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  1. and

    BBC Icons

    What about 'Sir' Bobby Moore, overcame testicular cancer to lead England to World Cup victory against a shower of EU cunts.
  2. Can you buy tinned sturgeon, and if so, who the fuck would want to eat her?
  3. 'my inner circle' Is that your ringpiece or your vagina?
  4. Why don't they make spirit free ghost stories? Then the snowflakes wouldn't get frightened.
  5. Are those the ones she ate, with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti?
  6. Cheeky cunt, I always bring a Kleenex with me.
  7. Who said anything about animal rights? I just object to deluded 'animal loving' cunts keeping them as pets, and thinking they're doing them a favour.
  8. and


    I don't give a fuck, as long as I ain't being told what to do by some garlic breathed, sausage munching, granny shagger in Brussels. Those cunts in Westminster can be dealt with later, we have the means, it's a damn sight harder to get rid of those shit barnacles over the channel.
  9. Fuck you, my problem is with 'pets' in general, animals should be free to roam, not kept in cages or houses as some excuse for lazy, fat cunts to get off their fuckin' arses and go for a walk.
  10. That was a freak of nature, a once in a millennium occurrence, don't let it spoil a good nomination, you're almost pandering to the snowflake, Guardian readers.
  11. Is it too late to say, I fuckin' hate dogs?
  12. and


    So there you have it, your vote was irrelevant, whether you voted leave or remain, that shower of self-serving parasitic cunts in Westminster get to play around with politics and do whatever the fuck they want, just remember that the next time you're invited to cast your vote, it means NOTHING!
  13. A faggots representation of punk, all image, lipstick, powder and paint, Valley of the Dolls, indeed, cunt!
  14. WTF do you expect, faggots are running the world, and when they're not their boyfriends are!
  15. That's your 'house boy' that is. So far, I've managed to avoid Sandy, she doesn't do MILF vids (unfortunately)
  16. It wasn't irony, it was honesty, they're fuckin' shite!
  17. As I said, when Bullock's name is mentioned I can usually find a wall that needs staring at, or notice that the grass is growing rather slowly.
  18. Blindfolded is probably the best way to watch any film that Sandra Bullock is involved with!
  19. And Germany, Italy, Spain etc. they can all fuck off and die. I wonder if any other EU nation has had their history diluted and manipulated by disseminating, lefty, snowflake cunts?
  20. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That cunt is punching above his weight, he's the champion of the world (unless someone knows better)
  21. That was John Hurt? I thought it was Frank!
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