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Everything posted by and

  1. Don't tell Frank he'll be slobbering at the very thought of a 'fattened cock'.
  2. and

    Stansted Airport

    Why wasn't he watching porn like every other sad loner, was he gay, like Frank?
  3. and

    Z List Personalities

    Why would he do that, he's a fuckin' puff, isn't he?
  4. I wouldn't bother coming after me, Frank, I'm not that way inclined and I have never been tempted to switch sides. If I'm still here in December I'll still be here in January (obviously if I can find the time from my busy schedule) In the meantime, Frankie, go fuck yourself, you cunt.
  5. and


    Well that's how things stand at the moment, if it changes you'll be the first to know, but don't hold your breath (on second thoughts, do hold your breath, for at least an hour, then hopefully you won't be taking any more)
  6. I was watching the news on tv last night, there was that 'alleged' rapist cunt Ronaldo scoring a goal, he then ran to the stands and exposed his midriff for some fucking obscure reason, don't know whether he was attempting to expose his winkle to some schoolgirl he had spotted in the crowd or maybe it was some sort of gay come-on for his boyfriend/manager/physio, who knows? Pervy fuckin' cunt. Strange blokes these foreign chappies I blame the EU.
  7. and

    Freight trains.

    They do run a timetable, but they don't run to a timetable! Basically you're fucked, you could be sat waiting until the other side of Xmas, but you have plenty of time on your hands, so go for it.
  8. If they intend taxing any sort of pleasure then they owe me a massive fuckin' rebate, my life's been as miserable as Morrissey's, cunts!
  9. NO, I speak form observing the bent cunts on this site.
  10. and

    Grenfell Tower

    Good, she's a useless, unfunny cunt too!
  11. and

    Burning boxes

    Grenfell 2, coming to a local cinema near you. Who fuckin' cares?
  12. and

    Grenfell Tower

    Yeah it's their own stupid fault, but it's only because some cunt snowflake reported it. I mean, I first read about it in the Metro, some snowflake claiming it's a 'hate crime'. Fuck all that, you don't get Guy Fawkes ancestors whining like that. Then I turned the page and there was a picture of an effigy of Boris Johnson holding the severed head of Theresa May, no cunt snowflake made any comment about that, fuckin' hypocrites!
  13. and

    Grenfell Tower

    You lost that auction to me 😉
  14. and


    Bollocks to that. In my fleeting moment of pleasure I don't want to be looking into the eyes of another sweaty bloke just about to lose his load out of his rapidly shrivelling bell-end. Please your fuckin' self, but another bloke's bits and pieces don't interest me in the slightest.
  15. and


    Amanda, Nick and Bob? Strikes me that any bloke who enters into a threesome with another bloke and his woman must be fuckin' queer. Two women and a man I can understand, two blokes and a woman is definitely a bit sick.
  16. You talkin' 'bout that tattoo'd cunt Blobby Williams? He has about as much talent as the Spice Slags he claimed he fucked, strange how none of 'em will admit to sucking his winkle. Mind you, the fact is both 'bands' are renowned for their gay following, faggots never have good taste in music, or anything else for that matter, must be difficult listening to music when some shirt-lifter's got a hold on your ears while slamming his bell-end into your tonsils, eh Punkers?
  17. You pig ignorant fuckwit, that there avatar is the cover of an album by The Black Crowes, in fact it's part of a cover shot from the Hustler magazine of July 1976, there's no 'man on man' about it (or is that just your fantasy?) Whatever, get you jollies here...
  18. Why don't you watch porn, like every other twat with a brain and a cock?
  19. and

    Baby Banks.

    Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!
  20. and

    Baby Banks.

    It'll only encourage the feckless trollops.
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