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Dozy Oxford Graduate Cunt Faiz Siddiqui


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40 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The Indian Lionel Ritchie had a hit with "Aloo, is it me you're looking for?" 

Seriously Gyps, while I appreciate your sharp wit, it's only a quick blast up the M11 from Camberwell to Essex. I'm about to cook a curry, having finished my mise en place while sinking a few bottles of Cobra. Would you like to join me and spice things up? xx

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10 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Seriously Gyps, while I appreciate your sharp wit, it's only a quick blast up the M11 from Camberwell to Essex. I'm about to cook a curry, having finished my mise en place while sinking a few bottles of Cobra. Would you like to join me and spice things up? xx

Cobra? Lightweight

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Guest Bill Stickers
12 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Seriously Gyps, while I appreciate your sharp wit, it's only a quick blast up the M11 from Camberwell to Essex. I'm about to cook a curry, having finished my mise en place while sinking a few bottles of Cobra. Would you like to join me and spice things up? xx

Do you really want Kleftiko's sloppy seconds? 

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2 hours ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

What the fuck is this Enoch Powell Nick Griffin fucking nonsense? Why do you talk about white people and blacks people as they are completely homogenous groups of individuals?

Slavery has no relevant to the debate, you sound like a pissed up sweaty old cunt in a Consverative club talking shit nobody cares about.. 

Try reading the whole thread and when you've taken your pc blinkers off,then come back and comment.

On second thoughts don't,it will only be your usual bullshit.

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Guest Bill Stickers
17 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Try reading the whole thread and when you've taken your pc blinkers off,then come back and comment.

On second thoughts don't,it will only be your usual bullshit.

Snatch, your entire premise of being able to discuss 'black' and 'white' traits only shows how black and white your mind is.

I'm white and I couldn't have less in common with you aside from an account on this site.

Looking at your thought process, I'd say you're more closely related to a bottom feeding sea sponge than anyone I know.

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17 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Snatch, your entire premise of being able to discuss 'black' and 'white' traits only shows how black and white your mind is.

I'm white and I couldn't have less in common with you aside from an account on this site.

Looking at your thought process, I'd say you're more closely related to a bottom feeding sea sponge than anyone I know.

 I was pointing out the so called racism that is one sided,although in reality it doesn't exist,only in small trivial minds just like yours.

And to say it was Enoch Powell/Nick Griffin nonsense proves you didn't read all my post. You are the type to shout racism as soon as a different opinion as yours pops up.

Off you go and wank yourself stupid over that other leftie blinkered cunt James 'O Brien on LBC.

Don't bother conversing with me again as your just a waste of my time.

Pointless cunt that you are.

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Guest Bill Stickers
6 hours ago, Snatch said:

It is due to the less educated that start these kind of problems in the first place. Blacks are always quick to slate the white man but forget to mention slavery was started by the blacks themselves.

This is racist. There are over 1 billion people living in Africa. If you think you can group a bunch of people together based on the colour of their skin, and label them all hypocritical on their attitudes to slavery, that's racist. 

And before you say you didn't mean all blacks, you do specifically say blacks are ALWAYS quick to slate the white man.

6 hours ago, Snatch said:

If I say that all Muslim extremists should go back to the shithole they belong in with their backward laws, is that a racist remark? It's not aimed at all Muslims only those who want to see us infidels dead. Sounds fair enough to me.

This is racist. Saying people from Arab countries live in 'shitholes', despite you declaring its not, is racist.

Yes, I know Islam is not a race. But 'Muslim countries' equates to non-white countries. Plenty of people in Arabic countries have a much higher standard of living than your grotty fucking bedsit drinking cans of stella shouting at the TV about darkies.

Snatch, if you want, I could go back more than 6 hours and find more examples of racist things you've said. In fact, I reckon I could find at least one a week.

You thick as shit, racist piece of shit. Why not just admit what is obvious to everyone else - you hate all minorities that don't look like you, think like you, eat the same food as you, and talk in the same language as you.

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12 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

This is racist. There are over 1 billion people living in Africa. If you think you can group a bunch of people together based on the colour of their skin, and label them all hypocritical on their attitudes to slavery, that's racist. 

And before you say you didn't mean all blacks, you do specifically say blacks are ALWAYS quick to slate the white man.

This is racist. Saying people from Arab countries live in 'shitholes', despite you declaring its not, is racist.

Yes, I know Islam is not a race. But 'Muslim countries' equates to non-white countries. Plenty of people in Arabic countries have a much higher standard of living than your grotty fucking bedsit drinking cans of stella shouting at the TV about darkies.

Snatch, if you want, I could go back more than 6 hours and find more examples of racist things you've said. In fact, I reckon I could find at least one a week.

You thick as shit, racist piece of shit. Why not just admit what is obvious to everyone else - you hate all minorities that don't look like you, think like you, eat the same food as you, and talk in the same language as you.

Absolute bullshit. I knew you would come back with some shit like this. You forgot to quote me when I said "I personally don't have a problem with any other skin colour or religious people if they treat me with respect and keep their way of life to themselves and not try to impose it on others." How is that racist?

Yes I might of said blacks are always quick to slate the white man but only you would take that as literally meaning ALL Blacks.

What's your opinion on the Muslims that protest in the street against cunts like you? What's your stance on immigration? Let them all in as long as they don't live on your street? 

"Plenty of people in Arabic countries have a much higher standard of living than your grotty fucking bedsit drinking cans of stella shouting at the TV about darkies." So there you go saying I live in a shithole. I might not be 100% British for all you know. That's racism in your book. And if you quoted me properly you would of also said I was talking about the extremist Muslims that want to see us all dead,including the little snowflakes like you. Don't take things out of context.

"You thick as shit, racist piece of shit. Why not just admit what is obvious to everyone else - you hate all minorities that don't look like you, think like you, eat the same food as you, and talk in the same language as you." How little you know about me you overrated piece of human detritus. Believe me you little prick,you know fuck all about me and my history. Shut the fuck up until you know.

You are a self opinionated cunt that likes the sound of your own voice and it's monotone drivel.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, Snatch said:

Absolute bullshit. I knew you would come back with some shit like this. You forgot to quote me when I said "I personally don't have a problem with any other skin colour or religious people if they treat me with respect and keep their way of life to themselves and not try to impose it on others." How is that racist?

Yes I might of said blacks are always quick to slate the white man but only you would take that as literally meaning ALL Blacks.

What's your opinion on the Muslims that protest in the street against cunts like you? What's your stance on immigration? Let them all in as long as they don't live on your street? 

"Plenty of people in Arabic countries have a much higher standard of living than your grotty fucking bedsit drinking cans of stella shouting at the TV about darkies." So there you go saying I live in a shithole. I might not be 100% British for all you know. That's racism in your book. And if you quoted me properly you would of also said I was talking about the extremist Muslims that want to see us all dead,including the little snowflakes like you. Don't take things out of context.

"You thick as shit, racist piece of shit. Why not just admit what is obvious to everyone else - you hate all minorities that don't look like you, think like you, eat the same food as you, and talk in the same language as you." How little you know about me you overrated piece of human detritus. Believe me you little prick,you know fuck all about me and my history. Shut the fuck up until you know.

You are a self opinionated cunt that likes the sound of your own voice and it's monotone drivel.

Really desperate stuff. Put on a bit of Skrewdriver and try and calm down.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Fucked for an answer? Pathetic Stickers even for you.

Snatch, when you say 'blacks always do x' and then reply you didn't really mean 'blacks always do x', it makes it very difficult to argue with you. In your mind 2 + 2 can equal 5 if you want it to. There's no winning with a deluded fucking simpleton.

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14 hours ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Snatch, when you say 'blacks always do x' and then reply you didn't really mean 'blacks always do x', it makes it very difficult to argue with you. In your mind 2 + 2 can equal 5 if you want it to. There's no winning with a deluded fucking simpleton.

How do feel about Black Friday? Should the name be changed to something more to your liking?

I've taken the trouble to find a self help website for you. I'm sure you could benefit from it. 


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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, Snatch said:

How do feel about Black Friday? Should the name be changed to something more to your liking?

I've taken the trouble to find a self help website for you. I'm sure you could benefit from it. 


No, Black Friday is fine with me. The fact you read a site called average2alpha speaks volumes about you. Fuck me.

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6 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

No, Black Friday is fine with me. The fact you read a site called average2alpha speaks volumes about you. Fuck me.

Oh no I just googled it for you.

Now,as I said before,don't ever bother with me again. Of all the people I've seen on here you are the most annoying,arrogant and up your own arse little fuck all nobody I've have seen.

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