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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I trained on the wards and studied where and when I could. Nurses now are fresh out of uni and many think it's beneath them having to clear up patient's beds after they've shit themselves. That's how I met Frank. Lol
  2. The skipper was very young.
  3. Why is Innes at fault Scotty?
  4. What makes my shit hang sideways is yanks of a certain age beginning a sentence with "Back in the States........" at every fucking subject brought up. Which means in their eyes it's either bigger, better, faster, higher than anywhere else on the face of this fucking planet. Jackson Pollock was a cunt
  5. Football's for....Ah you know.
  6. I bet you say that to all the women!
  7. Dun dun duuuuuun!!!!! Will the beautiful Gypsy be scared of this threat? Will she even give a shit? Will Frank get another bout of cancer? Will anybody give a fuck? Will Punkape post another shit anti gay nom? Find out in the next shitty installment of Cunts Corner.
  8. His pens weren't as good as biro's
  9. That reminds me of when I was a student nurse. This elderly patient called me over and through his oxygen mask asked "Are my testicles black". So I lifted his gown and took his cock in one hand and balls in the other and took a look. "No they're fine". With this he took the mask off and said "That was very nice but are my test results back"?
  10. I don't mind being the whore of Babylon if the money's good. Do I get free sandals?
  11. I always said it was a man putting up his brolly on a windy day. That's what I said on my driving test.
  12. I don't think he's a real professor. He's taking the piss like that bloke in the wheelchair with the robot voice.
  13. They mostly come at night. Mostly. (Newt from Aliens)
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