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Everything posted by Jiggerycock

  1. Seems a strange hill for the Tories to be dying on. Estimates seem to be in the region of £20 m per week to fund this, which is a good night out for thee and me, but chickfeed compared with the cash spunkathon Itchy Ballsack and his retinue of Tresury fuckwits engage upon on a regular basis at present. If Boris is determined to dig in on this one then he'd do well to ask if a principle which Labour once promoted - that welfare should be provided in the form of money, not benefits in kind - is now one they disown in pursuit of political points scoring?
  2. Only if you eat them (rather than use them as a metaphor to keep the proles under the iron jackboot of the bourgeoise.........n' shit)
  3. I bet you actually believe that load of bollocks don't you?
  4. Was her face painted on a slowly-deflating balloon? Like a Ginsters pie - subtly revolting.
  5. Is it still considered legal tender if it's covered in cum? I know the £20 one with Adam Smith always was...umm...er....don't ask me how I know....asking for a friend etc
  6. No way! That's the motherlode right there!
  7. Usual lefty power over-reach, dictating what is and isn't essential, trying to level out the free market and ending up tying themselves into a comedy pretzel. The point about lockdowns is to suppress infections. You can argue about whether they are an effective way of doing that. The purpose is not to create level-playing fields between companies, or to destroy competition. Why not ban Amazon deliveries (because, er, surely that is ‘unfair’ on bookshops that have had to close their doors) or Netflix streams (seems sort of unfair on the local Odeon) or Zoom (hardly fair on local office landlords)? It might well be safer to close down the Internet, and then perhaps the postal service as well (those sneaky mail order catalogues might come back). And then when he does get around to listing ‘essential’ items, it would probably be safer to ration them as well, since otherwise some shops might run out of permitted items while others didn’t, and that too would hardly be ‘fair’. Fucking cunt
  8. My imagination just closes down when it's asked to process Frank intoning the Hamilton Academicals vs Forfar result like it was the Gettysburg Address - then two hours latter he's racking out a line of ching on a Penthouse Pet's tits.
  9. Good job I didn't then ....and where does the public sector get its money from?
  10. I think Tory HQ got together and said 'The public need a bit of fun in their lives, now we've persuaded them that this is the Black Death they're living through, so, rock paper scissors - Chris Grayling or Dido Harding in charge of Test and Trace?!' She's the British Kite Mark standard for piss-bloody-useless. On her watch, Talk Talk paid out millions after a cyber attacjk and data loss but tshe still walked away with a golden handshake woth £squiddley-diidleys. As a jockey she fucked up on Cool Dawn, before being replaced by a proper jockey who then went on to win the Cheltenham Gold Cup on it. Clearly she's now found the perfect canvas on which to give the biggest possible expse of her true fucking uselessness
  11. Anyway on a more serious note, it's probably all due to the notion we're all entitled to live forever, to the extent that the Governments of the world now see this as the over-riding imperative for their citizenry. .....and when I say 'live' I mean 'exist'
  12. Probably just jealous his Thai 'girlfriend' has a bigger cock than him
  13. As with everything in the devolved administrations, this is all about politics. Everything will be compared to England. If cases reduce Drakeford will declare himself a hero. If not, the virus has come from no lockdown England and Boris is to blame. If Welsh businesses go bust it’ll be due Tory underfunding, if they don’t the English taxpayer will receive no thanks. Drakeford (and wee Nicola) have the greatest no lose political hand ever given to a politician.
  14. Still protecting the cage you're in?
  15. Gladly - you 'wannabe rebel but actually pencil-neck' willing fucking slave!
  16. You've persuaded a woman to not only come within 30 feet of you without the use of rohypnol and waiving her rights to use of a restraining order, but to share (what for handy reference purposes we will call...) your life with her? How the hell did you manage that then?
  17. Oh fuck off with your mewling love of state control of the minutiae of your, and it would seem, everyone elses lives!
  18. Hands (in the till). (Must save) Face Space (waste of)
  19. She'll probably be in Episode three - a 'differentailly abled martial arts expert' sent to protect the lesbian!
  20. Yeah - the irony of it was not lost on me!
  21. Saw episode 1 of BBC 1's Sunday night drama 'Roadkill' and it's safe to say I won't be watching episode 2. Predictable, box-ticking, derivative and dull. White, male, middle-aged, populist MP (have a guess which party!) is going to be bought down by a combination of crusading femal journalist (with sexist, white, middle age, male boss) and her Asian lover, with possible help from a black female lawyer. MP has an illegitimate child (guess which race!), a (legitimate) drug-addicted daughter, a lesbian chauffeur, a female boss with a (smug) female chief whip and an extra-marital affair. What other cliche can we fit in? Oh yes - his dark secret the journalist is going to expose, is that he was trying 'to sell off the NHS'. I think in Episode two he tries to laser off the swastika tattoo, whilst machine gunning a dinghy full of transgender refugees off the Goodwin Sands, with flashback images of him being in Grenfell Tower with a box of matches on 14 June 2017.
  22. Raheem Stirling's left leg? Sorry, that's 'not right and not fair'. My bad.
  23. It's right wing terroroism we must be scared of, didn't you get the e-mail? Anders Brehvik.....Jo Cox....Nigel Farage......Jack Whitehall's dad.....someone I met in a pub who wanted lower taxes......{wibble}
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