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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus

    Rural Policing

    You stupid cunt, in Norfolk we know exactly what to do when a gyppo breaks in to our property.
  2. Decimus

    Rural Policing

    A typical racist cunt. Quite willing to give it the biggun online and down the pub with his cretinous skinhead mates, boasting about how he'd pavement-stomp any ethnic minority that so much as dared to make eye contact with him. When it came down to it though, you absolutely shat yourself and hid upstairs whilst your house was ransacked, then have the audacity to blame the police for you not having the bottle to defend your own property. No doubt you were down the pub the next day boasting that you single handedly beat the shit out of the gyppo home invaders, to "teach the dirty cunts that an Englishman's home is his castle". You spineless fucking worm.
  3. Surely even an incredibly thick spastic like you wouldn't believe that you could be identified by declaring how much you are worth. Even Bawsey couldn't track you down if you'd just be so bold to utter "Decs, I'm worth £73.10, but only when my weekly JSA gets paid in on Monday."
  4. How much are you worth, P? I don't think you've ever clarified beyond stating some shite about an inheritance. You can't go around the site swinging your maggot back and forth and calling people peasants without actually providing a back story. Give me some details, you horrible little faggot.
  5. Decimus

    Meghan Markle

    You think that this website is liberal? Fuck me. Either you don't understand the definition of the word liberal, which is entirely possible as you are a thick fucking cunt, or you're so far to the right that even Anders Breivik thinks you take things too far.
  6. The greasiest cunt to grace the field since Maradona. It's no wonder he slips through defences with the ease of lubricated pig, he's so oily no centre-half can stick to him.
  7. You've done it now, Jigs. As if the veil between this world and the next wasn't thin enough as it is tonight, now I fear you've definitely summonsed Roops out of her South-Walian Gold diggers palace. Cue a haggard, ginger, kelpie like creature screeching through the halls of The Corner as it pronounces some otherworldly technobabble as the ectoplasm of a thousand middle-managers drips down its equine chin.
  8. Decimus

    Kevin Spacey

    I've long suspected the same thing about you.
  9. Despite numerous NHS campaigns and the Brexit related weakening of the pound, it still appears that parents are beefing up their little darlings in an effort to induce early heart disease. One could argue that it is ethical and will help to alleviate a future pension crisis, but in the here and now, I don't appreciate fat little cunts smearing my door with pudgy, sausage fingers as they howl like enraged walruses whilst demanding sugar with menaces.
  10. Indeed. All this #Metoo bollocks doing the rounds on Facecunt and twatter at the moment perfectly highlights the peculiar sensitivity of the 21st century bird. Genuine examples of sexual abuse interspersed with anecdotes from hysterical women who think that the definition of rape is a man having the audacity to walk within 50 metres of them on a dark night. Even professional-Jew and media darling Adam Sandler is now being labeled a predator for innocently placing a paw on some tart's knee whilst appearing on The Graham Faggot Show. All that third wave feminism is doing is making men angry, and when men get angry they're statistically more likely to want to rape. Let the smashing of the back doors commence.
  11. I think in actual fact I was pointing out that Brexit would not improve the life of the average manual labouring, low IQ idiot who was stupid enough to vote to leave the EU in the first place. As I'm not a spasticated twat bedecked in a hi-vis vest, I was in fact playing devil's advocate when describing the absolute mess that Brexit will enforce on our industrial sector of society. You lost this one, badly, and you should have read what I posted below before deciding to pipe up tonight. "As for being parochial and insular, I was playing devil's advocate if you actually read my posts. I was demonstrating that the government will not start magically acting with the best interests of British manufacturing at heart just because we are leaving Europe. Anyone who believes that is an utter idiot."
  12. That was a good one. Her staunch argument that industrial deregulation following withdrawal from the EU would benefit the British economy and its manual workers by allowing the country to be flooded by cheap Chinese imports. I think even Farage would have changed his stance on Brexit if he was reading such a shambolic defence of his dream.
  13. You provide the saddle and I'll tame the shrewish cunt.
  14. Don't forget clipboard, flounce and an obligatory . Hairy old cunt.
  15. I've read through shite on both sides of this argument, and I don't mind admitting that absolutely none of it makes any fucking sense to me. One cunt appears to like watching ships, and another cunt doesn't like how he professes to watch these ships. It's the worst fucking saga in corner history and makes the Chinese steel debate seem as interesting and lively as the Frost/Nixon tapes. Fender, shut your fucking trap and write something about raping nuns. Quincy, put down the nose bag and give me Yacht III, you Zoopla obsessed slag.
  16. Big white chief Quincy whip's Fender like a dog.
  17. LMC, I'm pissed out of my fucking skull and I've taken an intense dislike to you. If you're struggling to understand the implications of this, let's just say that your days here are fucking numbered. Pack up your fucking troubles in your old kit bag and get the fuck off of my site, you Nye Bevan loving, Chairman Mao looking yellow cunt.
  18. I picture him more like some sort of terrifyingly decrepit prowler. Shuffling through the bocage in his hospital gown, sagging arse exposed to the wind, slowly dragging along his hospital drip. Sniffing into the wind in the desperate hope that he'll catch the scent of an unsupervised avian treat, endlessly being chased from one chicken coop to the next with his shrivelled maggot covered in blood, feathers and beak wounds.
  19. As long as it's still on the other side of the fucking channel I'm just peachy with it.
  20. This is how it's done, you fucking slag.
  21. If you've been to Rugby then the chances are that you've also experienced Nuneaton. If that's the case, I suggest you immediately edit the above post and replace those three Celtic shit-pits with our very own Midlands Beirut.
  22. This is too Norfolk even for me. Fuck off.
  23. Decimus

    Small Print

    I assume that you were fed this quite interesting fact at the end of Stephen Fry's enraged and engorged cock, you horrible old faggot?
  24. There's a pretty little thing, Waiting for The Ding, Down in the Jungle gym.
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