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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. It was pretty decent, a solid eight out of ten, although I wasn't too keen on Mark Hamill vanishing into thin air and I thought they could have used it to kill off Carrie Fisher as she's dead in the real world. I also want one of those puffin things.
  2. Saw this utter fucking shite with my eldest last night. Yet another example of Hollywood trying to shoehorn "strong female roles" into genres with an established male fan base. Full of women doing the "right thing" and men acting like silly cunts. Might as well rename it fucking Bra Wars and get that faggot cunt Paul Feig to direct the next instalment.
  3. I can imagine that you pictured this as your big moment, Mr. P. Bursting forth from the shadows champing at a pedant's bit. Far from being your "Battle Hymn of the Republic" heralded entry to the top table dining club, you've failed to even summon the most base of Corner scum. If Fender hasn't popped up to support you with a poorly constructed diatribe on how all criminals should be soundly thrashed then executed, you just know that your effort to play to the cheap seats has been an utter fucking disaster. Shame on you, I thought that you were better than this.
  4. Now look what you've gone and made me do, a Dingesque multi-quote extravafuckinganza. You completely ignored the part regarding incarceration rates in favour of being a pedant. These are substantially higher in countries that are more willing to lock up their prisoners and leave them to rot, proving it's fuck all of a deterrent. Explain that if you may? As for capital punishment for crimes such as murder, this is also fuck all of a deterrent, as evidenced by the murder rate in the USA. My point is that statistics prove that rehabilitation is more effective at controlling prison population size than pure retribution. I don't really give a fuck about where the government chooses to spunk its tax revenues, only that if it spent it on reforming the penal system we could reduce incarceration levels plus the associated costs. So at the risk of sounding rude, you can shove your irrelevant right wing bollocks about immigrants up your arse. Apart from cost implications, you can't really defend the current system as it clearly doesn't fucking work, so don't obfuscate the fact you have no viable alternative by spouting more of your Daily Mail bollocks. I'm afraid I don't know who you are?
  5. Absolute fucking shite as per usual. Rehabilitation is far more effective than retribution. The Scandinavian penal model has been incredibly successful in rehabilitating their criminal population and cutting second offence rates. Compared to the UK, Sweden is actually closing prison facilities due to lack of necessity, and Norway has an incarceration rate of 75 per 100 000 people compared to the UK at 145 per 100 000 and the USA at 707 per 100 000. Draconian sentences and/or death penalties are not effective as deterrents, and if they were, could someone please explain why countries that utilise them have far higher incarceration and capital punishment rates than nations that do not? It's all very well and good getting red faced and apoplectic with rage whilst reading a Daily Mail article about a poppy seller getting a kicking from a heroin addict, but if this country was less reactive in its dealings with felons we wouldn't have anywhere near as many to start off with.
  6. Stubby, my friend, I've just had a wonderful weekend. Saturday afternoon was spent enjoying roast beef at Simpson's in the Strand, followed by an evening at Ronnie Scott's, then on to The Swan at Lavenham for Sunday luncheon, a spa and three hours of anal with Mrs. D. How was your chicken doner and the 'Strictly' final?
  7. StupidfuckingPecker likes this. Lol Idiot.
  8. That's enough about your cavernous, slack cunt for one evening, thank you.
  9. Pen, I imagine that you smell like the bottom of a hooker's handbag. The festering stench of 18 month old, half-chewed gum mixed with the heady aroma of a couple of hastily concealed stillbirths. You make me fucking sick.
  10. I wish you'd do a Rod Hull, although I doubt that the impact of falling five foot off of the turf roof of your crofter's shack would do that much damage.
  11. Pen, don't take this the wrong way but you're absolutely fucking shite.
  12. Well, Wolfe Tone was a protestant so it would be churlish of me to hold this against you. I'll be watching you, though. Cascarino cunt.
  13. Lose, not loose, you thick pants-wetting spastic. I hardly think that you going absolutely crazy then melting down and crying to the mods like some sort of pathetic child constitutes any sort of victory. Especially as you were then coolered yourself for being an interminable bore. Snitches get stitches, Ssssstubby.
  14. Decimus

    Mary Poppins

    Or Ted Heath a nonce? Wasn't there some sort of bollocks conspiracy theory about Wilson being a KGB agent?
  15. 0:59 to 1:02.
  16. I've actually had a 2mg bar of Xanax tonight, plus a bottle of red wine, a quarter of a tab of acid this morning and I'm about to spark up a two skin. Even taking all this into account, I'm still more coherent and entertaining than you'll ever be sober. Do you some drugs, you illiterate boring wanker. Who knows, you might make me laugh one day.
  17. I would have rewarded this post with a like if even 1% of me suspected that you were being ironic. However, taking into account your personal history as a thick fucking cunt, it's almost certain that you would be dense enough to criticise a post for being indecipherable, only to then post a load of rambling bollocks that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. You stupid, stupid, stupid, fucking wanker.
  18. Forgive me, but I'm not the one who comes on here offering out fights in the real world like some sort of pathetic 12 year old. You really do need to grow up, you thick man-child. Now fuck off, everyone, including Stubby, has contributed and stayed on topic today, and yet here you are again disrupting the site. Troll cunt.
  19. It was the whole Dad thing that did it for me. I quite like the idea of you adding a comedy sidekick to your repertoire, but I'm sad to say that the old cunt just didn't cut it. Have you thought about hiring a dwarf?
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