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Everything posted by Goober

  1. That's better. More cunting, less being a cunt.
  2. Those many, many people consider it to be a stolen election because that's what their infallible demagogue, that deranged, narcissistic unhinged idiot Trump has been setting them up for for over a year. He even cried foul last time when he won the fucking moron. Nearly everything you've written in this thread is complete and utter fucking garbage and you're just as fucking stupid and gullible as those cunts storming the Capitol yesterday. Give the deranged tin-foil hat shit a rest for Christ's sake.
  3. He couldn't see where the line was and he may well have fucked Don Jr's chances in 4 or 8 years time as well with this little stunt. I'd be surprised if rednecked MAGA supporters would back Ivanka, or any female for that matter.
  4. That's nice for you. What was Mtembe's opinion?
  5. Never going to happen, Billy. Not only has he scorched the ground behind him, he's also unwittingly burnt his bridges. This doesn't make for a pretty epitaph for his presidency.
  6. Seems to be a lot of talk about impeachment (didn't they try that already?) or 25th amendment removal of Trump. Whilst there will be some kind of response, I can't see either happening or the point of it now. What does seem to be clear is that Trump has dug a hole so deep this time he won't be crawling out of it any time soon. He's definitely completely fucked his chances of reelection in 4 years.
  7. Actually, that was an unfortunate typo, it should have read shame that no one... Definitely not a fan.
  8. Aha! Twitter, the font of all knowledge. At least we know where you're getting your reliable information now, Billy. Amazing that only one person was shot. If you truly believe what you're repeating, which I'm seriously beginning to doubt (because no one is that gullible), then you've gone crazy and there's no hope that you'll see even a sliver of truth beyond the partisan shit that you're shovelling. Black really is white. Shame that one took the opportunity to take a dump on Nancy's desk though.
  9. That would depend on a number of factors the most important of which are the size and dampness of the fanny you're trying to put it in.
  10. Crackerjack-off. Please, never, never use a colon (no, not that type) followed by a dash/hyphen. It's fucking infuriating. Otherwise, good work.
  11. Do you think DC might be a miner? He seems to dig lots of very deep holes.
  12. Hate to say it, Billy, but it appears the only person in this conversation with a derangement syndrome is you. You could do with taking the blinkers off, old chap.
  13. From what I've read Trump potentially broke several federal and state laws during the call. However, it seems that he may genuinely believe all the crazy conspiracy theories that he's regurgitating and that, in respect of the way those laws are written, would be enough of a defence. Regardless though, after the 20th it would be better for the whole country just to move on and not to persue him for any law breaking that might eventually come to light.
  14. Seems as if Trumps behaviour over the last few weeks is likely, in part, to cost the GOP the senate now, with both Georgia Senate seats looking as if they'll go to the Dems. The guy has utterly lost the plot since the election.
  15. Goober

    Julian Assange.

    Looks like this cunt is going to dodge extradition by virtue of having expensive liars, I mean lawyers, and feeling a tiny bit sorry for himself. The extradition judge said "The overall impression is of a depressed and sometimes despairing man fearful for his future." No fucking shit. Anyone would be a little fearful for their future if faced with 75 years inside. This is just a case of if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Why not just trade him for that Sacoolas tart? Everyone's happy not least because we get shot of this Australian cunt.
  16. Goober

    Sadiq khan

    I'm not sure this is advisable, even though it's probably in jest. If you're leading the way it makes it harder for the mods to rein in other punters if they choose to attack you by slagging off Mrs Cnut along similar lines.
  17. That wasn't a kebab, it was a polymorph, or worse.
  18. Good point. If he's not in there he should be fitted up for a short stretch so he can clean Punkape's dried on vaguely brown spunk farts off the walls. Maybe 4500 psi wouldn't be enough though.
  19. More to the point, what did he stick it to the brick wall with in the first place since blue tack hadn't been invented then
  20. If he's in CC clink he's probably shanked all of the hardest bastards in there, killed three of the screws, monopolised the illicit snout trade, taken over the barber shop and given the all inmates that have survived his terror a bob.
  21. I'm picturing The Shawshank Redemption: Heywood: Hey, Fat Ass. Fat Ass! Talk to me boy! I know you're there. I can hear you breathin'. Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? This place ain't so bad. Tell you what, I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just love to make your acquaintance. Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours. Fat Ass: Oh, God. I don't belong here! Inmate: We have a winner! Heywood: And it's Fat Ass, by a nose! Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
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