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Everything posted by and

  1. Approximately 93.3 million Americans are considered to be obese, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Now, President Donald Trump is among them. His new height and weight ratio indicates a body mass index of 30.4, according to CDC guidelines. Anything above 30 is considered obesity. Well, you can say one thing for Tango man, unlike our self-serving, Westminster parasites, at least the Yank administration are all in it together, the lardy arsed cunts! Just another light snack for Tango man.
  2. The prosecution rests, the leader board must go! R.I.P. Frank
  3. and

    Findlay Trigwell

    Quit trying to cover-up your lefty sympathies, you're a whiny fuck, socialist, ex-student, too old and too lazy to go out protesting, so you're on here spouting LGBT bollocks. Fuck off.
  4. and

    Findlay Trigwell

    This, from the cunt who went all snowflake for Shamina Begum. Hypocrite!
  5. and

    Joe Root

    Is that the Question of Sport after party?
  6. and

    Shamina Begum

    The poison has been removed, it's in Syria, we don't need to bring it back to Britain.
  7. I post or comment when, and on, whatever the fuck I like, I'm not in the least bit interested in descending to the bowels of your elitist leader board.
  8. and

    Shamina Begum

    I wouldn't put money on that, the whiny, apologist cunts will turn anything into a lefty sob-fest.
  9. Victoria's Secret, she kept it secret so cunts like you wouldn't come sniffing around.
  10. and

    Panorama cunts

    That cunt Blair had one objective after a couple of years in power, he wanted to be President of the EU, he's still hankering for that call up today, or else he'd be sat at home counting all the fuckin' money he's made since he left his gullible mate Gordon in charge of the sinking ship. Fuck him, fuck them, and fuck the EU, there's a place in hell for the lot of 'em! 😏
  11. I'll give you 50p for 'em.
  12. and

    Dr Victoria Bateman

    Nobody's stopping you, you're free to fuck off ASAP, you won't be missed!
  13. He's very popular at Valentines parties.
  14. Why don't you try working up a sweat to a copy of Razzle like everybody else?
  15. This silly Cambridge cunt wants a naked debate with Jacob Reece Mogg. Cambridge University's 'naked professor', Dr Victoria Bateman has challenged Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg to strip down for a Brexit debate. The fat arsed economics fellow at Gonville & Caius College tweeted about having a naked debate with the MP, saying that "the invitation is always open Jacob Rees-Mogg" Looking at her, the 'invitation' would probably be open to anyone, even Neil, and I don't think he's that desperate (though I expect he'll give his opinion if we ask him nicely) Is the world ready for naked politicians and exhibitionist old slappers cumming together on our tv screens?
  16. and

    Jordan Prickford

    You just lost your bet, hand over the money cuntwad.
  17. and

    Jordan Prickford

    What if it's a bitch, do you know any LGBT canines?
  18. and

    Liam Neeson

    Sounds like my sex life😢
  19. The EU's quite welcome to keep hold of these cunts, fuck 'em!
  20. and

    Trolley Dippers

    They have some pretty decent fruit and veg at Aldi...er...so a bloke down the pub tells me!
  21. and

    Liam Neeson

    An object lesson in how to end your movie career ignominiously.
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