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The Government's Failure to Tackle Islamophobia

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Lady Penelope
10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't consider anyone north of Spalding to be white.

At least we have only got 12 fingers and 12 toes.

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5 hours ago, luke swarm said:

 I agree with some of your points and yes this subject needs to be brought out into the sunlight, I just don't think that Mr Robinson is the messiah that we have all been waiting for, he is incoherent and inconsistent and his motives are not wholly altruistic. We are witnessing a resurgence in the right not just here but all over the world and if history is not to be repeated then good people have to come together to defeat it.

What I wish for more is that the other side of the Islamic world which is not repellent and evil but is moderate and sane would be more forceful and participate in eradicating this vile scourge in its own community. If they do not then this downward spiral will continue and the rabble rousers will attract even more followers.     

I wish history would be repeated. I'd love to shoot some Germans. And perhaps have some slaves to do my gardening.

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5 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I wish history would be repeated. I'd love to shoot some Germans. And perhaps have some slaves to do my gardening.

You'd be better off shooting some slaves and having the Germans do the gardening with their uncompromising efficiency.

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Guest luke swarm
8 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I wish history would be repeated. I'd love to shoot some Germans. And perhaps have some slaves to do my gardening.

But it would mean that "Where Eagles Dare!  has to be remade starring  Idris Elba instead of Richard Burton, you really think that's a price worth paying?   

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You'd be better off shooting some slaves and having the Germans do the gardening with their uncompromising efficiency.

Yeah, but then they might open my garden gate and let in lots of Africans.



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24 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I wish history would be repeated. I'd love to shoot some Germans. And perhaps have some slaves to do my gardening.

I'd shoot my garden, then do some slaves whilst dressed as a German.

The ravenous cock will never be sated

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Guest judgetwi
36 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

But it would mean that "Where Eagles Dare!  has to be remade starring  Idris Elba instead of Richard Burton, you really think that's a price worth paying?   

That film can never be re-made because nobody can replace Ingrid Pitt. If the young Ingrid was around today the viagra industry would be destroyed and poofery would be on the backfoot. What a woman! 

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Guest Lady Penelope
33 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Tarantino would be all over that shit.

I think that they should bring back prescription .. six years in the army would make them proud to be English even if they came from Betws-y-Coed or Aberdeen.

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Guest Lady Penelope
44 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

But it would mean that "Where Eagles Dare!  has to be remade starring  Idris Elba instead of Richard Burton, you really think that's a price worth paying?   

A remake of The Dambusters with Lennie Henry as Guy Gibson with his dog Whitey.

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12 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Phobia describes an irrational fear of something. 

I do not fear Islam, I despise it and there is nothing Irrational about despising an ideology that revolves around beating women, sexual perversion and murdering innocent people. Inshallah.


You despise CATHOLICS as well then.  Add to your list buggering young boys, centuries of war, and father ted.   All good reasons to hate the Finians as well as the Muzzers 

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