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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. At the risk of courting controversy, perhaps they should occasionally think about handing these gongs out to the cunts who were competent enough at their jobs NOT to catch the fucking disease they were supposed to be curing?
  2. Cuntybaws


    Yes, because real cats walk upright and talk all the fucking time. I'd teach the stupid bitch a lesson by fucking her doggy style, then spaying the cunt.
  3. The Croydon catboy is in trouble now - the Twitter Z-listers are on the case! "Several celebrities have joined the hunt for the Croydon killer, with the likes of Dermot O'Leary and Caroline Flack retweeting Peta's reward to their followers on social media. The Vamps' lead guitarist, James McVey, has also offered free tour tickets to anyone who can help track the killer down."
  4. It's better than the "swarm" metaphor they came out with last time. Even that didn't go nearly far enough. It is, quite literally, a plague of migrants. If they're not carrying Zika virus I'll eat Paddy Ashdown's hat.
  5. You weren't here for the "Disabled Parking" thread, were you Luke? By fuck, those were the days. If every cunt isn't pretty much anti-everything, then I've missed the point of this site entirely. The inventive abuse and occasional surrealism are just the icing on the cake.
  6. And I suppose you were thinking about all these "nice people" while you were with that slut?! Did you do it in our bed - well, DID YOU?
  7. I think I see your problem, Quince. In the absence of any actual interaction or validation your fractured id has been forced to construct its own reality, one where its pathetic neediness is sublimated to the point where the superego genuinely believes that the mighty Lord Darkseid would stoop so low as to sully his eyes on your pathetic mortal frame. I'm a complex man when I'm on the El Dorado, Quince. God complex, Oedipus complex, you name it.
  8. Fucking lightweight never even finished his breakfast!
  9. There's a proper Latin name for cunts who fuck dolphins in the blowhole, but it's too early in the evening to be Googling something like that.
  10. A harsh but fair assessment of Cockfingers' output to date. Unless of course you meant me, in which case it's fair but harsh.
  11. It's Jazz, isn't it? The Corner used to be his safety valve, but now no quadruped is safe.
  12. In theory this depends whether there any black lesbians in the mix, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess "both".
  13. Broadcasters don't normally let something like a total lack of aptitude for the role stand in the way of a talentless token appointee (the Prosecution presents Mr Chris Kamara, nominations passim, for your delectation) but I am heartened to see that even BT Sport draws the line at employing Paul Ince.
  14. Better to be "working class" than "benefits class". (Or untermenschen, as they used to be called before hashtags were invented.)
  15. £480 sounds like a strange amount until you realise it's divisible by 24, the same number of toes and fingers this typical Norfolk teen used to tot up the bill.
  16. What is it with posh cunts and big poles?
  17. "Hi, G***". "Mr W*****"? Fucking hell, it's Gary Wilmot! Gary Wilmot's a member of Cunts Corner. Yours sincerely, Mr Cuntibald J Baws.
  18. Take the childish cunts on at their own game by filling a Super Soaker with cold piss, and fashioning a set of Wolverine claws out of Stanley knives. Mutually Assured Destruction is a cunt.
  19. That'll be a US Marine then. A dog's bowel is the best they deserve.
  20. I had the winning ticket in the $1.5 billion Powerball draw last week, but after using it to snort coke off an Eskimo dwarf's tits I used it to skin up some vanilla haze and that was the end of that. I'd only have wasted it anyway.
  21. No need to apologise. Any excuse to wheel out the bark stripper is a good one. Russell T Davies is a cunt.
  22. Was it a German soldier with a stick grenade? Or a Japanese soldier with a katana? Or a Napoleonic Wars drummer? Anything else and I'll be less than impressed.
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