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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Astounding (adj.) - synonym: bewildering. Tell me you didn't vote "Yes", Quince. We're better together.
  2. Cuntybaws

    Dodgy Geezer

    Or part of the Bay City Rollers reunion tour? The prosecution rests.
  3. Hey, big spender! Did you take her down to Luca's for ice cream afterwards? That. Just.... that.
  4. Is that "at the moment", or "ass to mouth"? When it comes to mini pork pies that's not something you want to be ambiguous about!
  5. Normally I'd post a picture of Kerry Katona's tits at this juncture - that would get rid of any lingering erections tout fucking suite. However, I'm fucked if I know what's allowed and what isn't any more so better not...
  6. My work thinks my family are all dead after pulling the "funeral" excuse many times over the years, so I'm sorted already! I'll probably get another day off out of sympathy.
  7. Hopefully an Egyptian baggage handling company will get the servicing contract.
  8. Don Estelle was a whispering cunt.
  9. Well, shit a brick and fuck me with it!
  10. American firefighter Patrick Hardison has had the most extensive face transplant surgery ever. These are the days of miracle and wonder, sure enough. Better yet, Simon Weston has regained his status as the shiny card to hold in a game of Top Trumps.
  11. You seem to be struggling to keep within the constraints of the traditional limerick form. Perhaps consider a haiku instead? e e cummings was a cunt.
  12. Cuntybaws

    My knees

    Up? Mother Brown was a cunt.
  13. Cuntybaws


    That lassie got glassed and no cunt leaves here until we find out what cunt did it.
  14. One more strike and you're out!
  15. You've missed fuck all there! Have either of you been to the dentist in the last decade either, you tight cunts?
  16. You sick cunt, he's been dead since 2004. "Kiss the good life goodbye."
  17. Hey, I do the Trainspotting lines around here, ya doss cunt!
  18. I will happily join in the remembrance, but only once every last one of the fucked up cunts is dead. Starting with Grayson Perry...
  19. Cuntybaws


    Grayson Perry raises my bile and my homicidal urges.
  20. I'm surprised Peacock hasn't logged in to regale us with a humorous anecdote involving a massive fart that reverberated like a 21 gun salute, with a follow-through uncannily similar to the closing movement of the 1812 Overture.
  21. Cuntybaws


    This is exactly the tangent this thread was crying out for. A near-certainty to scoop the "Catwoman Memorial Prize for Spurious Misogyny" when award time rolls round. PS I think she looks a bit like Sigourney Weaver in Alien, although I'd need to see her in a vest with her nipples erect to be sure.
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