by name...whats it like on the section 45 wing..

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1 hour ago, I know that Cunt said:

I absolutely agree. Manners cost nothing. The working classes seem intent on descending into ever deeper informality. I had the deep misfortune to be at a wedding in Wales a few month ago. We booked into the most expensive hotel on the Gower, hoping to have reasonable service from the natives. We were in the restaurant looking at the menus when this little welsh cunt of a waiter came over and asked "are you ready to order GUYS". I know, I couldn't believe it either, the cheeky cunt. At least when I called the manager to complain, he gave the waiter a good wigging and we had a free bottle of wine. 

The Welsh tossers should have referred to you as "Sir" in that environment. It's basic manners and some morons confuse that with deference.

Most cunts who call each other "mate" are ill-educated chav-class scum.


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16 minutes ago, Alfie Fucking Noakes said:


I h8 football m8. I holiday in the UK as it is the most beautiful place on earth (I still have a passport before you say anything).

Utter cunt, you are a delusional cave dwelling botherer of goats.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, whom I met in Dorset, has a very good recipe for Jamaican curried goat. It's delicious so look it up online.

Hugh went to Eton then Oxford.

Did you go to University?

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1 hour ago, I know that Cunt said:

I absolutely agree. Manners cost nothing. The working classes seem intent on descending into ever deeper informality. I had the deep misfortune to be at a wedding in Wales a few month ago. We booked into the most expensive hotel on the Gower, hoping to have reasonable service from the natives. We were in the restaurant looking at the menus when this little welsh cunt of a waiter came over and asked "are you ready to order GUYS". I know, I couldn't believe it either, the cheeky cunt. At least when I called the manager to complain, he gave the waiter a good wigging and we had a free bottle of wine. 

This didn't happen, did it? 

Having a weekend away with your boyfriend, drunkenly stumbling into a gay civil ceremony in Swansea's Holiday Inn and stealing a bottle of Lambrini, is hardly one-nil to you now, is it? 

You really need to get better at this, and decide on your false identity. Are you a gay failed biker? Are you a wannabe upperclass toff? Are you a flouncing cry baby? Or are you going to be just a simple idiot? 

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1 minute ago, Bubba C said:

This didn't happen, did it? 

Having a weekend away with your boyfriend, drunkenly stumbling into a gay civil ceremony in Swansea's Holiday Inn and stealing a bottle of Lambrini, is hardly one-nil to you now, is it? 

You really need to get better at this, and decide on your false identity. Are you a gay failed biker? Are you a wannabe upperclass toff? Are you a flouncing cry baby? Or are you going to be just a simple idiot? 

Do you play golf ?

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