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The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About

Mrs Roops

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23 hours ago, King Billy said:

Perhaps you’re right Panzybummer for once. I suggest we merge our bonfire season and your Pride season into one. Once everyone gets used to the aroma of blazing poofs we can all live happily ever after together. Well maybe just us. Lol.

🇬🇧 REMEMBER 1690 🇬🇧

Terrible nuacht (news) from ards n north down loyal orange lodges bally baby...they were turned down for loadza lovely bangor town council grant money..to qualify for it they just had to complete 4 simple questions..is your organisation political...yes...is it religious...yes...is it inclusive...no...does it promote equality..no...eh...fuck off...lol


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16 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Terrible nuacht (news) from ards n north down loyal orange lodges bally baby...they were turned down for loadza lovely bangor town council grant money..to qualify for it they just had to complete 4 simple questions..is your organisation political...yes...is it religious...yes...is it inclusive...no...does it promote equality..no...eh...fuck off...lol


Life’s not solely about money Panzybeggar, a fact of life which you as a lifelong member of the unwashed dole scrounging underclass couldn’t begin to comprehend unless your giro failed to arrive.

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26 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Terrible nuacht (news) from ards n north down

Paddy Mayne’s statue still stands proudly in Ards town square fuckwit. I believe the statue of Bobby Sands at Ballymurphy still hasn’t been found after it broke free from the piece of string securing it to a lamp post and blew away in a mild breeze. 
The phone number for anyone with information as to its whereabouts is….808080.

Ate nothing, Ate nothing, Ate nothing. lol lol lol.

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

Life’s not solely about money Panzybeggar, a fact of life which you as a lifelong member of the unwashed dole scrounging underclass couldn’t begin to comprehend unless your giro failed to arrive.

The best bit was 25 onionist councillors tried to ram the grant through..and when it became apparent that there was no public pallet money comin to fund the bigoted racist homophobic masochistic hate filled anti everything thats not them family fun day out one of em said..well these arent professional people fillin out forms...well even me as a poor wanderin minstrel from the deep south could have told em they're wastin valuable dump scrounging time..writings on the wall bally baby..they're strangling yer culture and y'all are makin the rope for them..lol


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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Paddy Mayne’s statue still stands proudly in Ards town square fuckwit. I believe the statue of Bobby Sands at Ballymurphy still hasn’t been found after it broke free from the piece of string securing it to a lamp post and blew away in a mild breeze. 
The phone number for anyone with information as to its whereabouts is….808080.

Ate nothing, Ate nothing, Ate nothing. lol lol lol.

We notice that yer people are enamoured with flegs n statues..and will happily expend spit n outrage over them while ignoring the ballot bosca ...the party shall hear of this...21st century version of trading land for beads...lol


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On 15/06/2023 at 10:40, PANZER MURPHY said:

We notice that yer people are enamoured with flegs n statues..and will happily expend spit n outrage over them while ignoring the ballot bosca ...the party shall hear of this...21st century version of trading land for beads...lol


A terrible state of affairs tbf Panzyspacker, and something which I don’t want to discuss. The only consolation for me is that the no.1 name registered for newborn boys in the fine Oirish city of Galway in 2022 is Seamus. Oh sorry it’s not Seamus, Michael, Patrick or even Leo (after your sandal wearing, jizz guzzling, great leader) but, wait for it…..Mohammed🤣

’Ahh doesn’t the wee lad look just like his daddy Mrs Murphy. I mean his real daddy, not that fucking stupid cunt Eamonn  you’re married to of course. Oill see you at Friday prayers Mrs Murphy. Alekum Salam now.’


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On 17/06/2023 at 20:02, King Billy said:

A terrible state of affairs tbf Panzyspacker, and something which I don’t want to discuss. The only consolation for me is that the no.1 name registered for newborn boys in the fine Oirish city of Galway in 2022 is Seamus. Oh sorry it’s not Seamus, Michael, Patrick or even Leo (after your sandal wearing, jizz guzzling, great leader) but, wait for it…..Mohammed🤣

’Ahh doesn’t the wee lad look just like his daddy Mrs Murphy. I mean his real daddy, not that fucking stupid cunt Eamonn  you’re married to of course. Oill see you at Friday prayers Mrs Murphy. Alekum Salam now.’


Galway bally its not called the city of the tribes for nothin ya know..anyway back to reality we see wee ian is trying to push a bill through Westminster sayin any vote on a United Ireland needs a 60+1 result..considering the brexit he shouted for went through with 50+2.. nobody's listening to him...the torys and the erg don't invite them for drinkys anymore...lol


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 14/04/2023 at 19:53, Decimus said:

Oi, Killer, have you been watching the latest series of Picard?

I know the first two were fairly ropey, especially the second one, but I don't think there's been a single dud so far this time around. I've just watched the latest episode and fuck me, what an ending.

Was it the ending where Riker orders Picard to ‘remove yourself from the bridge. You’ve killed us all.”?

I’ve just finished episode 3. It’s much better than se 1 & 2. 
 They’ve gone back to basics and made it old school Star Trek with a bit more depth.

Plenty of nods to history as well. Picard’s son might as well be David Marcus, and Amanda Plummer as the baddie, following her dad Christopher who played a couple of Klingons during the Kirk era. 
 They’ve got this one just right.

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On 05/04/2023 at 15:02, Decimus said:

Oh God, we're in for a 63 pager.

It’s OK. It’s such a fucking scoop that it seems no one at all wants to talk about it. But remember everyone ‘you heard it here first’. Lol lol lol. Stupid fucking boring Welsh slag. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27/05/2023 at 22:53, King Billy said:

‘The Biden laptop conspiracy’?

Please enlighten me with your ‘too clever to be bothered with MENSA, Big Brain’ analysis of how the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ which has been in the possession of the FBI since 2018, labelled as Russian disinformation by the deep state intelligence cabal in 2020  when the NY Post attempted to inform the US people about it just prior to the Presidential election (the fairest and most legitimate one in history lol), immediately blanket banned from Twitter and Facebook along with anyone who dared to speak about its contents or even it’s authenticity, but has now become a conspiracy ‘FACT’ with even the loudest deniers (the fakestream MSM and even the FBI) openly admitting its existence, its authenticity and its factual evidence of the Biden crime family’s corruption? 
Join the imaginary dots?

China….$$$$$ ….Biden family Russia…..$$$$$….Biden family
Ukraine……$$$$….Biden family

Romania…..$$$$….Biden family 

Stay warm. 😘

Bill. i admire your staying power with this utter retard, this press enter bot wouldn't except the truth even if the MSM said it. Stupidity ends up eating itself and this ginger minger has long gone past that stage...a bit like Frankenstein's monster's brain just waddling around with out a clue.

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7 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Bill. i admire your staying power with this utter retard, this press enter bot wouldn't except the truth even if the MSM said it. Stupidity ends up eating itself and this ginger minger has long gone past that stage...a bit like Frankenstein's monster's brain just waddling around with out a clue.

Bends you are out of you depth .. drown yourself.

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19 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Bill. i admire your staying power with this utter retard, this press enter bot wouldn't except the truth even if the MSM said it. Stupidity ends up eating itself and this ginger minger has long gone past that stage...a bit like Frankenstein's monster's brain just waddling around with out a clue.

The truth is that her absolute refusal to ever consider the possibility that she’s been wrong about the myriad of topics that I and others including yourself have spoken about for several years now and which many if not most have transpired to be conspiracy fact rather than conspiracy theory has turned this into a battle of staying power as you’ve rightly pointed out Fends. It’s a shame that she can’t uncross the tangled up wires in her massive too smart for MENSA brain and attempt to redeem herself for her past behaviour. I’m a reasonable sort of bloke and speaking purely for myself I’d be willing to take my foot of her Turkey neck on receipt of a comprehensive and grovelling public apology and a legally binding undertaking to never post anything in future unless I’ve given at least 24hrs to approve it or far more than likely not.

In the meantime she has my full permission to get fucked.

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