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Is it london or Gaza

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

260 young people killed at a music festival and there's celebrations on the streets of London.What has my capital city become.

Khan and his despots sown the seed and  now he's trying desperately to back peddle away from the whirlwind he has himself  generated .What a disgusting , odious little individual he is .

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

260 young people killed at a music festival and there's celebrations on the streets of London.What has my capital city become.

Khan and his despots sown the seed and  now he's trying desperately to back peddle away from the whirlwind he has himself  generated .What a disgusting , odious little individual he is .

In any other world, this little cunt would have been ousted long ago but be assured; he will be swept back into power next election on a wave of votes from the brown and black faces as well as the dopey white middle class CabSav quoffers. I'm just glad I'm out of the shithole.

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

260 young people killed at a music festival and there's celebrations on the streets of London.What has my capital city become.

Khan and his despots sown the seed and  now he's trying desperately to back peddle away from the whirlwind he has himself  generated .What a disgusting , odious little individual he is .

Blimey tawk about generalisations. 

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