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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. You made a good start. Didn’t last - you are squandering your talent. Must try harder. C for Effort B for Achievement.
  2. This is like Nando Chilli points. You would like points related to how much you spend but only get one per visit. Here is my single Like though I like it ten times more.
  3. He's also a Jew and Golda Meier was a Ukrainian Jew I don't know whether this is a coincidence or even relevant but it seems to point to a concentration of political power that is useful to or part of US foreign policy.
  4. This is the Road To Damascus moment that every thinking Brit has as soon as they set foot outside our stinking fucked up mess of a country and can start to see it all as it is. Unfortunately to varying extents France, Spain and Germany are also in on the fantasy wove by the CIA and Washington. Eastern Europe and Turkey have had doubts right from the start. Germany is beginning to break ranks. It's the World War One mentality all over again. History teaches us that certain interest groups will stop at nothing to get what they want and your rights, including the right to life, are no defence against them. This has been the culmination of a game plan that has been a long time in the making. I've made a copy in my docs of your Dr Strange love Rant. Well done Billy.
  5. I'd love to get a poste cartele of your latest adventures - give us the gory details no holds barred.
  6. I thought this was the one with two Albanians and one Visa Debit card.
  7. I wish I hadn't mentioned it now. 🙁
  8. Plaza Mayor is a shite hole with greasy fucking lazy layabout thieving Dagos hanging around until the early morning. Oh sorry, that's the Plaza del Sol. Oh fuck it, it's all the same. You clearly aren't adding any class to the scenery. Fuck off.
  9. That was Grindr and she was up for it. Specsavers?
  10. What about the left tit😋 you can't ignore it?
  11. I did it once all the way from London to Paris on EUROSTAR. A bossy woman behind me kept on complaining. Meanwhile I was fixated on an annoying cunt's back pack straps hanging down from the overhead luggage rack which constantly dangled back and forth in front of my eyes. In the buffet restaurant car I then became very frustrated at the lack of milk containers and the portion size of my full English breakfast club sandwich and the hard bits of bacon that wedged in my teeth. Moving onto the on board lavatory I noticed that the previous occupant had left a French turd the size of a Cumberland sausage and it seemed to be winking at me. Struggling to regain my seat and what was left of my composure I perceived the rucksack's straps had edged closer to my head due to vibration of the train and for the last ten minutes of the journey entering the graffiti festooned suburban neverland of gay Paris I endured the straps rhythmically slapping the back of my head until I arrived completely shattered at Gareth du Nord. Then I checked into an Ibis hotel. ... and you think you had it rough. Boy it's gonna be a heavy drinking day today you sonna of a bitch.
  12. I will treasure my first Like from you as much as my first solid crap after prostrate surgery. By the way the French make sure all British living in their country are NOT Gallic in any way shape or form and should be glad to lick the dog shit off the boots of a real Frenchman.
  13. That's right you tell him, the man who invented bleach one wet and dreary Sunday afternoon when told to go to the bedroom following some naughtiness in the local strip joint.
  14. Don't hold back. Great things come from alcoholic poisoning then abstinence followed by an invasion of Iraq on the fraudulent basis of WMD accompanied with a warning, "Either your With Us or Against Us." So knock yourself out.
  15. So, the Shit wins the election. Lots of promises not to over promise. Not to expect too much. We have a big job to do after so many years of.... Then there's a Tory revolt and a leader election. The Lib Dems congratulate themselves. Nothing gets sorted out. It's just plod on. More years of.... you guessed it. Cunts.
  16. The Spanish have their bulls, the Japanese their whales, the ferocious Faroe Islanders their seals... the Israelis their Palestinians. 😢
  17. This guy the billionaire Pavlo Shuvela Pennywsck had his formative experience in Auschwitz which explains EVERYTHING that's going on now with Greater Israel. You won't get cunts like that letting go of illegal territory any time soon. For them it's a fight for survival. They won't give an inch and the aim is to eliminate the Palestinians from the map in every sense of the word. The fake rhetoric about a two state solution is just another delaying tactic. The acid test on what happens after the current crisis is will Israel STOP building illegal settlements? Somehow I doubt it.
  18. I've been looking into this web of Zionist lobbying shite: starting with a certain "left wing" teacher training college lecturer/"professor" now elevated to "senior research director" at BICOM and ending with the money bags Jewish billionaire IDF/arms dealer drones and surveillance who sponsors the whole project from his base in Tel Aviv. I can imagine these projects, aggressive lobbying groups and political activists operating within the open democracies of Western countries, are set up and planned centrally in Israel and just distributed amongst willing and able filthy rich Zionists who support the colonisation projects in the occupied territories. Who is Schlomo Zabludowicz? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shlomo_Zabludowicz https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2015/09/no-jeremy-corbyn-not-antisemitic-left-should-be-wary-who-he-calls-friends No, Jeremy Corbyn is not antisemitic – but the left should be wary of who he calls friends The Labour MP's tendency to seek out unsavoury comrades is a symptom of an intellectual and political malady: the long-term ideological corruption of that part of the left in which he was formed. "Prof." Alan John's September 2015 Who is Alan Johnson? https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/antisemitism-labour-party-clare-short-zionism-jewish-conspiracy-a8935476.html Yes, Labour members can criticise Israel without being antisemitic – Clare Short has spread a poisonous myth Clare Short is helping to spread a myth that stops the Labour Party from getting to grips with antisemitism. The former Labour cabinet minister claimed on Newsnight on Tuesday that the real problem was not antisemitism but the stretching of the definition of antisemitism to include all “criticism of Israel”. David Hirsh, author of Contemporary Left Antisemitism, coined the term “the Livingstone Formulation” to sum up what is going on when someone spreads the “you can’t criticise Israel” myth. He named it after Ken Livingstone who once said: “The accusation of antisemitism has been used against anyone who is critical of the policies of the Israeli government.” Professor Alan Johnson May 2019 https://fathomjournal.org/the-pleasures-of-antisemitism/#mobile-menu "global left have commited a huge deception in hiding the fact that the Palestinians have consistently rejected every serious Israeli peace offer. While Israel has also made mistakes, when it comes to the failure of the peace process in recent decades, the Palestinian responsibility is much greater." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euston_Manifesto condemning all forms of tyranny, terrorism, anti-Americanism, racism and antisemitism, including any form of it that "conceal[s] prejudice against the Jewish people behind the formula of 'anti-Zionism'". 1950 SOLTAM - defence company based in Israel supplying IDF Founder Finnish-British-Israeli Schlomo Zabludowicz 2002 BICOM founded by above British Israel Communication Research Centre (pressure group) 2006 Euston Manifesto - to combat Anti-Zionism within Labour Party and broad Left headed by "Prof." Alan Johnson editor of FATHOM its newsletter and journal. 2010 SOLTAN sold to ELBIT an Israeli defence contractor (drones/surveillance /spyware) based in Haifa. Company extensively involved in military occupation of West Bank. Many Western investment funds have cut links with ELBIT due to its illegal operations in the West Bank.
  19. It didn't take long for Baddiel to climb onto the box on his usual hobby horse subject of endemic Anti-Semitism in Britain. For a man who is so sensitive to the slightest suggestion of any prejudice or intolerance of Jews it's strange that not once have I heard him admit or make any criticism of Israel in these constant pronouncements, mention of illegal occupation, sharing nuclear technology with apartheid South Africa, illegal settlements. This is perpetual coercing of successive generations to shoulder guilt for past events in another country by other people. Baddiel's basic outlook isn't that different from Netanyahu in effect, if you're not 100% with Israel or Jews you're a Nazi. Unfortunately for Baddiel he has a very poor image on TV. He looks shifty and there is a rehearsed self satisfied way of delivering his views without any real dialogue.
  20. And you Sir, have a lucky face, 🍀 🤞 🍀 would you like one of my lucky charms Sir.
  21. No but I've seen every episode of Kath and Kim and model my early morning walk on Kel. Pure gold. * * NOT the early morning walk favoured by Kevin Spacey who is a very good actor by the way
  22. I can sum it up in one word: Anti-Victorianism. It's the natural reaction, in some ways, to belittle and demean a past generation from only a handful of generations ago which is generally regarded as the greatest period in British history. Of course it had it's moral deficits, but those people, mainly the men but there were some feisty women too, we're fucking giants compared to us today. They literally crow barred a small fringe island into a position of world power militarily, economically and culturally. When I see those silly Terry Gilliam cartoons of Victorian males in bathing costumes and handlebar moustaches that's what I think. The default screen image of a Victorian is a caricatured stereotype as insulting and false as the Hollywood depiction of the native Indian in the 1940s and 50s. That's my tuppence.
  23. The "years" is 2023, or in Judaic terms 7th October plus 31, nothing happened before then. No 67 borders, no illegal occupation, no illegal settlements, no incremental apartheid system or Palestinian homeland denial history ha ha ha ha ha. People who live live IN or live BY the Bible will suffer endless defeat
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