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The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About

Mrs Roops

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Whilst the world’s attention is focused on the travails of a former narcissistic US president spinning the notion that being held accountable for past criminality is in fact an attack on democracy and the American way of life, another story has been unfurling on the side lines involving the promulgation of misinformation in the pursuit of ratings and revenue.

Remember folks, you heard it here first on the 21st October 2021


Fox News and OAN who only spew nonsense because it provides the broadcaster a stream of income.

My conspiracy theory, unlike most of the tin-foil nonsense one sees at The Corner, was based on sound critical judgement in that Rupert Murdoch and his analysts are not idiots and would have realised that there was no possibility of wide-scale electoral fraud and that deluded MAGA morons were being riled up by a poor loser and his bat-shit crazy acolytes courtesy of Fox News et al.

Matters have now come to a head in the libel case of Dominion Voting Systems v Fox News and others as the legal discovery stage has revealed from disclosed documents that Murdoch, his executives and key Fox broadcasters, eg Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity were well aware that there was no electoral fraud or “stolen election” and that Trump & Co were obviously unhinged nutjobs. Nevertheless it was agreed by Fox management and the editorial staff that they would broadcast the MAGA lies and present them as fact for no other reason than to protect the ratings and revenue streams.

To those punters who regurgitated “news” from Fox, OANN, Newsmax etc, well, sorry guys, you were mugged and then some...

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  • Mrs Roops changed the title to The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About
2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Whilst the world’s attention is focused on the travails of a former narcissistic US president spinning the notion that being held accountable for past criminality is in fact an attack on democracy and the American way of life, another story has been unfurling on the side lines involving the promulgation of misinformation in the pursuit of ratings and revenue.

Remember folks, you heard it here first on the 21st October 2021

My conspiracy theory, unlike most of the tin-foil nonsense one sees at The Corner, was based on sound critical judgement in that Rupert Murdoch and his analysts are not idiots and would have realised that there was no possibility of wide-scale electoral fraud and that deluded MAGA morons were being riled up by a poor loser and his bat-shit crazy acolytes courtesy of Fox News et al.

Matters have now come to a head in the libel case of Dominion Voting Systems v Fox News and others as the legal discovery stage has revealed from disclosed documents that Murdoch, his executives and key Fox broadcasters, eg Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity were well aware that there was no electoral fraud or “stolen election” and that Trump & Co were obviously unhinged nutjobs. Nevertheless it was agreed by Fox management and the editorial staff that they would broadcast the MAGA lies and present them as fact for no other reason than to protect the ratings and revenue streams.

To those punters who regurgitated “news” from Fox, OANN, Newsmax etc, well, sorry guys, you were mugged and then some...

I hope you're more fun after a few glasses of wine.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

it was agreed by Fox management and the editorial staff that they would broadcast the MAGA lies and present them as fact

It will be interesting to see the legal interpretations of "actual malice" versus "neutral reportage" when this kicks off in anger.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

@King Billy… leave it. It’s what she wants.

A masochist begs a sadist, “hurt me, please hurt me”. The sadist replies, “No”.

Eric I can only apologise for the gimps latest outburst. Tbh I hadn’t even noticed that she’d escaped from her box again. I’ve now realised that it was a huge error on my part when I rescued her from the Astra Zeneca centre for crippled Covid 19 vaccine addicts. Against my better instincts and common sense I let my compassionate heart overrule my head and thought a couple of months in the box at home was at least worth a try, as she was on the list for being put down later that day. As soon as I’ve recaptured her I’ll be rectifying that error of judgment.

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5 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Not as interesting as seeing what Bill has to say when he gets over the initial shock of this nomination.

Ape it’s taken her a couple of months to come up with this nom, which at best makes most of Pens efforts look quite interesting. I genuinely feel sorry for her because at one time she briefly appeared to have a slight trace of potential. 
On a positive note though, All Franks comebacks have  got something solid to stand on now.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Eric I can only apologise for the gimps latest outburst. Tbh I hadn’t even noticed that she’d escaped from her box again. I’ve now realised that it was a huge error on my part when I rescued her from the Astra Zeneca centre for crippled Covid 19 vaccine addicts. Against my better instincts and common sense I let my compassionate heart overrule my head and thought a couple of months in the box at home was at least worth a try, as she was on the list for being put down later that day. As soon as I’ve recaptured her I’ll be rectifying that error of judgment.


11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Ape it’s taken her a couple of months to come up with this nom, which at best makes most of Pens efforts look quite interesting. I genuinely feel sorry for her because at one time she briefly appeared to have a slight trace of potential. 
On a positive note though, All Franks comebacks have  got something solid to stand on now.


11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Mrs Scoop ace reporter.

That's all fine and dandy but not unexpectantly you've proven the point of the nom's headline. Stay warm!

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:



That's all fine and dandy but not unexpectantly you've proven the point of the nom's headline. Stay warm!

Never mind this shit. Is it true that @Frank is the real site owner and if not, why haven’t you bollocked the disturbed mutant for Rule 7 breaches and making repeated, ugly threats of physical and sexual violence against members? 

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9 minutes ago, Lucy said:

Jake The Muss?

Don't get me wrong, Bend has tried to shove his Fisher Price knife collection up my arse on more than one occassion, and that's without taking into account the numerous threats made toward me that involved his inflatable Timmy Mallet toy.

But despite bringing his Deliverance looking brood along to numerous punch ups with Eddie, he's fairly harmless as long as you don't mention that the Earth isn't flat.

You on the other hand, are one weird, creepy fucking cunt, who I would wager is more dangerous than the rest of us combined.

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12 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Never mind this shit. Is it true that @Frank is the real site owner and if not, why haven’t you bollocked the disturbed mutant for Rule 7 breaches and making repeated, ugly threats of physical and sexual violence against members? 

Because she’s been far too busy pleasuring herself with an xxxxl ‘Deluxe King Billy®️‘ multi speed rechargeable vibrator for months now. But it was inevitable she’d rear her ugly head eventually for another fix of the real thing.

’King Billy. Accept no substitute’.

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