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Everything posted by colonelkurtz

  1. ​ .....i would like to add a note of positivity re this nom title ... well said LP ... it's RAILWAY Timetable,station etc and not TRAIN station and for the record , footpath or pavement not sidewalk , defence not deeefense, iraq not eyerack - i could go on but i'm in the middle of renewing my 'pedants monthly' subscription.
  2. wet wipes !... fucking wet wipes ! .... namby fucking pamby southerners more than likely - that's what I say. Nowt wrong with a thorough scraping either side followed by a folded over clean up to finish off with a torn up page from the daily mail and it never did my grandparents any harm.
  3. colonelkurtz

    Why ..

    ...is it , when the Lewis Hamilton geezer is apparently top lad in that there racing car thingy , does he still come across as a complete cunt ? .. it's not like I even know the bloke or anything ... he just comes across that way .. or maybe you know differently.
  4. just got myself outside my first glass of the evenings JD and mrs colonel has the tv on in the front room ..... and it's john bastarding craven for fucks sake .... cunt ,cunt,cunt ... you and all your fields of cow shite tractor loving co cunts.
  5. a rare occasion when i can say i have actually met a cc nom - and can confirm right here , right now - cunt ...... and from yorkshire.
  6. The virtual total lack of any [presumably] surviving victims surely tells us all we need to know about the establishment sea of shit goings on then , now and in the future. The fuckers know it and all the earnest 'something must be done' politico hand wringing amounts to jack shit. One law for them and ...... you know the rest.
  7. It certainly make you wonder sometimes if most tv schedules are some sort of social engineering scheme - along the lines of "is there really any limit to the amount of shite we can shovel forth from screens into the plebs living rooms" ... there again , as you say spotters , what a cunt thou art for turning it on anyway.
  8. cockernies presumably
  9. ... 'that' .. see - I can't even type properly for thinking about it even now.
  10. ​Betting is he has one of the kraut type toilets with the shelf where you can inspect,sniff and generally give your log a good coat of looking at before flushing.
  11. ​Betting is he has one of the kraut type toilets with the shelf where you can inspect,sniff and generally give your log a good coat of looking at before flushing.
  12. As has been proved time and time again House of Windsor plc is the countries biggest tourist attraction and makes more dosh for the UK than anything else in the known universe .. it's the sole reason people aspire to live here ..even the yanks are envious - and they've got disney world ffs. It's well known that all the royal family are lovely people - just like me and you and how these grovelling lickspittles have the nerve to criticise and complain about pay and working conditions defies belief .. some cunts just don't know their place.
  13. ​not wishing to appear obsessive but the wardrobe department seem to be selecting much more non defining colours and styles ... like i said not obsessed , just saying
  14. ​honours .. honours ... we don't need no stinkin honours when we have carole kirkwoods rack on the bbc morning weather forecasts.
  15. ​val doonican ... what a cunt ... to be sure
  16. I'm just waiting for the flood of floral tributes and cuddly toys ..."ooh ee were a gud 'un yer know .. it's like losing one of the fammly"
  17. A repairs replacement courtesy car on one occasion was a bmw something or other ...... instant twattery the moment I began driving it ... could actually feel the "you cunt" looks in my direction.
  18. ​doesn't piss in the street ?
  19. my local radio station travel babble pronounced on "signalling problems likely to cause potential disruption issues" .... "delays" ffs !!
  20. colonelkurtz

    Leon Brittan

    ​And so it shall ever be .... bastards , bastards , bastards
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