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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. I hope for posterity's sake that his walls will remain silent and that the only reminder that the useless cunt ever polluted this earth with his gay-jeaned presence will be a dusty wig growing cobwebs in a cancer charity shop.
  2. Hopefully she'll burn in Hell alongside her terrorist ex-husband. I hated that lionised, old Shaka Zulu cunt more than I did her
  3. This sort of shit was funny once, mainly due to the shock value. However, as with everything else you post, you've rehashed it to fucking death and now it just comes across as tired, stale, and a little bit crass. Here's the Rocky theme tune, watch it on an infinite loop and forget to eat or drink. Fucking boring cunt.
  4. Decimus

    April cunts

    Awful. Fuck off.
  5. Do your own research you lazy fat cunt. Winston Churchill is one such example. What I'm saying is, there are rational and intelligent people who have claimed to have experienced a ghost sighting, and I'd believe their testimony over the complete dismissal of a thick as fuck, lecherous Transit van driver like yourself. Besides, as has been pointed out, no one is saying that what people see are the souls of the deceased, so try and keep up if you're moulding yourself into the corner's answer to James Randi.
  6. Agreed. It's easy enough to ridicule due to its supernatural connotations, but I believe episodes like Eric's and other sightings of "ghosts" have an entirely natural explanation that we just don't understand yet. No spirits of the deceased involved, just an aspect of science that remains beyond human comprehension to explain.
  7. Your friends with Frank? Alfie, I thought you had more class than that. I could buy the nuclear engineer bit, but even for April Fools day it's too far a stretch of the imagination that anyone could be fond of that gangly faggot.
  8. The only thing that you know about arses is how to talk out of one, so take your quack fucking analysis and shove it up your own. Bullshitting fantasist cunt.
  9. Agreed. I used to enjoy Frank's infrequent appearances. Now he just pops up every three weeks, rehashes some shit Rocky video then fucks off again. Utterly pointless in every conceivable way.
  10. I think that you're both a pair of bullshitting cunts. The difference is, she's far, far better at it than you.
  11. I'm not so sure. I don't necessarily think that whatever a ghost is, it could be classed as a disembodied spirit of a previously living person. I do believe in the stone tape theory though, as open as that probably leaves me to ridicule. It makes sense and would fit in with the aspects of most sightings i.e. repetetive, non-responsive, partially visible etc. Plus it gives it a natural explanation as opposed to a supernatural one. Far too many credible people have seen what they claim to be a ghost for it to all be bollocks.
  12. Never mind LCS and his laissez-faire attitude towards the Hippocratic oath, the NHS can't even master the simple basics of hygiene, let alone deal with thousands of worried queers wanting fingers shoved up their arses Have you ever had the misfortune to work at the James Paget Hospital in Gorleston? When my grandfather was ill, I paid him a visit there after work. Needing a wicked shit first, I went to use the bog, and as I was going in, a cleaner was coming out after finishing his attempts to tart it up and clean it. No sooner had I set my cheeks down on the shitter then I notice that the walls of the cubicle are smeared in dry shit. If something as blatant as this is left uncleaned then it's no fucking wonder the place is full of MRSA. It should be burnt to the fucking ground with all the hapless staff still inside it.
  13. I nominate more than the majority, actually, and when I do they are well received, unlike your shit which results in you getting a battering for page after page. I don't just knock out the first shit that comes into my head after reading the Daily Express, which is obviously your issue. I would also say that at least 50% of your drivel is repeat bollocks that has been done better by someone else, like this very nom itself. Quality over quantity, you thick fucking cunt.
  14. Decimus

    Bill Maynard

    I'm not joking when I say that I genuinely believed that he died 15 years ago. Where's his 'Heartbeat' now, the hairy fat cunt? Lol
  15. It's a bank holiday so I imagine that R-Soles' spastic hostel is running on skeleton staff. They can't be expected to change his nappy and read and relay posts to him.
  16. Stop liking his posts, you odious fucking toad. When you finally do us all a favour and die of your peculiarly slow and lazy form of cancer, the cunt will still be sticking around boring the rest of us to death because you have given him the impression that what he posts isn't a load of absolute fucking shit. @Monumental cunt just to clear it up for you, nothing you have ever posted has been worth the time that you spent smashing it out with your fliddy hands on your spastic computer. Now fuck off, the pair of you.
  17. I imagine that the only business you have ever "ripped off" is Poundland. You nicked a pack of rizlas last Thursday during your night shift stacking yo-yos and water pistols and now you think you're the Wolf of fucking Wall Street. Fuck off.
  18. Reported to your local council for excess capital.
  19. Snowie, I'm fucking livid. The first rule of clique club is to never ever fucking ever deviate from my opinions. I don't care if that opinion is regarding Brexit or the best ever Tom Selleck movie. If you are not sure about what my stance on a subject is, you PM me to find out. What you never do, under any fucking circumstance, is have an opinion of your own. This ain't the fucking Tufty Club, you're an elite now, son.
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