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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. You & I are different in many ways. I don’t have two ears on either side of my prong d’amour, for example.
  2. The like is through gritted tooth and for points 4&5…the rest is testicular my old mucker.
  3. It was merely a different approach to the said cunt. I got bored watching new members joining in on an attack on someone when they had no grievance or knowledge/history of the individual but meekly went along with the general view so, being a cantankerous contrarian I took another tack, which certainly aroused interest on here. What I will say is that for a member who’s not put a nom in for five years and drifts in and out of this place, his name is probably the most referred to by some distance. I think the said cunt has already admitted was that it was I who turned on him and not the other way around. If I can be arsed digging it out I’ll post the said culling admission on here. But sometimes…he lies. I rate the man highly. He came in through the back door and certainly got the measure of me. If I'm being truthful, it was brutal when he turned on me like he did. I honestly didn't see it coming.
  4. Many thanks for this endorsement, it means so much to me. ’I was wondering what you think about it?’ ‘What are your thoughts?’ etc, are not ‘your signature’ Raaso, any more than your usage of ‘lol’ frequently…they’ve been lifted from others on here.😉 I preferred your old letter writing format which I believe was original, but that’s gone. My sex-life (or lack of it right now) should be of little concern to you, but I do have to thank you for that advice, you wax doll stabbing, voodoo Cnut.
  5. Being morbidly obese with a plethora of associated illnesses, diabetes and heart disease etc, are the least of ‘Big Kazza’s’ problems. She’s got you as a friend…you demented little cunt. Kill her then yourself.
  6. Your optimism strikes me like junk mail addressed to the dead.
  7. I’m getting concerned about you, Raaaso. Every post you make ends in ‘what you thought about it?’ or ‘what do you think?’ You’ve been here long enough not to be so insecure or, heaven forbid, be accused of copying another grown-ups M.O. (@Wolfie, thoughts?) Knock it off, it’s unseemly and the evidence suggests you’re better than this. It’s cheap, and borrowed. Carve your own niche my old friend, you’re good enough.
  8. Wilfred Owens’…good Beercanhead lad.
  9. Fuck my old army boots.
  10. Jesus fucking Christ.
  11. Leave it Wolf…it’s going nowhere and your verbosity merely arouses something in me. You little minx you.
  12. Another fingaree of mine…early 80’s.
  13. I ‘had lunch with’ and Raaso and I, as part of our new bromance, have had a delightful PM exchange, not initiated by me, but not of our previous vitriolic nature, so the mimicking thing is quite inaccurate. Since my court victory against Frank, he’s dead to me…but the site is struggling since the three amigos committed Roopicide. Standby for further, oh and ‘fuck off.’ Used Campervans? How fucking vulgar.
  14. How dare you insult Bill’s magnificent Magyar molars. I went for lunch with him and Michelle Dotrice last week and had to wear a welding mask everytime the Cnut smiled.
  15. See your PM. The site needs something…anything right now.
  16. A decent post, you know I’m a Wolf fan and erstwhile sycophant. That said, ‘£30k VW Campervan?’ You’re about as far out here as your tacit estimation of fine dining and exquisite wine. As it’s you, I’ll give you a break, but polish up your delivery. Frank…do shut up on this, the man’s at least trying.
  17. That’s gonna confuse your night time Rascal based activities. Tread carefully, Neil.
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