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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. No doubt another product of the muesli eating, inbred, champagne socialist, middle class wankers that inhabit this country of ours.
  2. I'm just waiting for the inevitable gypsy/pikey bullshit that is bound to spew forth
  3. And that was a party political broadcast by UKIP.
  4. Can't blame him really. He was a passenger in the Harry Enfield stuff so unless Enfield writes some more stuff he won't be doing much. I guess its the ads or the reality tv shite.
  5. So I said to my ex-husband "If you don't stop with the infatuation with Eric Morecambe I'll go awayhey!"
  6. I have a screw driver that when you press a button is goes "drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' and screws a screw up. And when you press another button it goes 'drrrrrrrrrrrrr' and it unscrews the screw. But I don't know how to change the different screwy things you get with it. So pretty fucking pointless me owning it.
  7. I'm not sure any of the videos exist any more except the odd 'bluey' collection that some seedy auld cunt may still have.
  8. I've just spotted the words 'Massive cunt' over my picture. Can I categorically say that it is not massive. Ithangyou!
  9. As long as none of them knock on my door and start asking me bullshit questions. Well any questions to be honest with you.
  10. Even unfunnier than that alleged comedy with Barry McGuigan dressed as a woman saying 'feck' and 'fecking' every fucking sentence?
  11. If you don't play ball you may get sucked into the internet. Like that Tron film years ago.
  12. I haven't been on a train for years. Do they still smell of piss?
  13. I doubt it. If owt happens to him no doubt the ugly low life scum will cry that his 'uman rights were violated and this soft as shit society will fall over themselves to accomodate him.
  14. That is fucking harsh on several fronts Warren. Although quite amusing.
  15. I remember Rory McGrath saying that he usually starts singing "Tie a yellow ribbon" out loud which scares them off.
  16. I do get the feeling that Putin would kick the shit out of him in a 'One on one'!
  17. camberwell gypsy

    Dan Snow

    Who is Ben Vogel? He sounds German
  18. Heated bog seat? I might get one of them. Don't want to freeze my arse off when I'm sitting on the bog thumbing through the new Marisota catalogue!
  19. That I believe is a chat up line in Liechtenstein.
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