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Posts posted by Roadkill

  1. 13 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Eric, me and some mates at the cafe this morning were debating which ISIS video death method we’d all choose if we had to. Options were; kneeling live beheading with a paring knife, drowning in a cage dipped slowly into a swimming pool, blown up with an RPG locked inside a 1997 Toyota, burnt alive in a metal cage with petrol, hung from the slowly rising jib of a crane. 

    You strike me as the sort who will have an opinion here. Please rank them, 1-5. 

    The RPG to a Toyota would be my go-to. Most of them are malnourished little sand wogs and don't have the strength for a clean decapitation.

    There was one a few years back where they tried to cut his legs and head off at the same time, started freaking out at the superhuman strength getting cut to pieces alive tends to give a person. They resorted to simply dogpiling the cunt and pulling off the rest of the head by hand, resulting in what looked like the "Relax" music video, but with different fluids.

    I miss LiveLeak...

  2. Just now, ChildeHarold said:

    Another PR non news story. Watch out! Taylor Swift will come up with a trivial ailment next. If it was Melissa Mccarthy I might give a fuck. 

    (No I wouldn't) 

    I must say RK you're doing better and having a fair old stab, but IMHO (which you will no doubt remind me about the "humble" part)  there's still a long way to go before you impress Moi! (IMHO) 🙂 


    (from one of your ghosts) 

    Why haven't you killed @Basil? You've just pulled his legs off and left him crippled and screeching nonce allegations.

  3. Sadly, it isn't fatal, but at least she looks funny now. Maybe the bloated fucking land whale can work it into her standup routine instead of constantly rambling on about her defective fucking minge.

    Hopefully it'll make it more difficult for her to squat on the unsuspecting cocks of passed out men and pass it all off as a "joke" later, too.

    Sinister fucking designated by committee "comedian". If we're lucky, the change in air pressure on her next assigned flight to an event she has no right hosting causes her to explosively decompress.

    • Like 5
  4. 51 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Are you fucking serious? I meant this cunt grovel on his hands and knes to me. The guy is perched on his keyboard with a fucking ten inch dildo up his arse posting garbage all day long. A fucking nom about scouts. I ask you! A fucking scriptwriter for the Benny Hill Show could do better. 

    Well, finish him. You started this conflict, Harold.

    The mods are obviously on holiday, so it's your responsibility.

  5. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Basil is almost certainly going to fall foul of the sport’s governing body. 

    This is a bit better. It’s not hitting the highs of that Friday night ‘Audience With Stoops’ from a few years ago, but it’s picked up.

    Oh, absolutely, Eric. @Decimus, wherever the cunt is, will be smiling in his sleep at the prospect of at least one nonce accusation being declared here tonight.

  6. 16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Go into the woods? Where did that fucking come from? So they get their choppers out and collect firewood for the camp? Even I'm not that naive. 

    He's actually got you here, Harold. You need to explain yourself immediately, I hope for your sake it was just you being a naïve spacker:


  7. 6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    That's your teacup Basil, not the parents. I was thinking about that nameless numberless world champion marathon runner (who fucking cares?) who died in Africa whilst training. Turns out it was a common motor accident. Nothing to see there....... except we had to endure 48 hours of eulogy and tributes including one from that fucking all time 2012 Olympic Millionaire Gold Medal Winner (in how to make a fortune out of sport) Lord Sebastian Hague Bag Carrier and Goody Gumshoes Tory Sebastian Coe. 

    You can guess the scenario. A life intensively scheduled into competing for fucking zillions and non-stop training, with a giddying amount of travelling inbetween, until you are just a brainless pair of legs with no sense of direction unless guided by barriers round a twenty odd mile city running track. 

    Of course we won't have the pleasure of that cunts legs in the annual London Marathon and BBC Orgy of live coverage looking increasingly tedious and predictable every year with an itinerary and a layout that has never ever been changed or updated. Always the easy cash cow. In the meantime the good people of East London suffer another day of road closures and disruption to fed the vanity self love and cash tills of the London Marathon Company, a private company that pays the Brashers handsomely. 

    By comparison the Scouts are...... 

    .... just nice people. 

    You bitch and moan about cunts not taking your "content" seriously and you've just filled this poor fuckers nice, new and engaging nomination with utter fucking drivel.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Basil said:

    Now call me a cynic if thou must, but if you go up on a fucking ledge, with a massive drop, is it really the scouts fault if you plummet to the earth and splatter a hillside with your corpse?


    Here's an idea for the family currently playing the blame game - maybe you should have brought the fat, northern wastrel a fucking compass?

    I meant what type of thick cunt gets lost, and then tries to find his way back via a jagged edge 200 feet up?

    And anyway, if he'd made it back down, he'd of likely had his arsehole fucked into another dimension by a gang of randy scoutmasters.

    And finally, what type of 16 year old spends his time on scouting expeditions as opposed to puffing on a joint, getting wasted on cheap cider in the park and attempting to finger unsuspecting classmates?

    Which side to take here, a directionally challenged northern wanker or an organisation infested with fucking nonces?

    Answer: none

    Storm in a teacup

    Seems like the basic story is that the scout leaders (fully grown men who like to play with little boys in the woods) lost him before he decided to be a stupid twat.

    Technically, they are responsible, however, I think it's a bit harsh to expect them to keep cunts this level of stupid alive.

    It's the same with cunts getting angry at the Police when adolescent spackers riding around on illegal motorbikes end up smeared across the road - the institution is responsible, but they've really only hastened the inevitable.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Putin's never hurt me. 

    Go and get one of those free Russian passports they're handing out then, instead of shitting all over here with your retarded, malformed political commentary.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Penny Farthing said:

    Are you sure about that? We are paying more for electricity gas and oil because of his Ukraine adventure for a start and that is only the start .. the modern Russia is a failed stae, one that has had a chance to regenerate but has failed and is now poisoned by envy. You rubbish Labour but Putin and the rest of the in power Kremlin lot are still the "Soviet pretend Socialist" Cunts that they have been since the Russian revolution .. akin the the Nazi "National pretend Socialists".

    Simple cunts like Hawwod get frustrated at the concept of democracy.

    Strong man cunts like Putin are easier for them to like and support - they'll spend decades in power with absolutely no real political rivals and take credit for every single goal and accomplishment reached, whilst having a spider web of fawning lackeys to throw to the wolves in the event of any failure.

    It gives the illusion of competence and sinister intellect that men who wear combat pants to garden centres and played with Action Man as a child flock to.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Well he was a laugh and I wasn't around when he got mugged off and left. Whoever caused that I hope was rightly condemned to death. No doubt Roadkill was sniffing around the edges encouraging the mess. 

    Up to this point I've actually been well known for being a fence sitting twat, often refusing to pile onto some of the more targeted members such as @Penny Farthing and @and that often clash with the rest of the tribe.

    I've shown annoying little spastic newbies, such as @Old Chap Raasclaat and @Dyslexic cnut were, how to survive and flourish on what this place used to be and gave the likes of @King Billy a second chance when we started off as enemies. They're all more than you could ever hope to be on here now.

    The only cunt up until you that I had a real problem with was Pete - who revealed himself to be a certified nonce, who was also the only cunt I've ever genuinely reported.

    I've been known to stir the shit occasionally for my own amusement and the ultimate betterment of others, but with you, Harold - I just get the impression that you're a worthless fucking prat who's only lasting effect is to speed up the death of a place I once enjoyed.

    So... I'm going to torment you. I'm going to get under your skin and make you squeal like the little piggy that you are. You can brush me off with all of the default bollocks random posts you like, but the very fact that you've already mentioned me twice to other users today, calling me a snake and a shit stirrer, shows me that I'm already in your cramped little mind.

    Stay tuned.

    • Like 5
  12. "She" is a tranny - plus I think the sick fucker might be into the punishment you suggest.

    True justice would be to slather it in cat food, disembowel it and throw it into a pit full of hungry kitty cats.

  13. 7 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    At least you didn't try your usual "Reported" tactic. I like a bit of slap and tickle and hope I can dish it out as well as take it. On the other hand I always have a kind heart. You could learn from that. 

    Remember my kind heart ♥ 


    I've never reported you, Harold.

    I'd happily smash your spongy little moon face in with a brick until I can see your malformed fucking brainstem through your eye sockets, but I'd never, ever snitch on you.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Hello cunt. You have a melt down you non-nominating tedious gadfly. Just out to fucking create havoc and deter anybody else. Negative. 

    Good heavens, Harold, did I hit a nerve? I made sure not to mention any names, but clearly you're at least vaguely self aware of your own lack of performance.

    The last nom I posted was about the Putin interview - you remember the one - where you got all pissy because I didn't rub your belly for being a good little boy and replying with your usual, open ended, vague fucking dreg?

    Fuck off you discarded tampon, festering in the gutters of the meanest Calcuttan slum.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    For the love of Christ H, please just shut the fuck up.

    Stop sticking your humungous beak into every fucking discussion with pointless horsehit. Do it again and I'll reluctantly block you. I'm not the only one who's warned you.

    You're still too stupid to realise your non-stop, unbating annoyance is helping to ruin this site for others. You utter prick. Find something else to do with your time.

    This place is already fucked, Wolfie. Not one cunt has had a meltdown in about a year, fuckers just want to have long, boring fucking political fucking wank circles where they can safely bask in the echo chamber of saying shite they've probably already bored their real life acquaintances with long, long ago.

    It's not about cunting anything any more - it's about having a fucking moan and getting your little online mates to play agony aunt with you and sympathetically pat your hand as you declare woe and damnation.

    • Like 3
  16. Just now, entitled little cunt said:

    What would you prefer .Debates about warhammer or the study of the  scripts of games of thrones .

    If its mundane dont read it and post something that you're interested in and will hopefully interest others (highly unlikely)

    This place used to be alive with conflict. A modern take on the ancient act of "flynting" if you will. Members conversed important topics whilst also displaying their  skill and etiquette of insulting and goading one another.

    You fuckers are just exchanging paragraphs of arsehole fingering obviousness.

    "Gobberment lies!"

    "Yea, Gobberment lies! Gobberment bad!"

    Fucking piss weasels.

    • Like 2
  17. Just now, entitled little cunt said:

    Yes.Froth frothing .A froth.A foamy slather accompanying disease or exhaustion.Frothing.overflowing mass of small bubbles .Froth frothing makes complete sense. 


    I'd have gone for "fury drool, foaming from between your clenched, nicotine stained stubs".

    Put a spin on the description and add an insult for good measure.

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