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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol,cancer, Limoges, Ape, Tesco's, chopper, beans, Bubba, the Welsh, vivre, lol, cancer, Limoges. There you go, your entire month's repertoire in one post. Now kindly fuck off until June, you repetitive old cunt.
  2. Good, there are too many fat cunts around as it is.
  3. I feel completely disenfranchised. As someone who holds genuine left wing sympathies with a particular emphasis on freedom of speech and conscience, I find myself completely exasperated by the censorship and hysterics of contemporary left wing politics. Positive discrimination, quotas, the militancy of the LGBT community and the subtle demonisation of white males isn't something that I wish to subscribe to. I'm all for equality and the protection of minority groups and lifestyles, but this shouldn't be at the expense of freedom of thought and expression.
  4. It's not an isolated incident, and there is an endemic lackadaisical approach towards tenants rights within the HA's that I mainly deal with. Even so, I don't advocate the wholesale transfer of housing stock based upon a few patches of damp. Call me a Bennite, socialist, Corbynist or whatever watchword for someone with left wing sympathies is currently in vogue. I 100% believe that social housing should be the responsibility of democratically elected local authorities with full accountability, and not left in the hands of Housing Associations masquerading as registered charities. As for the LA you are referring to, if it is who I believe you are talking about, then my opinion is just as low as yours.
  5. Decimus

    flying rats

    You'll have to forgive Stubby. He is under the impression that he is some sort of David Attenborough, when in reality he's more like Chris Packham, the stupid, little autistic cunt.
  6. You're hardly Sir Isaac Newton either, Neil. I imagine that the extent of your mathematical talent is counting on your fat fucking sausage fingers how many wanks you've had in a day.
  7. You'll no doubt be aware of Broadland Housing Association, who laughably operate as a registered charity. I know of a tenant who reported a leak in their bathroom in October 2017. Fast forward through torrential rain and "The Beast From The East", come April, despite numerous reports to their maintenance team, absolutely fuck all had been done. The assurances of several higher level figures in management were worth about as much as the super strength cider you regularly down before posting on here. The property suffered from mould, water damage and decay, through no fault of the tenants you so disparage, but as a result of the mismanagement of useless cunts like you. If you happen to manage their estates and have the audacity to moan about tenants complaining about issues that you have a contractural duty to resolve, the only letter of resignation you need to sign is your own. HA's and their staff are absolute fucking scum and are responsible for the neglect and nigh on ghettoisation of areas of Norfolk that were far more effectively managed by LA housing staff.
  8. This is Drew we're talking about, the rat-faced, bungalow dwelling cunt hasn't risen higher than sea level since he last managed to get his cock up in 1974. Lol.
  9. Thank fucking God someone has finally mentioned the EU after four pages of relevant and interesting debate. I for one totally agree that the subject should be shoehorned into every single thread, regardless of relavancy, as I haven't heard nearly enough about it in recent Corner history. You boring fucking wanker.
  10. Part of my work includes housing and the majority of people in social housing these days have accrued substantial arrears on their rent and have no capital to buy even if this was offered to them. If they can't or won't pay subsidised cheap rent the last thing this country needs is to give them mortgages that they will undoubtedly default on. The simple answer would be for the government to encourage and provide the resources for local authorities to build more council houses. Unfortunately there isn't the political will, and even if there was, there is no money to fund this. I don't know how the housing issue can be solved, state intervention has pros and cons and the current situation obviously isn't working either.
  11. Your Victorian notions of the deserving and undeserving poor aside, do you then think that it's right that after a lifetime of sitting on their arse, an old cunt is then rewarded at 65 with treble the amount of government handouts? Because the one's getting it are invariably the people who automatically migrate from JSA to Pension Credit after years of doing absolutely jack fucking shit, you stupid fucking cunt. I'm glad you're not in charge of the economy, it's fucked enough as it is from subsidising your arthritic friends. Let you loose with the budget and it'd be free bungalows and a grand a week for any cunt with incontinence and a Jack Russell.
  12. Rangers? Weren't they the biggest team in Scotland at one point? I don't think much of that new club, Sevco FC. For pure balance, I fucking hate Celtic as well. I'm a Hearts man all the way.
  13. What about deporting all the blacks? Or appointing Monumental Cunt as chancellor of the exchequer?
  14. I agree that younger people need to be helped in some way or form, but to give them £10,000 each is a ridiculous notion. All that will happen is that the average price of a house will shoot up by ten k as there is absolutely no way a government in this country would ever be willing to heavily regulate the property market in such a way that the resultant flood of this proposed capital would have no effect on house prices.
  15. Old cunts have been riding the gravy train for far too long and need to make a greater contribution to the next generation. They've had the advantages of final salary pensions and low property prices, plus a myriad of other fortuitous financial circumstances, which has left them sitting pretty. Why should they all get free bus passes and TV licences without any sort of means testing? Give free bus passes to young people on low wages to make work a more attractive prospect. And as for scrounging, even when it comes to welfare young people are unfairly discriminated against. If you are aged between 16 and 24 and are single, government means tested benefits state that you need £57.90 per week to live on. If you are over 65 and single, this rockets to £176.40. So even feckless old cunts who haven't saved for their retirement or had the gilt-edged fiscal luck of their generation still cream it in. Why the fuck does some piss soaked, dementia riddled old cunt who never leaves their house, need or deserve more than three times the amount of income to live than a young active person? They don't, they get it and every fucking thing else they want because they vote. It's about time someone had the bollocks to speak out against the blue rinse voting bloc, and I for one hope that they get absolutely fucking stung.
  16. Decimus


    Well, you did go to a catholic school.
  17. Decimus


    One of life's biggest ironies is that the largest proportion of Jews gassed during the holocaust were Ashkenazis. lol
  18. Decimus


    Everyone involved in, appearing in, and watching this shit should be flogged and hanged by the neck until dead. Fucking perverted freaks.
  19. If we're playing that Godawful fucking game, it should surely be Fliddy Spacker. Lol
  20. Decimus


    Here he is, the Wolf of Wall Street! I take it that Mein Kampf wasn't available in The Cooler's library and that you have had to make do with Maynard Keynes for the past 28 days? I don't come here for financial advice, especially from a pig shit fucking wanker with more fleas than brain cells. Fuck off, you dirty northern tramp.
  21. It's absolutely shit. Constant badgering to "stop being miserable and come and sit outside", as if the garden doesn't exist any other day of the fucking year. Like Christmas, you're expected to automatically enjoy a bank holiday purely because you're not at work slowly dying like every other day of the year. Shove your frivolity up your fucking arse.
  22. A fucking travesty and a miscarriage of justice. Do you know what it's all about? Everything? Punk fucking rockers.
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