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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. Don't worry about us, Billy. If things get bad we'll just invade Sunderland and sell the Mackems to Ukraine so they can run into the minefields and disarm them.
  2. What effect do you think the seizure and donation of Russian assets during wartime could have on the economy of the west in the event it's pushed through? Considering Brexit and the refusal to adopt the Euro anyway, whilst also considering London's dependency on reputation as a reliable financial centre what short and long term implications could we see as a country? Also considering the Yank's continuing obsession with Trump and his anti NATO rhetoric, how do you see that side of the pond responding to such an event? Fuck it - I'm boring myself. Can you take the gimp mask off @Dyslexic cnut please? I miss him.
  3. I've still got it, Eric. If my boys @Old Chap Raasclaat and @Dyslexic cnut hadn't fucked off to live on the dole and breed Mackems the rattled little fruitcake would be finished. Sadly he's gone into meltdown aversion mode now and I can't trigger the reaction alone. If Chernobyl had the same redundancies this spacker does, Zelelensky would be a fully grown man and not some radioactively stunted glow in the dark dwarf thing...
  4. To mention how shite it was? I think I was rather clear in my opinion that it was a big fucking waste of time. Don't get pissy with me because I'm pointing out your eagerness to sniff your own farts. You're like a fucking dyed haired, non-binary art critic, convincing yourself you see a meaningful pattern in an entirely worthless bucket of shit, proclaiming a deep and groundbreaking understanding of something entirely devoid of meaning. That's right, I'm critiquing you now. You're wank, but I don't think it has any geopolitical ramifications. Fuck sake.
  5. Ooh! Hawwod doing the powitics! Ooh! Fuck off you boring slag. There was no significance in this interview - in fact it was tailor made for titty fuckers like you to waste your time sifting through all the inane shite and draw your own conclusions - he was taking the piss.
  6. It was like reading a @King Billy Vs @Mrs Roops argument, but without any of the swearing.
  7. What a fucking drag this turned out to be. Here I was expecting hard ball questions or world domination rants and instead I got two hours of monotonous Russian history and some stupid fucking Yank pissing himself. Carlson lost the ball after the first question - a nervous, girlish forced laugh at Putin's quick - and only - challenge to his first fucking question. I think that might have been the point that he shat himself considering his facial expression through the rest of the interview. After that we were treated to a half hour history lesson translated into monotone, emotionless English by a cunt who sounded like his cat just died after shitting in his cereal. Pointless, unverifiable stories of yesteryear about how Russia always wanted to join NATO and vague, rapey hints that Ukraine would come to love their Russian overlords in time followed shortly (in comparison to the initial fucking tedious sermon) after by the truly important questions such as "Do you believe in God" and "What is a soul"? Putin has clearly been putting in his time on his history homework - apparently he got into it during the pandemic - and if nothing else it absolutely proves his ability to retain information and make decisions compared to the likes of drugged up fucking zombies like Biden, even if he does end up coming across as a sort of mad Victorian garden hermit as a result of the sheer amount of seemingly worthless information obscuring his narrative. I give him a 5 out of 10 - certainly not Trump levels of bombastic entertainment, but clearly not at Biden levels of brain goo. Tucker gets 2 out of 10. He shat himself after the first question and had seemingly no follow up challenge or chops through the rest of the interview. He honestly didn't even need to be there, I think the same result could have just been accomplished by filming Putin talking with his family over breakfast. Don't think the useless fucker deserves to be sanctioned or put on hit lists for his worthless actions though, so he gets a pity point for that alone. What a fucking let down.
  8. I agree it's hard to feel sympathy for any of the fuckers, but you do still have to step back and marvel at the sheer malevolent coincidence that Charlie boy waited his entire life for the throne only for it to give him arse cancer when he sat on it. As these pampered, living-on-another-plain-of-reality heirs of undeserved fortune go, he's had a rough time of it, comparatively speaking.
  9. Cunt's Army? @Ape™️ might be a bit handy, dropping grenades (improvised from bean cans obviously) from his toy helicopters, but @Eric Cuntman and @Cunty BigBollox would just grow weed farms or set up alcohol stills in the dugouts respectively. The entire front would be filled with stoned/blind conscripts using their rifles as improvised bongs or pawning their equipment for potato vodka.
  10. Load of bollocks. You've got the carefully engineered, culturally gelded snowflakes that can't even figure out their own gender, nevermind how to fire a fucking rifle, drowning in debt and living in a world where ever owning a house is a fantastical concept on the same level as the return of Jesus fucking Christ, because almost everything has been sold off to suspiciously foreign investors. Of course, we've been importing fighting age children by the literal boat load over the last decade. They'd be great for all this running around and getting blown up shit - the mischievous little fuckers love nothing more than throwing their lives away for a vaguely defined "greater cause". Not too sure I'd want to be the native handing any of the cunts guns and explosives though - something tells me their desperate plight for acceptance within our overly strict and judgemental communities, with such prejudiced laws as "don't rape" and "don't murder cunts because they don't believe in your own personal religion" - might be somewhat overridden by their (entirely understandable) urge to... well, rape people and kill cunts who don't believe in their own personal religion. Maybe we can rely on the older generation - you know, the one that was lucky enough to be born at a time where you could actually afford shit like personal property on an average wage? They've been banging on about bringing back conscription since it fucking ended anyway. No,no. Of course, all of those fuckers are conveniently too old and crumbly anyway. The hit to the economy brought about by the loss of patronage at the bingo halls and bookies might even be greater than the cost of their tax supplemented pensions. Can't have that. Good old Whitey might shoulder the burden, it could be just like old times, but we have spent the last few years screaming in his face that he's a racist because he doesn't like how he can't afford a house due to immigration. Oh, what a fucking pickle. All of our demographics actively despise the very idea of our country, would be useless in a fight anyway, or have been so brow beaten by the establishment that a few years in jail with free food, education and heating for telling us to fuck off honestly sounds like a pretty fucking decent alternative to trying to untangle his freshly exposed bowels from a hedge in fucking Siberia. The unbridled fucking cluelessness of these supposedly fully qualified and totally democratically elected cunts. This is the equivalent of shitting in my bacon sandwich, then expecting me to fist fight a gang of smack heads for the privilege of taking a bite. Fuck off.
  11. Yours had flak guns and and murals of naked women with swords fighting dragons with swords too. Much better than Harvey's shitty depiction.
  12. I think I might have to kill and eat bits of you if you keep leaving spaces before and after commas. Just your eyes though, and I might leave you alive if I think you're really really sorry afterwards. Fair warning. Sort it the fuck out.
  13. Does this mean they were driving like a cunt when they died, or when they hit someone? Either way I think the 4x4 part is somewhat valid, especially when they're being driven by 4'9 women with spray tan and bleached hair who can barely see over the steering wheel, but the Audi part simply reeks of envy. They're just big saloon cars, driven no worse than Mercedes or BMWs in my opinion. The worst offender in the big saloon car category is clearly the Skoda Octavia and Superb as they are naturally driven by immigrant rocket scientists and brain surgeons who are suddenly hit by the unexplainable urge to become taxi drivers the moment they set foot on English soil.
  14. Roadkill

    HDMI Ports

    Indeed. Her Majesty was trained as a mechanic during the war. She could have maintained and driven a Proton easily and for many years past it's intended lifespan. Charlie boy would just end up crying on the side of the road and probably dying of exposure as a result of his hands exploding when he tried to find the bonnet release.
  15. Roadkill

    HDMI Ports

    See above. And fuck off. Any smarmy shit about how I fucked up the quote and might need technical help and I'll glass you.
  16. Roadkill

    HDMI Ports

    Fuck Curry's. And fuck you. Well done for going back to school though.
  17. Rampant incest AIDS would be my guess. I bet the cunt has a jaw that would put the Habsburgs to shame. How the fuck they managed three generations I don't know, must've been a few butch dinner ladies wander into the orgy room...
  18. This is why I like you, Pen. Why I don't get involved with the common rabble at your expense. When the rest of us are off shirking our cunting duties, here you are asking the important questions of the newbies.
  19. I don't think Russia will pull out. They'll probably just keep throwing meat into the grinder until they can secure the territory they've managed to capture then declare it a victory whilst conveniently forgetting the infamous "three day plan". Ukraine doesn't have the man power or the equipment now that western interest is starting to wane to win a war of attrition. Few years time and it'll be the Ruskies begging for help against the smiling Chinks on their doorstep. If we're lucky they'll just nuke each other and microwave Germany a bit in the process.
  20. It's the Yanks fault. They've got the bunch of them thinking they were all picking cotton a few generations back, so when they do achieve something they feel the need to make a statement in support of "their people". Hasn't really settled in the fact that there's a big fucking ocean between them and the Yank darkies, or that as far back as WW2 all the segregation bollocks of the Jim Crow era was heavily frowned upon by the UK population when they saw how they were treating their black GIs. Honestly I think most of the cunts hate the colour of their own skin more than the "racists" they see in every dark corner.
  21. So it was you all along? They never did discover the identity of the shitter squatter...
  22. I saw a report about this bint moaning that her championship ambitions were crushed as a result of this horrible judgement. It must be a fascinating perspective on life to be so adored, so pandered to and supported into a certain - dare I say "privileged" - lifestyle that the very concept of consequences for your actions becomes so alien to the point that you're still arguing that your status as a celebrity sports person should exempt you from the established laws of the land.
  23. Roadkill

    Dr Who Cunts

    I've never been able to get into it at any level myself, but Hartnell isn't even the first Doctor anymore - they retconned a small black child into that position a few years ago. No reason, just because they can. I do understand the frustration this sort of shit must cause to long term fans though, even if I'm not one myself.
  24. Roadkill

    Dr Who Cunts

    Considering the average age of punters on here Doctor Who was probably an important part of their childhood and they feel bitter towards what to them is established cannon being changed to pander to a new generation. Nothing the BBC has it's fingers in these days is primarily entertainment, it's just regurgitated slop designed to specifically indoctrinate younger viewers into a more politically acceptable world view, whilst seemingly tricking older fans into letting their children watch it. A corporation, especially one that demands a mandatory payment simply for the fact that every television in existence automatically has their channels tuned in out of the box, should in no way be abusing its status to pander and transmit the social engineered whims and opinions of its employees who intend to use it as propaganda to promote their own personal beliefs. It can play the fucking program the way it was written and portrayed since the fucking sixties, or they can fuck off and become a private channel and do whatever they fucking please. They shouldn't be legally allowed to spit in the face of fans and demand payment for the service.
  25. Roadkill

    Dr Who Cunts

    He had Parkinson's disease too. I guess if he delayed his self induced sinus expansion long enough to end up a shivering vegetable he'd have just decided to call it a day and start working as a motivational speaker for kids who can't read good.
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